Publicación: La Audiencia de México y el gobierno de Nueva España a través de las instrucciones y memorias de los virreyes novohispanos (siglos XVI y XVII)
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España. Ministerio de Justicia
La documentación virreinal novohispana constituye una fuente única y original para conocer, de primera mano y con detalle, la realidad cotidiana del gobierno colo- nial de la América hispana. El estudio de esos documentos podría clarificar una cues- tión controvertida del gobierno indiano: las labores extrajudiciales desempeñadas por la Audiencia de México durante el gobierno de la Casa de Austria. Y es que, aunque todas las instrucciones entregadas a los virreyes recogían la separación entre la acción gubernamental, que les correspondía a ellos, y la administración de justicia, que incumbía a la Audiencia, también contienen detalles, muy significativos, que nos permiten ver algunas prácticas bien distintas. Los propios virreyes, en sus memorias, confirman esa realidad. En definitiva, el objeto de este trabajo es analizar la función gubernativa del principal órgano judicial de Nueva España, la Audiencia, a través de la documentación de quien tenía atribuida aquella facultad: los virreyes.
Vice-royal documents from New Spain are a unique, original source to gain detailed, first-hand knowledge of the day-to-day realities of the colonial government of New Spain. Careful study of such documents could clarify a controversial issue affecting the governance of Spanish America: the extrajudicial activities of the Audiencia de México under Habsburg rule. Even though the Instructions given to viceroys emphasized the difference between governmental action (which appertained to them) and the administration of justice (which fell under the competence of the Audiencia), these documents contain very significant details that show a rather different practice. Viceroys themselves, in their final reports (memorias), confirm this. The purpose of this contribution is to examine the governmental activity of the highest judicial organ from New Spain: the Audiencia, by means of a study of the documentation relating to those upon whom governmental powers had been conferred: the viceroys.
Vice-royal documents from New Spain are a unique, original source to gain detailed, first-hand knowledge of the day-to-day realities of the colonial government of New Spain. Careful study of such documents could clarify a controversial issue affecting the governance of Spanish America: the extrajudicial activities of the Audiencia de México under Habsburg rule. Even though the Instructions given to viceroys emphasized the difference between governmental action (which appertained to them) and the administration of justice (which fell under the competence of the Audiencia), these documents contain very significant details that show a rather different practice. Viceroys themselves, in their final reports (memorias), confirm this. The purpose of this contribution is to examine the governmental activity of the highest judicial organ from New Spain: the Audiencia, by means of a study of the documentation relating to those upon whom governmental powers had been conferred: the viceroys.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Audiencia de Nueva España, virreyes novohispanos, administración de justicia, Casa de Austria, gobierno indiano, Audiencia of New Spain, viceroys of New Spain, House of Habsburg, administration of justice, governance of Spanish America
Facultad de Derecho
Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones