Fernández Sedano, Iciar

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Resultados de la búsqueda

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  • Publicación
    Does poverty promote a different and harmful way of thinking? The links between economic scarcity, concrete construal level and risk behaviors
    (Springer, 2021-10-15) Caballero, Amparo; Aguilar, Pilar; Muñoz, Dolores; Carrera, Pilar; Fernández Sedano, Iciar
    We tested the relationships between economic scarcity, concrete construal level and risk behaviors. We manipulated the lack of economic resources using a priming task in Studies 1 and 2, and participants reported their real income and completed the BIF scale to measure their construal level in Study 3. Studies 1–3 supported the link between perceived economic scarcity and the concrete construal level. Study 4 demonstrated the mediating role played by the concrete construal level in the influence of economic scarcity on risk behaviors using two opposite priming procedures (scarcity plus abstraction). Study 5, in a real context of economic vulnerability, supported the link between concrete mindset and risk behavioral intentions, while abstraction was associated with fewer risk intentions. Concrete thinking implies focusing on the immediate situation, which might facilitate adaptation to the demanding conditions that characterize scarcity contexts but leaves people without a broad perspective of the future to make safe decisions in situations that involve self-control, such as health-risk behaviors. Because an abstract construal level can be induced, these findings open up challenging ways to improve the conditions in which people in scarcity contexts make some behavioral decisions while we continue working to reduce situations of economic scarcity.
  • Publicación
    Consumo de medios para obtener información sobre la Covid-19 durante el confinamiento en España: influencia de variables demográficas, de alerta-focalización y emocionales
    (Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-11-01) Caballero, Amparo; Muñoz, Dolores; Carrera, Pilar; Fernández Sedano, Iciar
    Esta investigación analiza cómo el sexo, la edad, la respuesta de alerta-focalización y la reacción emocional ante la pandemia influyeron en el consumo de medios para obtener información de la Covid-19 durante el confinamiento en España. Así, se encuestaron 1,981 participantes durante los dos primeros meses, concretamente desde el 13 de marzo al 12 de mayo de 2020. El 71.3% de la muestra eran mujeres y la edad estaba comprendida entre los 18 y los 72 años (M = 35.37; SD = 12.71). Los resultados mostraron que las personas de más edad se decantan por los medios de comunicación más clásicos (e.g., la radio) para estar informados sobre el coronavirus, mientras que los más jóvenes prefirieron las redes de carácter más social (e.g., Instagram). Las mujeres más que los varones eligen medios sociales escritos como el WhatsApp, así como la interacción ‘cara a cara’. Los mejores predictores del consumo de medios para informarse sobre la pandemia fueron la respuesta de alerta-focalización y de emocionalidad negativa ante la Covid-19, a mayor alerta y reacción emocional negativa, mayor consumo de medios. Relevantes, pero en menor grado, fueron la edad y el tiempo de confinamiento, de manera que a mayor edad y tiempo de confinamiento menor consumo de medios.
  • Publicación
    The Bright Side of Abstraction: Abstractness Promoted More Empathic Concern, a More Positive Emotional Climate, and More Humanity-Esteem After the Paris Terrorist Attacks in 2015
    (Frontiers Media, 2020-11-26) Caballero, Amparo; Sevillano, Verónica; Muñoz, Dolores; Oceja, Luis; Carrera, Pilar; Fernández Sedano, Iciar
    Antecedents: Previous research on citizens’ reactions after terrorist events has shown that positive reactions can also emerge alongside pain and horror. Positive emotions have been widely associated with an abstract style of thinking. In the context of the Paris terrorist attacks in 2015, we explored Spanish citizens’ positive reactions – empathic concern, positive emotional climate, and esteem for humanity – and examined the relationships of these responses with an abstract (vs. concrete) style of thinking. Method: A longitudinal study was designed involving an online questionnaire that was administered 10 days, 3 weeks, and 2 months after the attacks (N = 253). Results: Empathic concern and personal distress toward Parisians decreased from the weeks following the attacks to 2 months later, with empathic concern always being more intense than personal distress. Emotional climate was perceived as more hostile than positive, although positive feelings persisted. People reported moderately positive esteem for humanity. Individuals with a more abstract style of thinking reported greater empathic concern, a more positive emotional climate, and more esteem for humanity. Conclusions: Our results support and extend previous research showing that abstraction enhances people’s resilience, even under traumatic circumstances such as those surrounding a terrorist attack.