Publicación: Entorno de desarrollo de Bots basados en ontologías para la moderación de debates: Desarrollo de un Bot para moderar debates de carácter político
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Actualmente vivimos en una sociedad en constante cambio, con grandes avances que se producen a una velocidad mayor a la que estaban acostumbradas las sociedades de generaciones anteriores. Estos cambios han generado profundas alteraciones en un sistema político-social que parecía funcionar hasta ahora. En las últimas décadas, movimientos sociales emergidos por todo el mundo y una vertiginosa evolución de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han irrumpido para incorporar nuevas herramientas democráticas que fomentan la participación de la ciudadanía en política. Este proyecto partirá sobre la idea de un Trabajo de Fin de Grado realizado en 2015; “Demo- Critics, Aplicación Android de participación política con edición colaborativa en tiempo real”. El propósito de este proyecto fue incentivar la participación política de la ciudadanía a través de una aplicación que permite visualizar programas electorales, analizar y valorar propuestas, debatir, etcétera. Partiendo del contexto de DemoCritics, se plantea el objetivo de extender su funcionalidad utilizando tecnologías inteligentes basadas en la web semántica, posibilitando un uso diferente al que aportan otras herramientas de participación ciudadana. Este objetivo se concreta en el desarrollo de un bot que realice tareas básicas de moderación de debates en un contexto electoral, y que sea capaz de extraer y utilizar la información de una ontología política para centrar los debates de los usuarios, extraer información de textos específicos o realizar otras tareas requeridas por los usuarios para enriquecer el debate. Como resultado del proyecto se proponen una arquitectura y plataforma de desarrollo de bots moderadores de debates basados en ontologías, reutilizable en diferentes dominios de debate. Asimismo se desarrollan una ontología en el dominio de la política, y un bot moderador de debates políticos, DemoCriticsBot, basado en la arquitectura y plataforma antes mencionados. DemoCriticsBot utiliza la API desarrollada por Telegram, la aplicación de mensajería instantánea para dispositivos móviles. Estará encargado de realizar las tareas principales de un moderador para desarrollar un debate político. Asimismo podrá ofrecer cierta información a poner en valor sobre temas relacionados con el debate seleccionado, dando la posibilidad a los usuarios de consultar textos, noticias o gráficos de actualidad pertinentes. Este chat bot inteligente dará un enfoque, inviable hasta ahora, a las herramientas de participación ciudadana, gracias a la utilización de técnicas de inteligencia artificial y, en particular, tecnologías de la web semántica.
Today we live in a changing society, with breakthroughs occurring at a faster rate to which they were accustomed societies from previous generations. These changes have led to profound disruptions happen in a political and social system that seemed to work so far. In re - cent decades, social movements emerged throughout the world and the fast pace evolution of information and communications technologies provided new tools that encourage democratic participation of citizens in politics. This project starts from the main idea of a final degree project completed on 2015; “Demo - Critics, Android real time collaborative editing political participation app”. This project's purpose is to encourage citizenship to political participation using an application that makes possible to read electoral programs, analyze and evaluate different proposals, discuss, etc. Based on “DemoCritics” context, we will attempt to extend its functionality using intelligent technologies based on semantic web, which will enable a different use to the ones that other citizenship participation tools provide. We will focus on creating a bot able to perform basic debating moderating tasks in an electoral context. The bot will be able to extract and use information from a political ontology in order to focus user discussions, extract information from specific texts and perform other tasks required by users to improve the discussion. This project's result is an architecture and platform for developing discussion moderator bots based on ontologies, reusable in different contexts of discussion. Likewise an ontology in the domain of politics and a bot moderator of political debates, DemoCriticsBot, based on the aforementioned architecture and platform, are also developed . DemoCriticsBot makes use of the API developed by Telegram, the instant messaging application for mobile devices. This bot will carry out moderator main tasks needed for a political debate to develop. Also, this bot may provide certain valuable information about topics related to the selected topic, improving discussion level and enabling users to consult texts, news and news charts related. This smart chat bot will provide a different, not feasible until now, approach from the ones used in other citizenship participation tools so far, due to the use of artificial intelligence and particularly semantic web technologies.
Today we live in a changing society, with breakthroughs occurring at a faster rate to which they were accustomed societies from previous generations. These changes have led to profound disruptions happen in a political and social system that seemed to work so far. In re - cent decades, social movements emerged throughout the world and the fast pace evolution of information and communications technologies provided new tools that encourage democratic participation of citizens in politics. This project starts from the main idea of a final degree project completed on 2015; “Demo - Critics, Android real time collaborative editing political participation app”. This project's purpose is to encourage citizenship to political participation using an application that makes possible to read electoral programs, analyze and evaluate different proposals, discuss, etc. Based on “DemoCritics” context, we will attempt to extend its functionality using intelligent technologies based on semantic web, which will enable a different use to the ones that other citizenship participation tools provide. We will focus on creating a bot able to perform basic debating moderating tasks in an electoral context. The bot will be able to extract and use information from a political ontology in order to focus user discussions, extract information from specific texts and perform other tasks required by users to improve the discussion. This project's result is an architecture and platform for developing discussion moderator bots based on ontologies, reusable in different contexts of discussion. Likewise an ontology in the domain of politics and a bot moderator of political debates, DemoCriticsBot, based on the aforementioned architecture and platform, are also developed . DemoCriticsBot makes use of the API developed by Telegram, the instant messaging application for mobile devices. This bot will carry out moderator main tasks needed for a political debate to develop. Also, this bot may provide certain valuable information about topics related to the selected topic, improving discussion level and enabling users to consult texts, news and news charts related. This smart chat bot will provide a different, not feasible until now, approach from the ones used in other citizenship participation tools so far, due to the use of artificial intelligence and particularly semantic web technologies.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
política, democracia, participación ciudadana, Bots, ontologías, web semántica, elecciones, debates, programas electorales, Inteligencia Artificial, extracción de Información, procesamiento de lenguaje natural, politics, democracy, citizen participation
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
Inteligencia Artificial