Suborganismal responses of the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius to polyethylene microplastics

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Freshwater riverbeds are a major repository of microplastics (MPs) from inland activities. Benthic macroinvertebrates that live in close contact with sediments seem to ingest a considerable amount of such plastic particles. The effects of MPs on life-history traits are relatively well-known, but the suborganismal mechanisms underlying such effects remain unclear. This study addressed the potential effects of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) MPs Freshwater riverbeds are a major repository of microplastics (MPs) from inland activities. Benthic macroinvertebrates that live in close contact with sediments seem to ingest a considerable amount of such plastic particles. The effects of MPs on life-history traits are relatively well-known, but the suborganismal mechanisms underlying such effects remain unclear. This study addressed the potential effects of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) MPs on Chironomus riparius larvae at cellular and molecular levels. Fourth instar C. riparius larvae were exposed to 0.025 and 2.5 g/kg LDPE of dry sediment (sizes: <32 and 32–45 μm; with irregular shape) under laboratory conditions for 48 h. These short-term exposures to environmental concentrations of LDPE MPs induced changes in the energy reserves (mostly by decreasing carbohydrates and increasing lipids), increased antioxidant and detoxification responses (tGSH, CAT, and GST), and induced increases in the activity of AChE (related to neurotransmission). In addition, at the gene level, exposure to MPs modified mRNA levels of InR, Dis, EcR, Dronc, Met (endocrine system), Def (immune system), PARP, ATM, NLK, and Decay (DNA repair), generating important alterations in the C. riparius development and response to unfavorable situations. This study provides new evidence of the effects of LDPE MPs at the suborganismal level, filling the gap in knowledge regarding the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of MPs and spotlighting gene expression analyses as early indicators of MP toxicity in C. riparius which were confirmed by Integrated biomarker response analyses highlighting the gene expression as sensible and useful endpoints for LPDE pollution in freshwaters. These results, coupled with previous investigations on responses at the organismal level, emphasizes the potential adverse effects of LDPE MPs on C. riparius, which may compromise freshwater benthic communities, considering its ecological role within these habitats. on Chironomus riparius larvae at cellular and molecular levels. Fourth instar C. riparius larvae were exposed to 0.025 and 2.5 g/kg LDPE of dry sediment (sizes: <32 and 32–45 μm; with irregular shape) under laboratory conditions for 48 h. These short-term exposures to environmental concentrations of LDPE MPs induced changes in the energy reserves (mostly by decreasing carbohydrates and increasing lipids), increased antioxidant and detoxification responses (tGSH, CAT, and GST), and induced increases in the activity of AChE (related to neurotrans-mission). In addition, at the gene level, exposure to MPs modified mRNA levels of InR, Dis, EcR, Dronc, Met (endocrine system), Def (immune system), PARP, ATM, NLK, and Decay (DNA repair), generating important alterations in the C. riparius development and response to unfavorable situations. This study provides new evidence of the effects of LDPE MPs at the suborganismal level, filling the gap in knowledge regarding the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of MPs and spotlighting gene expression analyses as early indicators of MP toxicity in C. riparius which were confirmed by Integrated biomarker response analyses highlighting the gene expression as sensible and useful endpoints for LPDE pollution in freshwaters. These results, coupled with previous investigations on responses at the organismal level, emphasizes the potential adverse effects of LDPE MPs on C. riparius, which may compromise freshwater benthic communities, considering its ecological role within these habitats.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
plastic pollution, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicity, molecular response, aquatic insects
Ana-Belén Muñiz-González, Carlos J.M. Silva, Ana L. Patricio Silva, Diana Campos, João L.T. Pestana, José-Luis Martínez-Guitarte, Suborganismal responses of the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius to polyethylene microplastics, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 783, 2021, 146981, ISSN 0048-9697,
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
Física Matemática y de Fluídos
Grupo de investigación
Grupo de innovación
Programa de doctorado