Publicación: Los procesos formativos en los momentos de autoorganización colectiva. Cartografía de una experiencia
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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Educación
En esta tesis se aborda la experiencia concreta de organización colectiva que fue la Cooperativa Integral Catalana. En ella se analizan, a partir de las transformaciones sociales de los últimos años, los procesos formativos que se dan el los momentos de autoorganización colectiva y despliegue de estrategias para afrontar la(s) crisis. Siguiendo esta línea constatamos que las acciones, prácticas y modos de hacer producen espacio- tiempos de aprendizaje colectivo donde se generan saberes y conocimientos propios que no son acumulativos, lineales, ni continuos, por el contrario, son abigarrados, dispersos e incluso muchas veces contradictorios. Consideramos que estas experiencias son formativas en tanto fuente de subjetividad, singularidad y pluralidad, por ello, decimos además que poseen potencial transformador pues constituyen subjetivamente a las personas que participan en ellas. A nivel metodológico esta tesis está conformada por el análisis de situaciones de la vida cotidiana en forma de pequeños relatos que permiten ir armando el mapa de la experiencia donde emergen preguntas y conceptos que consideramos importantes para una pedagogía que pretenda ser transformadora. La novedad de este trabajo es analizar la dimensión político-pedagógica, un ámbito que, si bien ha sido la base de las experiencias y teorizaciones de las últimas décadas del siglo XX en Educación Popular, en nuestra región no ha sido lo suficientemente tratado ni actualizado en relación a los nuevos protagonismos sociales.
This thesis explores the specific experience of collective organisation that was the Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC). Using recent social transformations as a point of departure, it analyses the learning processes that occur in moments of collective self-organisation and deployment of strategies to confront financial crisis/crises. Hence, we find that actions, practices, and ways of doing things produce collective learning space- times in which times knowledge and know-how are generated; disjointed, scattered, and often contradictory, this knowledge and know-how is non-cumulative, non-linear, and non-continuous. We argue that these experiences are educational ones in as much as they are a source of subjectivity, singularity, and plurality, and as such have the potential to transform because they are subjectively constituted by the people who participate in them. At the methodological level this thesis focuses on the analysis of everyday situations in the form of short stories that allow us to create a map of the experience in which issues and concepts that we consider significant for a teaching method that strives to be transformative emerge. This thesis takes a new approach by analysing the political and educational dimension, an area which, despite serving as the foundation of popular education experiences and theories of the late 20th century, has not been sufficiently studied or updated in our region in relation to the new social players.
This thesis explores the specific experience of collective organisation that was the Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC). Using recent social transformations as a point of departure, it analyses the learning processes that occur in moments of collective self-organisation and deployment of strategies to confront financial crisis/crises. Hence, we find that actions, practices, and ways of doing things produce collective learning space- times in which times knowledge and know-how are generated; disjointed, scattered, and often contradictory, this knowledge and know-how is non-cumulative, non-linear, and non-continuous. We argue that these experiences are educational ones in as much as they are a source of subjectivity, singularity, and plurality, and as such have the potential to transform because they are subjectively constituted by the people who participate in them. At the methodological level this thesis focuses on the analysis of everyday situations in the form of short stories that allow us to create a map of the experience in which issues and concepts that we consider significant for a teaching method that strives to be transformative emerge. This thesis takes a new approach by analysing the political and educational dimension, an area which, despite serving as the foundation of popular education experiences and theories of the late 20th century, has not been sufficiently studied or updated in our region in relation to the new social players.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Educación
Grupo de investigación
Grupo de innovación
Programa de doctorado
Programa de doctorado en educación