Publicación: Un estudio de la geopolítica de España orientado a la seguridad interior: el tráfico de cocaína
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Instituto Universitario "General Gutiérrez Mellado"
El tráfico de cocaína en el mundo actual no puede ser considerado únicamente un problema de seguridad interior para cada uno de los Estados afectados, muy al contrario se trata de una actividad ilícita global en la que participan distintos actores criminales de diversa naturaleza y que afecta a numerosos Estados de distinta manera, puesto que esta lacra tiene más caras que el mero consumo. En este trabajo se estudia la pugna entre los actores criminales por conseguir sus objetivos y los Estados que tratan de limitarlos, desde un punto de vista geopolítico y limitado al caso de España, poniéndose de manifiesto que frente a la naturaleza transnacional del tráfico es necesario aumentar el intercambio de información y la colaboración operativa tanto de forma bilateral como en el marco de la Unión Europea, valiéndose de la especial relación de nuestro país con los Estados de América Latina y Caribe, sin olvidar las necesarias ayudas a las zonas de producción.
The trafficking of cocaine in the world today can not be considered only a problem of internal security for each of the affected States, on the contrary it is a global illicit activity in which different criminal actors of different nature participate and which affects numerous States in different ways, since this scourge has more faces than mere consumption. This paper studies the struggle between criminal actors to achieve their objectives and States that try to limit them, it is analyzed from a geopolitical point of view and limited to the case of Spain, making it clear that due to the transnational nature of trafficking it is necessary to increase the exchange of information and operational collaboration both bilaterally and in the framework of the European Union, using the special relationship of our country with Latin American and Caribbean States, without forgetting the necessary aid to the production areas.
The trafficking of cocaine in the world today can not be considered only a problem of internal security for each of the affected States, on the contrary it is a global illicit activity in which different criminal actors of different nature participate and which affects numerous States in different ways, since this scourge has more faces than mere consumption. This paper studies the struggle between criminal actors to achieve their objectives and States that try to limit them, it is analyzed from a geopolitical point of view and limited to the case of Spain, making it clear that due to the transnational nature of trafficking it is necessary to increase the exchange of information and operational collaboration both bilaterally and in the framework of the European Union, using the special relationship of our country with Latin American and Caribbean States, without forgetting the necessary aid to the production areas.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
España, geopolítica, transnacional, cocaína, Unión Europea, cocaine, geopolitics, European Union, Spain, transnational
Institutos y centros de investigación::Instituto Universitario Gutierrez Mellado (IUGM )