Publicación: Carmen : una herramienta de software libre para modelos gráficos probabilistas
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
En las últimas dos décadas se ha dado una proliferación de herramientas para la construcción, manual o automática de Modelos Gráficos Probabilistas (MGPs). Las herramientas disponibles están limitadas en su mantenibilidad, robustez y eficiencia. Nuestra contribución principal es una nueva herramienta, llamada Carmen, que se ha desarrollado desde cero y está basada en los principios de la ingeniería del software. Carmen tiene un diseño detallado, una documentación y un conjunto de pruebas sistemáticas para minimizar la presencia de errores. El desarrollo de esta herramienta ha traido como consecuencia varias contribuciones secundarias: primero, un nuevo patrón de diseño llamado permiso-ejecución, que permite realizar operaciones en modelos complejos con múltiples restricciones; segundo, hemos desarrollado un nuevo diseño, que desacopla los diferentes conceptos que constituyen un MGP en partes distintas, permitiendo un mantenimiento posterior más sencillo; tercero, hemos desarrollado una librería genérica de grafos que puede ser utilizada en otras herramientas. Nuestra segunda contribución principal es un método nuevo que mejora significativamente el rendimiento en las operaciones básicas sobre potenciales de variables discretas, tales como suma, multiplicación, marginalización y división. Hemos demostrado también, tanto teórica como empíricamente, que algunas operaciones compuestas pueden ser realizadas de un modo mucho más eficiente si se ejecutan de forma conjunta en lugar de secuencial. Esta mejora en las operaciones de bajo nivel nos lleva a una reducción en el tiempo y en el espacio necesarios en algoritmos de alto nivel, tales como eliminación de variables, propagación en árboles de cliques, etc. Finalmente, la tercera contribución principal es un nuevo método para el análisis de coste-efectividad. Los métodos actuales no pueden tratar con problemas que involucran más de una decisión. Por este motivo, hemos desarrollado un nuevo método de coste-efectividad, que puede ser aplicado tanto en árboles de decisión como en diagramas de influencia. Nuestro método es capaz de manejar varias decisiones y devuelve la estrategia óptima como un conjunto de intervalos para λ, un parámetro habitualmente llamado disponibilidad a pagar, que representa la cantidad de dinero equivalente a una unidad de efectividad.
In the last two decades there has been a proliferation of computer tools for the construction either manual or automatic of Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs). The tools currently available are limited in their maintainability, robustness and efficiency. Our main contribution is a new tool, called Carmen, which has been developped from scratch and is based on the principles of software engineering. Carmen has detailed design, a documentation, and a batch of systematic tests aimed at minimizing the presence of errors. The development of this software tool has led to several secondary contributions: first, a new design pattern called permission-execution, which permits to perform operations on complex models with multiple constraints; second, we have developped a new design which decouples the different concepts that make up a PGM in different parts, allowing subsequent maintenance much easier; third, we have developped a general purpose graph library that can be used in other tools. Our second main contribution is a new method that significantly improves the performance of basic operations on potentials of discrete variables such as addition, multiplication, marginalization and división. We have also proved, theoretically and empirically, that some compound operations can be performed much more efficiently if they are executed all together rather tan sequentially. This improvement in the low-level operations leads to a reduction in the time and space required by high-level algorithms, such as variable elimination, clique tree propagation, etc. Finally, the third main contribution is a new method for cost-effectiveness analysis. Current methods can not deal with problems that involve more than one decision. For this reason, we have developped a new method of cost-effectiveness, which can be applied to both decision trees and influence diagrams. Our method is capable of handling several decisions and returns the an optimal strategy as a set of intervals for l, a parameter usually called willingness to pay wich represents the amount of money equivalent to a unit of effectiveness.
In the last two decades there has been a proliferation of computer tools for the construction either manual or automatic of Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs). The tools currently available are limited in their maintainability, robustness and efficiency. Our main contribution is a new tool, called Carmen, which has been developped from scratch and is based on the principles of software engineering. Carmen has detailed design, a documentation, and a batch of systematic tests aimed at minimizing the presence of errors. The development of this software tool has led to several secondary contributions: first, a new design pattern called permission-execution, which permits to perform operations on complex models with multiple constraints; second, we have developped a new design which decouples the different concepts that make up a PGM in different parts, allowing subsequent maintenance much easier; third, we have developped a general purpose graph library that can be used in other tools. Our second main contribution is a new method that significantly improves the performance of basic operations on potentials of discrete variables such as addition, multiplication, marginalization and división. We have also proved, theoretically and empirically, that some compound operations can be performed much more efficiently if they are executed all together rather tan sequentially. This improvement in the low-level operations leads to a reduction in the time and space required by high-level algorithms, such as variable elimination, clique tree propagation, etc. Finally, the third main contribution is a new method for cost-effectiveness analysis. Current methods can not deal with problems that involve more than one decision. For this reason, we have developped a new method of cost-effectiveness, which can be applied to both decision trees and influence diagrams. Our method is capable of handling several decisions and returns the an optimal strategy as a set of intervals for l, a parameter usually called willingness to pay wich represents the amount of money equivalent to a unit of effectiveness.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
software libre
Facultades y escuelas::Escuela Internacional de Doctorado
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