Publicación: Represión de género en la Posguerra: su incidencia en los barrios populares urbanos
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Historia Contemporánea
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal reflexionar sobre el impacto que tuvo la represión franquista en la posguerra española, desde una visión de género, con especial atención a la represión ejercida sobre la mujer, en sus diferentes formas (física, moral, de identidad, o legal). Abarca un entorno cronológico, que encuadramos principalmente en la década de los años cuarenta del pasado siglo XX, entre 1939 y 1945, aunque la represión continuaría hasta el final de la dictadura, en 1975. La violencia política de este periodo ejercida sobre las mujeres ha sido hasta tiempos recientes un tema pendiente en los estudios historiográficos sobre las víctimas de la guerra civil y de la represión franquista. En este sentido, tras una introducción que contextualiza el periodo, desde el ascenso de la II República española y el papel de la mujer en ella, la posterior sublevación de 1936 y la Guerra Civil, nos centraremos en el análisis específico, de cómo y a quién iba dirigida esta represión, como se ejercía, y que consecuencias tuvo, poniendo como ejemplo algunos casos particulares, que nos servirán para ver diferentes tipos de represión, centrados en la ciudad de Madrid, que se convirtió en símbolo de resistencia, y después en “ejemplo” de represión hacia las mujeres republicanas. Se trata de aportar desde el estudio histórico en un tema delicado (y menos conocido que la represión ejercida sobre los hombres), pero que merece ser rescatado socialmente tras muchos años de borrado de conciencia, y aprovechando las nuevas leyes de memoria, en una sociedad que camina y avanza hacia la igualdad.
The main objective of this paper is to reflect on the impact that Franco's repression had on the Spanish postwar period, from a gender perspective, with special attention to the repression exerted on women, in its different forms (physical, moral, identity, or legal). It covers a chronological environment, which we mainly frame in the decade of the forties of the last twentieth century, between 1939 and 1945, although the repression would continue until the end of the dictatorship, in 1975. The political violence of this period exerted on women has Until recently, it has been a pending issue in historiographical studies on the victims of the civil war and Franco's repression. In this sense, after an introduction that contextualizes the period, from the rise of the Second Spanish Republic and the role of women in it, the subsequent uprising of 1936 and the Civil War, we will focus on the specific analysis of how and to whom This repression was directed, how it was carried out, and what consequences it had, giving as an example some particular cases, which will help us to see different types of repression, centered on the city of Madrid, which became a symbol of resistance, and later on “example” of repression of republican women. It is about contributing from the historical study on a delicate subject (and less known than the repression exerted on men), but which deserves to be socially rescued after many years of erasure of conscience, and taking advantage of the new laws of memory, in a society that walks and advances towards equality.
The main objective of this paper is to reflect on the impact that Franco's repression had on the Spanish postwar period, from a gender perspective, with special attention to the repression exerted on women, in its different forms (physical, moral, identity, or legal). It covers a chronological environment, which we mainly frame in the decade of the forties of the last twentieth century, between 1939 and 1945, although the repression would continue until the end of the dictatorship, in 1975. The political violence of this period exerted on women has Until recently, it has been a pending issue in historiographical studies on the victims of the civil war and Franco's repression. In this sense, after an introduction that contextualizes the period, from the rise of the Second Spanish Republic and the role of women in it, the subsequent uprising of 1936 and the Civil War, we will focus on the specific analysis of how and to whom This repression was directed, how it was carried out, and what consequences it had, giving as an example some particular cases, which will help us to see different types of repression, centered on the city of Madrid, which became a symbol of resistance, and later on “example” of repression of republican women. It is about contributing from the historical study on a delicate subject (and less known than the repression exerted on men), but which deserves to be socially rescued after many years of erasure of conscience, and taking advantage of the new laws of memory, in a society that walks and advances towards equality.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
represión, perspectiva de género, posguerra española, Franquismo, repression, gender perspective, spanish postwar, Francoism
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Geografía e Historia
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