Publicación: Estudio numérico del modelo de neurona de Hindmarsh-Rose bajo estimulación magnética
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias
En este trabajo fin de máster hacemos un estudio numérico, tanto determinista como estocástico, de una neurona (como sistema excitable) sometida a estimulación magnética externa. En la introducción exponemos la fenomenología del sistema (su electrofisiología) y la caracterización como sistema dinámico, los modelos principales desde los cuales evoluciona el modelo elegido, así como los modelos de estimulación magnética propuestos en el trabajo y, por último, el análisis dinámico y los cálculos básicos. El modelo de neurona elegido es el de Hindmarsh-Rose tridimensional, ya que es capaz de reproducir la mayoría de las características de la neurona real con una dimensionalidad manejable en el espacio de las fases (tres frente a las cuatro del modelo más realista de Hodgkin-Huxley). A continuación, detallamos los métodos numéricos elegidos para pasar a exponer y estudiar los resultados de las simulaciones numéricas. Los resultados se estructuran en un estudio determinista, sin y con estimulación magnética, para sentar las bases de la dinámica del sistema y un estudio estocástico, sin y con estimulación magnética. De esta manera, ponemos de manifiesto los efectos de la estimulación magnética estática (SMS) y la estimulación magnética transcraneal repetitiva (rTMS) sobre una neurona sometida a ruido externo y sus implicaciones fisiológicas, fundamentalmente el efecto inhibidor de la señal eléctrica transmitida por la neurona que produce la SMS y el efecto amplificador de dicha señal eléctrica que producen la rTMS y un ruido externo de determinada intensidad.
In this master thesis we make a numerical study –both deterministic and stochastic– of a neuron as excitable system, subjected to external magnetic stimulation. In the introduction, we expose the phenomenology (electrophysiology) of the system and the characterization as a dynamic system, the main models from which the chosen model evolves, as well as the magnetic stimulation models proposed in the work and, finally, dynamic analysis and basic calculations. The chosen neuron model is the three-dimensional Hindmarsh- Rose model, as it is able to reproduce most of the features of the real neuron with a tractable dimensionality in phase space (three dimensions of the Hindmarsh-Rose model versus four dimensions of the most realistic Hodgkin-Huxley model). Next, we detail the numerical methods chosen to explain and study the results of numerical simulations. The results are structured in a deterministic study, without and with magnetic stimulation, to establish the bases of the dynamics of the system and a stochastic study, without and with magnetic stimulation. In this way, we show the effects of static magnetic stimulation (SMS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on a neuron subjected to external noise and its physiological implications, mainly the inhibitory effect on the electrical signal transmitted by the neuron produced by SMS and the amplifying effect of the electrical signal produced by rTMS and an external noise of a certain intensity.
In this master thesis we make a numerical study –both deterministic and stochastic– of a neuron as excitable system, subjected to external magnetic stimulation. In the introduction, we expose the phenomenology (electrophysiology) of the system and the characterization as a dynamic system, the main models from which the chosen model evolves, as well as the magnetic stimulation models proposed in the work and, finally, dynamic analysis and basic calculations. The chosen neuron model is the three-dimensional Hindmarsh- Rose model, as it is able to reproduce most of the features of the real neuron with a tractable dimensionality in phase space (three dimensions of the Hindmarsh-Rose model versus four dimensions of the most realistic Hodgkin-Huxley model). Next, we detail the numerical methods chosen to explain and study the results of numerical simulations. The results are structured in a deterministic study, without and with magnetic stimulation, to establish the bases of the dynamics of the system and a stochastic study, without and with magnetic stimulation. In this way, we show the effects of static magnetic stimulation (SMS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on a neuron subjected to external noise and its physiological implications, mainly the inhibitory effect on the electrical signal transmitted by the neuron produced by SMS and the amplifying effect of the electrical signal produced by rTMS and an external noise of a certain intensity.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
Física Fundamental