Publicación: Interacciones de estelas en un sistema de cilindros binario asimétrico en régimen subcrítico-supercrítico
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['Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España)', 'Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica']
Se presentan resultados experimentales sobre la interacción entre las estelas de un formado por dos cilindros (binario) de diferentes diámetros. El sistema binario es introducido en un estanque con agua y acoplado a un carro con desplazamiento lineal, provocando el desarrollo de la estabilidad de Bérnard von Kármán (BvK) a través del movimiento relativo entre el cuerpo y el fluido. La dinámica de las estelas es caracterizada a través de un algoritmo PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) usando un censor CCD acoplado al movimiento solidario del carro. Por otro lado, la visualización se realiza usando la técnica de burbujas de hidrógeno, cuyo montaje contempla la incorporación de un electrodo aguas arriba del sistema binario y anclado al movimiento lineal del carro. Las mediciones de los perfiles de velocidad permitieron analizar y caracterizar el comportamiento dinámico de las estelas en el rango subcrítico-supercrítico del número de Reynolds. El resultado del análisis con PIV permite obtener perfiles de velocidad promedio y velocidad rms. Además, permitió determinar la frecuencia de emisión de vórtices del sistema en las estelas de ambos cilindros al inicio de la inestabilidad de von Kármán.
Experimental results on the interaction between the wakes of a formed by two cylinders (binary) of different diameters are presented. The binary system is introduced into a pond with water and coupled to a system with linear displacement, causing the development of the Bérnard von Kármán (BvK) stability through the relative movement between the body and the fluid. The dynamics of the wakes are characterized through a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) algorithm using a CCD sensor coupled to the solidary movement of the system. On the other hand, the visualization is done using the hydrogen bubble technique, whose assembly contemplates the incorporation of an electrode upstream of the binary system and anchored to the linear movement of the car. The measurements of the velocity profiles allowed us to analyze and characterize the dynamic behavior of the wakes in the subcritical-supercritical range of the Reynolds number. The result of the analysis with PIV allows for obtaining profiles of average speed and rms speed. In addition, it allowed determining the vortex emission frequency of the system in the wakes of both cylinders at the beginning of the von Kármán instability.
Experimental results on the interaction between the wakes of a formed by two cylinders (binary) of different diameters are presented. The binary system is introduced into a pond with water and coupled to a system with linear displacement, causing the development of the Bérnard von Kármán (BvK) stability through the relative movement between the body and the fluid. The dynamics of the wakes are characterized through a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) algorithm using a CCD sensor coupled to the solidary movement of the system. On the other hand, the visualization is done using the hydrogen bubble technique, whose assembly contemplates the incorporation of an electrode upstream of the binary system and anchored to the linear movement of the car. The measurements of the velocity profiles allowed us to analyze and characterize the dynamic behavior of the wakes in the subcritical-supercritical range of the Reynolds number. The result of the analysis with PIV allows for obtaining profiles of average speed and rms speed. In addition, it allowed determining the vortex emission frequency of the system in the wakes of both cylinders at the beginning of the von Kármán instability.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
estela, sistema binario, PIV, inestabilidad BvK
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales