Publicación: Efectos de la Gamificación TIC en la Enseñanza del Inglés en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Facultad de Filología
La creciente falta de interés de muchos alumnos por el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en los centros educativos públicos se ha hecho más palpable en estos últimos años. De ahí la necesidad de incursionar en metodologías más activas e inclusivas que propicien un adecuado desarrollo de las distintas competencias lingüísticas. En el presente estudio exploramos los efectos de la gamificación TIC en el aprendizaje del inglés en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Para ello, nos hemos marcado dos objetivos centrales que son: analizar el impacto de la gamificación en la motivación del alumnado en las clases de inglés y el impacto en el desarrollo de las destrezas lingüísticas listening, reading, writing y speaking. Para verificar el nivel de desarrollo de dichas destrezas, llevamos a cabo una unidad didáctica gamificada con un curso de 1º ESO y utilizamos las aplicaciones TIC de EVAGD, y H5P. La comprobación de las hipótesis de investigación se realizó siguiendo un diseño cuasi-experimental tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo de corte transversal. Después de validar las hipótesis, concluimos que la gamificación TIC efectivamente ha potenciado la motivación del alumnado hacia el aprendizaje del inglés, pero no se ha producido ninguna mejora estadísticamente significativa en relación con el desarrollo de las destrezas lingüísticas antes mencionadas. No obstante, hemos constatado una mejora sustancial de las competencias digitales y sociales tales como: la resolución de problemas, el trabajo colaborativo y la toma de decisiones.
The growing lack of interest of many students in learning the English language in public schools has become more evident in recent years. Hence the need to venture into more active and inclusive methodologies that promote an adequate development of the different linguistic competences. In the present study, we explore the effects of gamification mediated by ICT in the learning of English in Compulsory Secondary Education. To do this, we have set two central objectives: to analyze the impact of gamification on the student motivation for the English classes and the impact of it on the development of listening, reading, writing and speaking language skills. To verify the level of development of these skills, we carried out a gamified didactic unit with a 1st ESO course and used the ICT applications EVAGD, and H5P. The verification of the research hypotheses was carried out following a cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative quasi-experimental design. After validating the hypotheses, we conclude that gamification mediated by ICT has effectively enhanced the students' motivation to learn English, but there has been no statistically significant improvement in relation to the development of the aforementioned language skills. Despite this, we have found a substantial improvement in digital and social skills such as: problem solving, collaborative work and decision making.
The growing lack of interest of many students in learning the English language in public schools has become more evident in recent years. Hence the need to venture into more active and inclusive methodologies that promote an adequate development of the different linguistic competences. In the present study, we explore the effects of gamification mediated by ICT in the learning of English in Compulsory Secondary Education. To do this, we have set two central objectives: to analyze the impact of gamification on the student motivation for the English classes and the impact of it on the development of listening, reading, writing and speaking language skills. To verify the level of development of these skills, we carried out a gamified didactic unit with a 1st ESO course and used the ICT applications EVAGD, and H5P. The verification of the research hypotheses was carried out following a cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative quasi-experimental design. After validating the hypotheses, we conclude that gamification mediated by ICT has effectively enhanced the students' motivation to learn English, but there has been no statistically significant improvement in relation to the development of the aforementioned language skills. Despite this, we have found a substantial improvement in digital and social skills such as: problem solving, collaborative work and decision making.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
gamificación, EVAGD, TIC, motivación, inglés, juego, metodología, gamification, motivation, English, game, methodology, ICT
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Filología
Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas