Persona: Navío Marco, Julio
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Navío Marco
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Publicación Progress in wireless technologies in hospitality and tourism(Emerald, 2019-11-21) Navío Marco, Julio; Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel; Sevilla Sevilla, ClaudiaPurpose This paper aims to critically review the progression of wireless technologies in tourism and hospitality since 2000. Wireless technologies are a set of information and communications technologies (ICTs) involving radio transmission (such as mobile or satellite technologies) that are extensively used in tourism and hospitality, but which have not yet been studied comprehensively. Design/methodology/approach This study is a mixed methods review combining a quantitative and qualitative approach and including a systematic review of the academic literature since 2000. Findings Contrary to the prevailing focus of study on mobile technologies, the authors open the field to other technologies (such as Zigbee or Bluetooth), and in a particular highlight, the large role played by satellite technology in tourism and how this is reflected in the literature. In literature reviews linking tourism and ICTs, the authors find that excluding some journals may leave out notable aspects for any systematic analysis. Moreover, the study highlights the importance of wireless technologies in a sensor-based convergence between the physical and digital worlds. Originality/value The contribution is mainly twofold: first, the authors develop the literature on tourism with a better understanding of the role played by these technologies in supporting tourism and hospitality, by updating sources and research work; second, the authors take a holistic, all-encompassing approach, providing a truly comprehensive view of the literature on tourism and ICTs, in which wireless technologies have always been approached with fragmented or limited scope, lacking a view in the round.Publicación Innovative policies for industrial transition in the EU: Mitigating the social impacts?(Taylor & Francis, 2022-06-08) Bujidos Casado, María Jesús; Rodrígues Fernández, María; Navío Marco, JulioThe resurgence of industrial policies in the European Union has led to the introduction of policies to support regions in industrial transition within the framework of territorial cohesion policies. There is an initial interest in introducing a social component in these policies. This brief investigation reviews the actions carried out to date and reflects on their implementation. The European Commission has launched several regional policy pilots, which could help in the definition of new industrial transition policies, but these policies require to progress in their practical implementation, in order to obtain the expected results, thus mitigating the social impacts that the transition may cause in the regions of Europe. From the analysis of the pilots and the state of the art, we propose some recommendations to operationalize these policies, based mainly in an appropriate policy mix, consideration of the spatial components, involvement of the stakeholders, and the use of bottom-up and neo-endogenous approaches.Publicación Analysis of the adoption of customer facing in-store technologies in retail SMEs(Elsevier, 2020-11) Lorente Martínez, Javier; Navío Marco, Julio; Rodrigo Moya, BeatrizBrick and mortar stores are suffering the dramatic revolution of the retail sector. Customer facing in-store technologies (CFIST) are a key component of the inevitable transformation of retail stores; yet the reasons to adopt such technologies by business owners may be little known. Based on a TOE and TAM inspired framework, this study analyses the drivers of such decision by small and medium size enterprises using a survey methodology. The results show that the attitude towards technology is the strongest predictor of the intention to adopt CFIST, highlighting the role of the top management in technology decisions. This conclusion has important implications for practitioners. This research is the first to address the adoption of CFIST by SMEs and therefore set the path for further studies about the impact and adoption of in-store technology in SMEs.Publicación The rising importance of the "Smart territory" concept: definition and implications(Elsevier, 2020-12-01) Gerli, Paolo; Navío Marco, Julio; Rodrigo Moya, BeatrizThe “Smart territory” concept emerges strongly not only as an extension of the smart city concept but also in opposition to it. The “smartization” of cities can produce a digital gap in the territories, particularly in rural areas that do not have the services and capabilities that citizens in urban areas enjoy. This is the first study fully focusing on the concept of ‘smart territory’, its relevance and the reasons for its emergence. It is also a wake-up call about the benefits of its momentum in the field of digital public policies, particularly in Europe. The beginning of the EU programming period 2021–2027 represents a good opportunity to include clear initiatives for smartization in the Territorial Cohesion Policies, expanding their wider scope and operationalization to different geographical areas.Publicación Twitter's capacity to forecast tourism demand: the case of way of Saint James(Emerald Publishing, 2024-04-25) Mendieta Aragón, Adrián; Navío Marco, Julio; Garín Muñoz, María TeresaPurpose – Radical changes in consumer habits induced by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic suggest that the usual demand forecasting techniques based on historical series are questionable. This is particularly true for hospitality demand, which has been dramatically affected by the pandemic. Accordingly, we investigate the suitability of tourists’ activity on Twitter as a predictor of hospitality demand in the Way of Saint James – an important pilgrimage tourism destination. Design/methodology/approach – This study compares the predictive performance of the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) time-series model with that of the SARIMA with an exogenous variables (SARIMAX) model to forecast hotel tourism demand. For this, 110,456 tweets posted on Twitter between January 2018 and September 2022 are used as exogenous variables. Findings – The results confirm that the predictions of traditional time-series models for tourist demand can be significantly improved by including tourist activity on Twitter. Twitter data could be an effective tool for improving the forecasting accuracy of tourism demand in real-time, which has relevant implications for tourism management. This study also provides a better understanding of tourists’ digital footprints in pilgrimage tourism. Originality/value – This study contributes to the scarce literature on the digitalisation of pilgrimage tourism and forecasting hotel demand using a new methodological framework based on Twitter user-generated content. This can enable hospitality industry practitioners to convert social media data into relevant information for hospitality management.Publicación Environment, tourism and satellite technology: Exploring fruitful interlinkages(Elsevier, 2020-07) Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia; Navío Marco, Julio; Ruiz Gómez, Luis ManuelHighlights The literature is rich in papers linking tourism, satellites and the environment. Satellite technology may find new applications in tourism areas. We identify areas where tourism affects or is affected by the environment. This fertile combination has not yet been reflected in tourism literature.Publicación Business internships for bachelor's degrees at blended learning universities: A pilot study to assess the transition from hybrid studies to the workplace(Elsevier, 2023-07) Navío Marco, Julio; Sánchez Figueroa, María Cristina; Galán González, ArturoEnhancing the employability of new graduates is a growing demand for universities. The subject “Curricular Practices” (a business internship) in the undergraduate qualifications of management, economics, and business offers students the chance to experience on-site learning in the labour environment, which does not fit in a priori with blended and online teaching but, in contrast, can offer them a structured transition from the virtual classroom to a personal presence, as required in the workplace. The main objective of this research is to assess the interest in the professional boundary-crossing of university students of hybrid studies. This pilot study with students from bachelor’s degrees in management (business administration) and economics at one of the largest blended universities in Europe shows that students take on an active role in the learning process and professionally socialise through internships. Student become more involved. They acquire reflexive learning and increase their participation in different activities. Furthermore, internships give them a richer, more diversified (online and offline) and efficient education. This type of subject offers more opportunities than an exclusively virtual learning environment, generating positive synergies that improve the regulated transition process from a hybrid academic university environment to the workplace.Publicación Análisis de la creación de valor a largo plazo de las fusiones y adquisiones entre operadoras en el sector de telecomunicación(Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Departamento de Organización de Empresas, 2012-12-20) Navío Marco, Julio; Solárzano García, Marta; Matilla García, MarianoLa presente tesis doctoral analiza el papel que las fusiones y adquisiciones (F&A) juegan en la restructuración del sector de las telecomunicaciones y su impacto en las empresas y sus accionistas. Su objetivo es analizar el impacto que dichas operaciones están teniendo en la configuración del sector, si crean valor y determinar algunos factores que influyen en las mismas. Tras caracterizar el sector objeto de análisis (telecomunicaciones) y discutir y seleccionar la metodología a largo plazo más adecuada en nuestro caso, se pasa a realizar un análisis econométrico de las F&A en telecomunicaciones en el periodo 1995-2010. La investigación se centra en las compañías telefónicas, u operadoras, como principales actores del sector. El análisis empírico nos permite dilucidar las repercusiones que la fusión y adquisición, en cuanto a creación o destrucción de valor, tiene en la evolución del sector de las telecomunicaciones y sus actores, y algunas causas explicativas de dichos resultados. En este sentido, se ha caracterizado la evolución de la industria entre los años 1995-2010, realizando un profundo análisis de la evolución de la cadena de valor; y hemos realizado un completo análisis descriptivo de 10459 anuncios de fusión o adquisición y 4337 F&A completadas entre operadoras que se han realizado en el sector en los últimos años. En el ámbito metodológico, se ha evaluado las diferentes metodologías posibles con un planteamiento sistemático basado en su valoración según diferentes parámetros estadísticos. Igualmente, se ha realizado una revisión de los principales trabajos de investigación sobre fusiones y adquisiciones a largo plazo que han obtenido resultados estadísticamente significativos. En el análisis empírico, se ha demostrado la destrucción de valor producido por las fusiones y adquisiciones entre operadoras en los años 2000 a 2010. Se observa que mientras las operaciones de F&A entre operadoras destruye valor en el largo plazo una muestra que incluye únicamente las fusiones o adquisiciones donde los participantes hablan diferentes idiomas presenta rendimientos acumulados anormales negativos desde plazos más cortos de tiempo y mayores en valor absoluto. Cuando se restringe la muestra a las operaciones con el mismo idioma, se observan, por el contrario, valores positivos en los rendimientos acumulados. El efecto resulta especialmente acusado cuando se toma una muestra en el que ambas empresas participantes utilizan el castellano.Publicación Student´s social e-reputation (“karma”) as motivational factor in MOOC learning(Taylor & Francis, 2021-04-03) Navío Marco, Julio; Solórzano García, MartaIn this paper, we analyse the role of the student’s digital reputation as a motivational factor for successfully completing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). After a review of the academic literature on the role that the student’s reputation plays in community learning and to understand the role of involving the student that new techniques of gamification have taken in virtual learning, an empirical analysis is performed on the basis of data from a pioneer MOOC of Social Entrepreneurship (5016 registered students, 3250 of whom actually started). Using Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we conclude that social reputation is a key factor for the student in successfully completing the course, and that the student’s retention is, along with his e-reputation (“karma”), directly related to his degree of participation, the rewards received, and his correspondence with peers. This shows that one of the factors that explain the student’s MOOC completion is his degree of interaction with other students, and particularly his reputation among them.Publicación Are retailers leveraging in-store analytics? An exploratory study(Emerald, 2022-05-03) Lorente Martínez, Javier; Navío Marco, Julio; Rodrigo Moya, BeatrizPurpose The purpose of this study is to analyse the level of adoption of in-store analytics by brick-and-mortar retailers. Web analytics technology has been widely adopted by online retailers, and the technology to gather similar information in physical stores is already available. This study explores how such technology is valued and adopted by retailers. Design/methodology/approach This study is based on interviews and a focus group of 21 retail executives using a semi-structured interview methodology. An in-store analytics service was defined, along with specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and use cases to structure respondents' feedback. Findings Although noteworthy differences have been found in the value of KPIs and use cases by type of business, the main finding is that none of the respondents reached the stage of a brick-and-mortar data-driven company. In-store analytics services are in the early stages of Rogers' (1983) model of diffusion of innovations. Three main reasons are presented: lack of technology knowledge, budget priority and a data culture inside the companies. Practical implications The results should encourage scholars to further investigate the drivers accelerating the adoption of these technologies. Practitioners and solution providers should strive for improvement in the simplicity of their solutions. Originality/value This study is the first to analyse the level of adoption of in-store analytics from the perspective of retailers.