Publicación: La ineludible recuperación del patrimonio hidráulico: pasado, presente y futuro en el caso de Yecla (Murcia)
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Universidad de Jaén
El patrimonio hidráulico de un territorio está constituido por espacios naturales acuáticos y elementos construidos por el ser humano en tiempos pasados o presentes y que pasarán si
somos capaces de conservarlos a las sociedades del futuro. Los sistemas de aprovechamiento del agua han generado una importante huella sobre el paisaje, propiciando la creación de artilugios hidráulicos que constituyen un patrimonio que merece su conservación y puesta en valor, no solamente como legado cultural y educativo, también como un importante recurso turístico. A través del estudio de campo y detección, así como la aplicación de la herramienta DAFO-CAME, se analiza el patrimonio hidráulico existente en el término municipal de Yecla (Murcia), presentando líneas de trabajo e iniciativas que contribuyan a la generación de empleo e inversiones en una economía competitiva y globalizada que aprovecha oportunidades innovadoras y complementarias para la apuesta por el desarrollo local y territorial de los espacios.
The hydraulic heritage of a territory is made up of natural aquatic spaces and elements built by humans in past or present times and that will pass on to the societies of the future if we are able to conserve them. Water use systems have generated an important footprint on the landscape, promoting the creation of hydraulic devices that constitute a heritage that deserves its conservation and enhancement, not only as a cultural and educational legacy, but also as an important tourist resource. Through the field study and detection, as well as the application of the SWOT-CAME tool, the existing hydraulic heritage in the municipality of Yecla (Murcia) is analyzed, presenting lines of work and initiatives that contribute to the generation of employment and investments in a competitive and globalized economy that takes advantage of innovative and complementary opportunities for the commitment to local and territorial development of spaces.
The hydraulic heritage of a territory is made up of natural aquatic spaces and elements built by humans in past or present times and that will pass on to the societies of the future if we are able to conserve them. Water use systems have generated an important footprint on the landscape, promoting the creation of hydraulic devices that constitute a heritage that deserves its conservation and enhancement, not only as a cultural and educational legacy, but also as an important tourist resource. Through the field study and detection, as well as the application of the SWOT-CAME tool, the existing hydraulic heritage in the municipality of Yecla (Murcia) is analyzed, presenting lines of work and initiatives that contribute to the generation of employment and investments in a competitive and globalized economy that takes advantage of innovative and complementary opportunities for the commitment to local and territorial development of spaces.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
agua, paisaje cultural, Yecla, patrimonio hidráulico, hidroturismo, water, cultural landscape, hydraulic heritage, hydro-tourism
Morales Yago, F.J., 2024. La ineludible recuperación del patrimonio hidráulico: pasado, presente y futuro en el caso de Yecla (Murcia). Agua y territorio, Universidad de Jaén, Páginas: 1-23 . Fecha publicación: 2024 DOI: 10.17561/at.25.7847
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