Publicación: El nuevo régimen jurídico de los gatekeepers.
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La fuerte irrupción de las plataformas como grandes protagonistas de un mercado digital que copa cada vez más grandes cuotas de la actividad económico-social de ciudadanos y empresas impone la necesidad de regular su actividad, más cuando el poder de intervención que ejercen es superlativo. Surge, pues, el Reglamento de Mercados Digitales, que, merced a la articulación de un gran número de obligaciones de muy diversa naturaleza, persigue dotar de una mayor disputabilidad y equidad al conjunto del ecosistema en el seno de la Unión Europea. Sobre estas medidas ahondaremos en el presente estudio, analizando el ámbito de aplicación y los fines que cada una de ellas persiguen para cada concreto servicio básico de plataforma.
The strong emergence of platforms as the main players in a digital market that is taking an increasingly large share of the economic and social activity of citizens and companies makes it necessary to regulate their activity, especially when the power of intervention they exercise is superlative. Thus, the Digital Markets Act emerged, which, thanks to the articulation of a large number of obligations of a very diverse nature, aims to provide greater contestability and fairness to the entire ecosystem within the European Union. We will examine these measures in depth in this study, analysing the scope of application and the purposes that each of them pursues for each specific basic platform service.
The strong emergence of platforms as the main players in a digital market that is taking an increasingly large share of the economic and social activity of citizens and companies makes it necessary to regulate their activity, especially when the power of intervention they exercise is superlative. Thus, the Digital Markets Act emerged, which, thanks to the articulation of a large number of obligations of a very diverse nature, aims to provide greater contestability and fairness to the entire ecosystem within the European Union. We will examine these measures in depth in this study, analysing the scope of application and the purposes that each of them pursues for each specific basic platform service.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
sociedad urbana, guardián de acceso, ecosistema, plataforma, servicio de la sociedad de la información, intermediación, platform, gatekeeper, ecosystem, information society service, intermediation
Facultad de Derecho
Derecho Administrativo