Publicación: Retos Éticos de la Investigación
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Atribución 4.0 Internacional
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Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia - FAJE
Pocas veces nos planteamos la moralidad de nuestras actuaciones investigadoras, salvo que afecten a investigaciones polémicas y muy específicas (investigación sobre seres humanos, investigación con embriones, etc.), para analizar si realmente el mero investigar es una actividad buena moralmente hablando o no lo es. Y este análisis es el que se intenta realizar en el presente estudio. La investigación como una acción humana no puede quedar fuera de un análisis desde la Ética. Deberemos plantearnos por qué hay que investigar, cómo realizarlo, qué responsabilidades tenemos, si es necesario aunar o compaginar docencia e investigación, para quién investigar, qué condiciones debe de reunir la acción de investigar para ser considerada moralmente buena, etc.
We rarely consider the moral implications of our investigation, unless it touches on controversial and very specific research (research on human beings, research with embryos, etc.), to analyze whether the mere act of investigating is morally good or not. Such is the aim of the present study. Research, as a human activity, should always be based on ethical principles. We should ask ourselves why we investigate, how to do it, what our responsibilities are, if teaching and research are to complement each other, for whom we do it, what conditions are required for an investigation to be considered morally good, etc.
We rarely consider the moral implications of our investigation, unless it touches on controversial and very specific research (research on human beings, research with embryos, etc.), to analyze whether the mere act of investigating is morally good or not. Such is the aim of the present study. Research, as a human activity, should always be based on ethical principles. We should ask ourselves why we investigate, how to do it, what our responsibilities are, if teaching and research are to complement each other, for whom we do it, what conditions are required for an investigation to be considered morally good, etc.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Ética, Investigación, Fraude, Educación Superior, Ethics, Investigation, Fraud, Higher education
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Derecho
Filosofía Jurídica