Publicación: Alumnado con discapacidad intelectual. La elección de lengua como criterio de no discriminación
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Fundación Repsol Zinkers
En ámbitos territoriales donde coexisten varias lenguas, como es el caso de las Comunidades Autónomas con lengua propia, la elección por el personal docente de una de ellas en detrimento de otra, podría incurrir en una vulneración de los derechos del estudiante con discapacidad intelectual. El objetivo de este texto es analizar el criterio de la correcta elección de lengua empleada con el alumnado con discapacidad intelectual y si la opción elegida por los docentes puede ser o no motivo de discriminación apuntando a una posible colisión de derechos. Se realiza un barrido por la normativa en materia de educación y discapacidad intelectual haciendo hincapié en los ajustes razonables. A modo de ejemplo se desarrolla la opción de utilización de la lengua castellana o galega en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia analizando las barreras que puede provocar el uso de una u otra en el alumnado con discapacidad intelectual.
In territorial areas where several languages coexist, as is the case of autonomous communities with their own language, the choice of teachers of one of them to the detriment of another, could incur a violation of the rights of the student with intellectual disability. The purpose of this work is making an analysis of the criterion of the correct choice of language used with students with intellectual disability as well as if the option chosen as well as whether the option chosen by teachers may or may not be grounds for discrimination pointing to a possible rights collision. A sweep is made by the regulations on education and intellectual disability emphasizing reasonable accommodation. As an example, the option of using the Castilian or Galician language in the Autonomous Community of Galicia is developed, analyzing the barriers that one or the other may cause in students with intellectual disabilities.
In territorial areas where several languages coexist, as is the case of autonomous communities with their own language, the choice of teachers of one of them to the detriment of another, could incur a violation of the rights of the student with intellectual disability. The purpose of this work is making an analysis of the criterion of the correct choice of language used with students with intellectual disability as well as if the option chosen as well as whether the option chosen by teachers may or may not be grounds for discrimination pointing to a possible rights collision. A sweep is made by the regulations on education and intellectual disability emphasizing reasonable accommodation. As an example, the option of using the Castilian or Galician language in the Autonomous Community of Galicia is developed, analyzing the barriers that one or the other may cause in students with intellectual disabilities.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
discapacidad intelectual, discriminación, diversidad educativa, inclusión, lengua, intellectual disabilities, discrimination, educational diversity, inclusion, language
Escuela Internacional de Doctorado
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