Publicación: El marco jurídico internacional del uso de drones de combate en la lucha contra el terrorismo yihadista. El dilema de los targeted killings
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Instituto Universitario "General Gutiérrez Mellado"
En el campo de los conflictos asimétricos, y especialmente como consecuencia de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, el uso de aviones no tripulados para llevar a cabo ataques letales selectivos contra líderes y miembros de Al Qaeda, se ha establecido como uno de los métodos preferentes en la “lucha contra el terror”, sobre todo del gobierno estadounidense. Ahora bien, aunque el desarrollo de esta nueva tecnología ha supuesto un avance muy importante en el campo estratégico de lucha contra el terrorismo yihadista, lo cierto es que ha causado importantes controversias en lo que a su legalidad se refiere. La determinación de su conformidad al Derecho Internacional Humanitario y al Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos ha dado lugar a distintas interpretaciones de la normativa existente.
In the asymmetrical conflicts field and specially as a consequence of the 11th September 2011 attacks, the use of unmanned aircraft to carry out targeted killings against leaders and members of Al Qaeda, has been established as one of the priority methods in the “fight against terror”, above all of the USA government. However, although the development of this new technology has represented a great advance in the strategic field of the fight against jihadist terrorism, the truth is that it has caused important controversies regarding to its legality. The determination of its conformity to International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law have resulted in different interpretations of the current legislation.
In the asymmetrical conflicts field and specially as a consequence of the 11th September 2011 attacks, the use of unmanned aircraft to carry out targeted killings against leaders and members of Al Qaeda, has been established as one of the priority methods in the “fight against terror”, above all of the USA government. However, although the development of this new technology has represented a great advance in the strategic field of the fight against jihadist terrorism, the truth is that it has caused important controversies regarding to its legality. The determination of its conformity to International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law have resulted in different interpretations of the current legislation.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
terrorismo yihadista, drones, targeted killings, derecho internacional humanitario, Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, jihadist terrorism, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law
Institutos y centros de investigación::Instituto Universitario Gutierrez Mellado (IUGM )
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