Publicación: La hermenéutica de los presocráticos (Hacia la postmodernidad filosófica)
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía
Este trabajo es un recorrido por la recuperación de los filósofos presocráticos llevada a cabo por la filosofía hermenéutica del siglo XX. La referencia a la filosofía de los presocráticos ha resultado central y privilegiada para la Hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer y también para la de su maestro Martin Heidegger. Ambos siguieron el camino señalado por Nietzsche, que ya había sido abierto antes por la poesía filosófica de Hölderlin y por Hegel: todos ellos contribuyeron decisivamente a la puesta de los presocráticos en primera línea de la actualidad filosófica. También se realiza una investigación sobre las raíces profundas de la sabiduría griega en la leyenda y el mito basada en las aportaciones fundamentales de Giorgio Colli, de Heidegger y de Teresa Oñate. Ésta, además de extender la hermenéutica a Tales de Mileto y a Anaxímenes, nos descubre la reescritura de los presocráticos que realiza Aristóteles en su Filosofía Primera, así como la reescritura de Aristóteles que lleva a cabo Heidegger en su obra definitiva Tiempo y ser. Todos ellos muestran el camino a la filosofía hermenéutica actual, ya inexorablemente postmoderna y postmetafísica.
This work is a journey for the recovery of the presocratic philosophers carried out by the hermeneutic philosophy of the XXth century. The reference to the presocratic philosophy has turned out central and privileged to Hans-Georg Gadamer´s hermeneutic and also to his master Martin Heidegger. Both of them followed the way marked by Nietzsche, which it had already been opened before by Hölderlin and Hegel´s philosophic poetry: all of them contributed decisively to place the presocratics in the front line of the philosophic actuality. It is also carried out an investigation about the deep roots of the greek wisdom in the legend and the myth based in the essential contributiones of Giorgio Colli, Heidegger and Teresa Oñate. This one, moreover to extend the hermeneutic to Thales of Miletus and to Anaximenes, she discovers to the presocratic´s rewriting that Aristotles carries out in his First Philosophy, as well as Aristotles´rewriting carried out by Heidegger in his definitive work Time and Being. All of them show the way to the current hermeneutic philosophy, definitively postmodern and postmetaphisical.
This work is a journey for the recovery of the presocratic philosophers carried out by the hermeneutic philosophy of the XXth century. The reference to the presocratic philosophy has turned out central and privileged to Hans-Georg Gadamer´s hermeneutic and also to his master Martin Heidegger. Both of them followed the way marked by Nietzsche, which it had already been opened before by Hölderlin and Hegel´s philosophic poetry: all of them contributed decisively to place the presocratics in the front line of the philosophic actuality. It is also carried out an investigation about the deep roots of the greek wisdom in the legend and the myth based in the essential contributiones of Giorgio Colli, Heidegger and Teresa Oñate. This one, moreover to extend the hermeneutic to Thales of Miletus and to Anaximenes, she discovers to the presocratic´s rewriting that Aristotles carries out in his First Philosophy, as well as Aristotles´rewriting carried out by Heidegger in his definitive work Time and Being. All of them show the way to the current hermeneutic philosophy, definitively postmodern and postmetaphisical.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
hermenéutica, presocráticos, metafísica, alétheia, ser, Tales, Anaximandro, Anaxímenes, Heráclito, Parménides, Aristóteles, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Colli, Gadamer, Oñate, postmodernidad, postmetafísica
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Filosofía