Publicación: El panorama Fintech Español y su marco regulatorio durante el Covid-19
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
En las últimas décadas se ha producido una revolución tecnológica a nivel mundial que ha impactado de manera muy especial en el sector financiero, se ha modificado la forma en la que los actores intervinientes tanto del sector bancario, de valores o de los seguros se relacionan entre sí y con los consumidores, surgiendo así una nueva tipología de productos y servicios más transparentes, de mayor calidad, de menores costes, más accesibles y fáciles de usar. Las empresas fintech (la tecnología aplicada a las finanzas) - que nacieron para aportar soluciones a la sociedad y como herramientas de inclusión financiera- han irrumpido con fuerza convirtiéndose en nuevos e innovadores competidores. El presente trabajo pretende analizar el concepto, los diferentes tipos de empresas fintech, su origen y evolución en el tiempo, su reciente regulación en España, en que medida el Covid 19 les ha afectado, su aportación al desarrollo sostenible, los riesgos que presentan, así como la colaboración de BBVA con dichas empresas, destacando su gran aportación a la digitalización y la necesidad de contar con más incentivos económicos para su gran desarrollo.
During the last few decades there has been a global technological revolution with very special impact on the financial sector, changing the way in which the players involved in the banking, securities and insurance world interact with each other and with consumers, giving rise to a new type of products and services more transparent, of higher quality, lower cost, more accessible and easier to use. The fintech companies (technology applied to finance) - that were born to provide solutions to the society and as financial inclusion tools– have emerged with force becoming new and innovative competitors. This paper aims to analyze the concept, the different kinds of fintech companies, their origin and evolution over time, Spanish regulation and to what extent Covid-19 has affected, its contribution to sustainable development, the risks they present, the BBVA colaboration with them, highligthing its great contribution to digitalization and the need for more economic incentives for its great development.
During the last few decades there has been a global technological revolution with very special impact on the financial sector, changing the way in which the players involved in the banking, securities and insurance world interact with each other and with consumers, giving rise to a new type of products and services more transparent, of higher quality, lower cost, more accessible and easier to use. The fintech companies (technology applied to finance) - that were born to provide solutions to the society and as financial inclusion tools– have emerged with force becoming new and innovative competitors. This paper aims to analyze the concept, the different kinds of fintech companies, their origin and evolution over time, Spanish regulation and to what extent Covid-19 has affected, its contribution to sustainable development, the risks they present, the BBVA colaboration with them, highligthing its great contribution to digitalization and the need for more economic incentives for its great development.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
fintech, ciberseguridad, regtech, sandbox, startup
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
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