Publicación: La tutela jurídica de los derechos de autor en plataformas e-learning: un consenso de propiedad intelectual
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Control
El estudio de los aspectos jurídicos inmanentes al autor en la red como pretensión de la Tesis, se establece en el ámbito de la Propiedad Intelectual, como ciencia para disponer la discusión de la hipótesis, y sus implicaciones en el desarrollo de la creación de contenidos de plataformas e-learning y el Derecho Laboral, las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. La formulación de la hipótesis se delimitará por el art. 1 del Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual (TRLPI) en cuanto se refiere a que la propiedad intelectual corresponde al autor de la misma y como fundamental, llamado a la consecución de valores constitucionales unívocos por lo que la manifestación de su creatividad personal, su capacidad y el deseo de originalidad son los atributos en los que se encastra la libertad de creación y así el derecho de autor. Admítase por el momento, la tutela de los derechos de autor en las obras multimedia y particularmente los de los creadores de contenidos en plataformas e-learnig al respecto, como hipótesis de trabajo fundamentada en la investigación de nuevos mecanismos jurídicos eficaces, e indagar en la readaptación de los existentes, para proteger el espacio digital. Las ideas expuestas comprenden una recopilación de carácter conceptual de leyes, y una clasificación y selección descriptiva de textos, y Jurisprudencia valorados objetiva pero analíticamente sobre los cambios y la necesidad de su incorporación a la situación presente. En consecuencia, toda creación implica un descubrimiento, una puesta de manifiesto de algo que ontológicamente estaba presente en la realidad, el lenguaje, hasta la digitalización, provocando un desarrollo, una transferencia y una aplicación por su interactividad, automatización y diversidad. De ahí su importancia en el mundo de la educación por la deslocalización que define la aplicación. E-learning, deshaciendo la unidad de tiempo, espacio y presencia, en beneficio de un sistema de aprendizaje y docencia más global, comprometido y competitivo por medio del aula virtual. Al comparar estas evidencias se propicia la clarificación de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de los autores de contenidos e-learning.
The study of the immanent to the author in the network as a claim of the thesis, establishing legal aspects in the field of Intellectual Property as a science to have the discussion of the hypothesis and its implications in the development of content creation e-learning platforms and the Labour Law and the Information Technology and Communications. The formulation of the hypothesis will be delimited by art. 1 consolidated text of the Copyright Act (TRLPI) as it relates to intellectual property for the author of the same and as a fundamental, called to achieving constitutional values unambiguous so the manifestation of their personal creativity, his ability and desire of originality are the attributes that freedom of creation and thus the copyright is embedded. Admit for the moment, the protection of copyright in multimedia works and particularly the creators of content in e-learning platforms in this regard, as a working hypothesis based on the research of new effective legal mechanisms, and to investigate the rehabilitation of existing ones, to protect the digital space. The ideas put forward include a collection of conceptual nature of laws, and a classification and descriptive text selection, and Jurisprudence rated but critically objective about the changes and the need for their incorporation into the current situation. Consequently, all creation involves a discovery, a clear set of something that was ontologically present in reality, language, to digitization, causing development, transfer and application interactivity, automation and diversity. Hence its importance in the world of education by defining the application outsourcing e-learning, breaking the unity of time, space and presence, in favor of a system of global learning and teaching, committed and competitive through the classroom virtual. By comparing this evidence clarifying the intellectual property rights of the authors of content e-learning is encouraged.
The study of the immanent to the author in the network as a claim of the thesis, establishing legal aspects in the field of Intellectual Property as a science to have the discussion of the hypothesis and its implications in the development of content creation e-learning platforms and the Labour Law and the Information Technology and Communications. The formulation of the hypothesis will be delimited by art. 1 consolidated text of the Copyright Act (TRLPI) as it relates to intellectual property for the author of the same and as a fundamental, called to achieving constitutional values unambiguous so the manifestation of their personal creativity, his ability and desire of originality are the attributes that freedom of creation and thus the copyright is embedded. Admit for the moment, the protection of copyright in multimedia works and particularly the creators of content in e-learning platforms in this regard, as a working hypothesis based on the research of new effective legal mechanisms, and to investigate the rehabilitation of existing ones, to protect the digital space. The ideas put forward include a collection of conceptual nature of laws, and a classification and descriptive text selection, and Jurisprudence rated but critically objective about the changes and the need for their incorporation into the current situation. Consequently, all creation involves a discovery, a clear set of something that was ontologically present in reality, language, to digitization, causing development, transfer and application interactivity, automation and diversity. Hence its importance in the world of education by defining the application outsourcing e-learning, breaking the unity of time, space and presence, in favor of a system of global learning and teaching, committed and competitive through the classroom virtual. By comparing this evidence clarifying the intellectual property rights of the authors of content e-learning is encouraged.
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Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales