Publicación: From self-verification to identity fusion : consequences of identity verification on intergroup relations
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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Social y de las Organizaciones
El motivo de autoverificación está notablemente consolidado en el nivel individual, sin embargo, pocas investigaciones han abordado su influencia en el nivel grupal. La presente investigación analizó el efecto de la verificación de la identidad endogrupal sobre las relaciones intergrupales. En un primer bloque de estudios se examinaron los antecedentes de la verificación de la identidad endogrupal: metaestereotipos. Los resultados mostraron que el efecto del meta-estereotipo sobre el deseo de contacto con miembros del exogrupo estaba moderado por el estatus del exogrupo en relación con el endogrupo y mediado por la verificación de la identidad endogrupal en los casos de exogrupos de estatus similar e inferior al del endogrupo. En el segundo bloque de estudios se estudiaron las consecuencias de la verificación de la identidad endogrupal sobre las relaciones intergrupales y se comparó la eficacia de esta estrategia con la del ensalzamiento. Los resultados mostraron que en condiciones no amenazantes, la verificación de los aspectos negativos de la identidad endogrupal mejoró la evaluación de los miembros del exogrupo y aumentó la donación dirigida a ese grupo. Por el contrario, en condiciones de amenaza, el ensalzamiento fue la estrategia más efectiva para mejorar las relaciones intergrupales. El tercer bloque de estudios analizó las consecuencias de la verificación de la identidad personal sobre la fusión de identidad (Gómez et al., 2011). Los resultados mostraron una gran estabilidad de la fusión frente a tres manipulaciones diferentes centradas en el auto-concepto. Únicamente, los factores contextuales fueron capaces de modificar los niveles de fusión. Concluimos que la verificación de la identidad endogrupal, incluso siendo ésta negativa, puede emplearse como estrategia para la mejora de las relaciones intergrupales, si bien, es preciso tener en cuenta el grado de amenaza que representa el exogrupo.
The self-verification motive is remarkably consolidated at the individual level, however few studies have addressed its influence at the group level. The present research analyzed the effect of the verification of ingroup identity on intergroup relations. In a first package, we examined the antecedents of verification of ingroup identity: meta-stereotypes. Results showed that the effect of the meta-stereotype on the desire to interact with outgroup members was moderated by the outgroup status as compared with the ingroup and mediated by verification of ingroup identity in the cases of outgroups with similar and lower status than the ingroup. In the second package we focused on the consequences of verification of ingroup identity on intergroup relations and we compared the efficacy of this strategy with enhancement. Results showed that in non threatening circumstances verifying negative aspects of the group identity improved the evaluation of outgroup members and increased the donation towards that group. In contrast, in threatening circumstances, enhancement was the most effective strategy to promote intergroup relations. In the third package we analyzed the consequences of verification of personal identity on identity fusion (Gómez et al., 2011). Results suggested that fusion is stable to a great extent against three different manipulations focused on the self-concept. Only contextual factors were able to modify levels of fusion. We conclude that verification of ingroup identity, even when this identity is negative, can be used as a strategy to promote intergroup relations. Nonetheless, the degree of threat that the outgroup poses must be considered.
The self-verification motive is remarkably consolidated at the individual level, however few studies have addressed its influence at the group level. The present research analyzed the effect of the verification of ingroup identity on intergroup relations. In a first package, we examined the antecedents of verification of ingroup identity: meta-stereotypes. Results showed that the effect of the meta-stereotype on the desire to interact with outgroup members was moderated by the outgroup status as compared with the ingroup and mediated by verification of ingroup identity in the cases of outgroups with similar and lower status than the ingroup. In the second package we focused on the consequences of verification of ingroup identity on intergroup relations and we compared the efficacy of this strategy with enhancement. Results showed that in non threatening circumstances verifying negative aspects of the group identity improved the evaluation of outgroup members and increased the donation towards that group. In contrast, in threatening circumstances, enhancement was the most effective strategy to promote intergroup relations. In the third package we analyzed the consequences of verification of personal identity on identity fusion (Gómez et al., 2011). Results suggested that fusion is stable to a great extent against three different manipulations focused on the self-concept. Only contextual factors were able to modify levels of fusion. We conclude that verification of ingroup identity, even when this identity is negative, can be used as a strategy to promote intergroup relations. Nonetheless, the degree of threat that the outgroup poses must be considered.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Escuela Internacional de Doctorado
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