Publicación: Emociones: calculemos. Las promesas de la computación afectiva
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía
Las emociones han formado parte de nosotros desde tiempos ancestrales, sin embargo, generalmente han sido relegadas por algunos pensadores, científicos, filósofos, religiones…, debido a su naturaleza desconocida y aparente inutilidad. En la actualidad, esto está cambiando debido a los extraordinarios avances en neurología y a la creciente aceptación de que las emociones son vitales para la supervivencia, calidad de vida, relaciones sociales, memoria, toma de decisiones, etc. A pesar de que no se conoce exactamente qué son las emociones y cuál es el proceso mediante el cual se producen, algunos investigadores como Rosalind Picard trabajan en computación afectiva, la cual intenta dotar de emociones a computadores y robots. El desarrollo de la computación afectiva, promete infinidad de posibilidades y aplicaciones que optimizarán la interacción hombre-máquina. Sin embargo, a pesar de los éxitos conseguidos, lo cierto es que con la tecnología actual y la carencia de una teoría de la emoción unánimemente aceptada, el futuro de la computación afectiva no parece tan brillante como aseguran sus defensores.
Emotions have been part of us since ancient times. However, in general they have always been set aside by some thinkers, scientists, philosophers, religions…, reason because of their unknown nature and apparent uselessness. At present, this is changing due to the extraordinary advances in neurology and the growing acceptance that emotions are vital for survival, quality of life, social relationships, memory, decision making, etc. Although it is not known exactly what emotions are and which is the process by which they occur, some researches, like Rosalind Picard, are working in affective computing, which tries to provide computers and robots with emotions. The development of affective computing offers endless possibilities and applications that will optimize human-machine interaction. However, despite the successes achieved, the fact is that with the current technology and the lack of a theory of emotion unanimously accepted, the future of affective computing does not seem as bright as its advocates claim.
Emotions have been part of us since ancient times. However, in general they have always been set aside by some thinkers, scientists, philosophers, religions…, reason because of their unknown nature and apparent uselessness. At present, this is changing due to the extraordinary advances in neurology and the growing acceptance that emotions are vital for survival, quality of life, social relationships, memory, decision making, etc. Although it is not known exactly what emotions are and which is the process by which they occur, some researches, like Rosalind Picard, are working in affective computing, which tries to provide computers and robots with emotions. The development of affective computing offers endless possibilities and applications that will optimize human-machine interaction. However, despite the successes achieved, the fact is that with the current technology and the lack of a theory of emotion unanimously accepted, the future of affective computing does not seem as bright as its advocates claim.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Filosofía
Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia