Publicación: Vulnerability and Other Spaces: dislocated Subjects in Anne Michaels’ Fugitive Pieces
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología
Este trabajo analiza cómo la subjetividad de los sujetos desplazados encuentra su propósito fundamental en las responsabilidades éticas sobre otras vidas y su interdependencia con ellas. Centrándome en las teorías sobre la vulnerabilidad de Judith Butler, argumento que la heterotopía foucaultiana es el espacio ideal para experimentar la vulnerabilidad inherente a nuestra formación social: un espacio abierto a otras realidades más allá de límites espaciales y temporales en el que los sujetos desplazados experimentan un sentido de “lugar” al que antes no tenían acceso. La tesis planteada se analiza por medio de Jakob Beer, el protagonista de Piezas en fuga escrita por Anne Michaels. Para abordar el sentido de movimiento y contacto entre culturas que caracterizan a los sujetos desplazados, se proporciona un contexto en el que se introducen los conceptos de diáspora y transnacionalismo. La importancia del espacio que define nuestro sentido de pertenencia es cuestionada: ¿sigue siendo importante en la era de desplazamiento en la que vivimos? A continuación, nuestro ser físico en el mundo, el cuerpo, y su conexión con el espacio, se argumentan como acumulativos. Esta conexión se explora a través de la memoria: nuestra capacidad de recuperar estados previos de nuestro ser en el mundo. Los sujetos desplazados se consideran como aquellos que han sido degradados a lo que Giorgio Agamben califica de nuda vida, ya que sus vidas no cuentan en sentido político o social, sino de manera biológica; se les considera como una amenaza para las estructuras de la normatividad, por lo tanto, sus muertes no se lloran. Posteriormente se examinan los espacios en los que los sujetos desplazados emergen. En este trabajo, los espacios heterotópicos se consideran como contra-emplazamientos que ayudan al protagonista de Piezas en Fuga a conectar con otras realidades y rebatir el silencio de la nuda vida. La importancia de aceptar la relacionalidad como seres sociales, se convierte en la parte central de su historia.
This work analyses how the subjectivity of dislocated subjects finds its fundamental purpose in the ethical responsibilities over other lives and its interdependency with them. Taking as a point of departure Judith Butler’s theories on vulnerability, I argue that, to experience the vulnerability inherent to our social formation, the ideal space is the Foucauldian heterotopia: a space open to other realities, across time and spatial boundaries, in which dislocated subjects experience a sense of “place” that they were denied before. I illustrate my thesis statement through the protagonist of Anne Michaels’ novel Fugitive Pieces (1996), Jakob Beer. The concepts of diaspora and transnationalism are introduced to provide a background to address the sense of movement and contact between cultures that characterise dislocated subjects. The importance of space in defining our sense of belonging to the world is examined: is it still important in the era of displacement that we are living? Then, our physical being in the world, the body, and its connection with space, are considered to argue that they are both accumulative. This connection is explored through memory: our capacity to recover previous states of our being in the world. Dislocated subjects are taken into consideration as those whose lives have been downgraded to what Giorgio Agamben calls bare life, as their lives do not count in a social or political sense, but in a biological one: they are considered a threat to structures of normativity, thus, their deaths are not grieved. Subsequently, I discuss the spaces in which dislocated subjects emerge. In this paper, heterotopic spaces are considered as counter-sites that help the protagonist of Fugitive Pieces to connect to other realities and to contest the silences of bare lives. The importance of embracing relationality as a social being becomes the central part of his narrative.
This work analyses how the subjectivity of dislocated subjects finds its fundamental purpose in the ethical responsibilities over other lives and its interdependency with them. Taking as a point of departure Judith Butler’s theories on vulnerability, I argue that, to experience the vulnerability inherent to our social formation, the ideal space is the Foucauldian heterotopia: a space open to other realities, across time and spatial boundaries, in which dislocated subjects experience a sense of “place” that they were denied before. I illustrate my thesis statement through the protagonist of Anne Michaels’ novel Fugitive Pieces (1996), Jakob Beer. The concepts of diaspora and transnationalism are introduced to provide a background to address the sense of movement and contact between cultures that characterise dislocated subjects. The importance of space in defining our sense of belonging to the world is examined: is it still important in the era of displacement that we are living? Then, our physical being in the world, the body, and its connection with space, are considered to argue that they are both accumulative. This connection is explored through memory: our capacity to recover previous states of our being in the world. Dislocated subjects are taken into consideration as those whose lives have been downgraded to what Giorgio Agamben calls bare life, as their lives do not count in a social or political sense, but in a biological one: they are considered a threat to structures of normativity, thus, their deaths are not grieved. Subsequently, I discuss the spaces in which dislocated subjects emerge. In this paper, heterotopic spaces are considered as counter-sites that help the protagonist of Fugitive Pieces to connect to other realities and to contest the silences of bare lives. The importance of embracing relationality as a social being becomes the central part of his narrative.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Fugitive Pieces, heterotopia, vulnerability, bare life, memory, Anne Michaels, Piezas en Fuga, vulnerabilidad, vida nuda, memoria
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Filología
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