Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia

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Sevilla Sevilla
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  • Publicación
    Progress in wireless technologies in hospitality and tourism
    (Emerald, 2019-11-21) Navío Marco, Julio; Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel; Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia
    Purpose This paper aims to critically review the progression of wireless technologies in tourism and hospitality since 2000. Wireless technologies are a set of information and communications technologies (ICTs) involving radio transmission (such as mobile or satellite technologies) that are extensively used in tourism and hospitality, but which have not yet been studied comprehensively. Design/methodology/approach This study is a mixed methods review combining a quantitative and qualitative approach and including a systematic review of the academic literature since 2000. Findings Contrary to the prevailing focus of study on mobile technologies, the authors open the field to other technologies (such as Zigbee or Bluetooth), and in a particular highlight, the large role played by satellite technology in tourism and how this is reflected in the literature. In literature reviews linking tourism and ICTs, the authors find that excluding some journals may leave out notable aspects for any systematic analysis. Moreover, the study highlights the importance of wireless technologies in a sensor-based convergence between the physical and digital worlds. Originality/value The contribution is mainly twofold: first, the authors develop the literature on tourism with a better understanding of the role played by these technologies in supporting tourism and hospitality, by updating sources and research work; second, the authors take a holistic, all-encompassing approach, providing a truly comprehensive view of the literature on tourism and ICTs, in which wireless technologies have always been approached with fragmented or limited scope, lacking a view in the round.
  • Publicación
    Environment, tourism and satellite technology: Exploring fruitful interlinkages
    (Elsevier, 2020-07) Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia; Navío Marco, Julio; Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel
    Highlights The literature is rich in papers linking tourism, satellites and the environment. Satellite technology may find new applications in tourism areas. We identify areas where tourism affects or is affected by the environment. This fertile combination has not yet been reflected in tourism literature.
  • Publicación
    Percepción de la sosteniblidad y la RSC. Demanda y oferta hotelera en España
    (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Empresa, 2017-07-21) Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia; Reina Paz, María Dolores; Rufín Moreno, Ramón
    El objetivo genérico de la tesis doctoral es progresar en el conocimiento de la percepción de la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social corporativa (en adelante RSC) desde una doble perspectiva: • La de la demanda, por parte del consumidor de productos hoteleros. • La de la oferta hotelera, por parte de las grandes cadenas españolas. Para alcanzar los objetivos generales de esta Tesis se ha dividido el estudio en los siguientes bloques: 1. Percepción de la RSC en la demanda hotelera. Se elabora una revisión bibliográfica sobre la influencia que tienen determinadas acciones medioambientales, económicas y sociales y sobre si éstas determinan la intención de compra. Se optó por realizar un análisis cuantitativo que permitiera disponer de información suficiente y necesaria para determinar la influencia de la RSC y la sostenibilidad en la percepción que los consumidores españoles tienen sobre la oferta hotelera, y probar de esta manera tres hipótesis de estudio: • Hipótesis 1: La dimensión social (CSR-S) influye directamente sobre la dimensión percepción de servicios hoteleros del cliente (CPH) • Hipótesis 2: La dimensión Medio Ambiente (CSR-En) influye sobre la dimensión Social (CSR-S) y Económica (CSR-Ec) o Subhipótesis 2.1.: La dimensión Medio Ambiente (CSR-En) influye directamente sobre la dimensión Social (CSR-S) o Subhipótesis 2.2.: La dimensión Medio Ambiente (CSR-En) influye directamente sobre la dimensión Económica (CSR-Ec) • Hipótesis 3: La dimensión Económica (CSR-Ec) influye directamente sobre la dimensión percepción de servicios hoteleros del cliente (CPH) Como resultado global, se ha confirmado un modelo que permite identificar los efectos de la RSC en la percepción del consumidor, considerando diferentes factores de gran importancia. En concreto, una intervención en los factores debería reforzar la percepción de las dimensiones social, económica y medioambiental. 2. Influencia del género en la percepción del consumidor ante las distintas dimensiones de la RSC. Partiendo de las mismas hipótesis de partida que en el bloque anterior del trabajo, el objetivo principal se centra en el estudio de las diferencias y/o similitudes que pudieran existir entre los consumidores por razón de género, a la hora de percibir las distintas iniciativas de RSC que promueve la industria hotelera. Para confirmar las hipótesis, se partió de un modelo reflexivo y se utilizó la técnica de mínimos cuadrados parciales, que no requiere el supuesto de normalidad variable y que es apropiado para los modelos de investigación con el objetivo de predecir los efectos de algunas variables sobre otras. Los resultados obtenidos no volcaron apenas diferencias sobre cómo se perciben las distintas dimensiones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad y la RSC entre ambos sexos. En la era del big data, disponer de más datos e información sobre la percepción de los consumidores permite tomar mejores decisiones y optimizar la eficiencia de las estrategias comerciales que las empresas hoteleras emprenden. 3. Comunicación de las acciones de RSC en la industria hotelera española. Análisis de la difusión online. Se parte de una revisión de la literatura acerca de cómo comunican las acciones de RSC las cadenas hoteleras. La intervención, por parte de las cadenas hoteleras sobre los factores mencionados en los bloques 1 y 2, puede mejorar la percepción que los consumidores tienen sobre los servicios que se ofrecen. En este bloque se ha querido realizar un análisis de las políticas y prácticas ambientales que las cincuenta mayores cadenas hoteleras españolas comunican a través de sus portales web. Los resultados obtenidos permiten observar que la comunicación, por parte de las cadenas hoteleras, en cuanto a la sostenibilidad, es bastante escasa y las organizaciones disponen de un amplio margen de maniobra para ser capaces crear valor.
  • Publicación
    Drones in Hospitality and Tourism: A literature review and research agenda
    (Emerald, 2023-05-15) Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia; Mendieta Aragón, Adrián; Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel
    Drones have become an important element within hospitality and tourism. The main objective of this study is to identify the corpus of knowledge and create a research agenda that establishes appropriate guidelines for future study of drone application in hospitality and tourism. This work has undertaken utilising a mixed methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative research and includes a review of the literature related to the study of drone use in hospitality and tourism. The mixed methods review identified gaps in the research, potential areas of study to enhance the scientific literature, and potential uses of drones in tourism and hospitality for researchers, consumers, and industry professionals. This study makes an original contribution by establishing an integrated framework, which lead to a synthesis of the research corpus and provided a holistic conceptualisation of the relationship between tourism and drones. In addition, the research agenda proposed will help boost and consolidate this emerging field of research.
  • Publicación
    Social networks and customer loyalty: review of loyalty keys and main social networks publications’ characteristics
    (Frontiers, 2023-10-20) Dávila Espuela, Nelida; Reina Paz, María Dolores; Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia
    The aim of this work is to shed light on the characteristics and relationship between customer loyalty and publications by the companies on social networks; it has been undertaken with the aid of an exhaustive review of previous studies from 1994 up to the present time. The purpose of the research is to generate a model that can tackle the practical characteristics of the publications on social networks to encourage loyalty. With a view to this, a model is developed that is an extension of the traditional “Four Stage Loyalty Model” based on other constructions of the same model, and combined with the characteristics of social networks publications defined in earlier literature. This reflexive approach is particularly important here due to the fact that companies have to be closer to customers’ requirements and customers have the option to choose from which type of communication they wish to be the object.
  • Publicación
    Before a hotel room booking, do perceptions vary by gender? The case of Spain
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019-10-21) Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia; Mondéjar Jiménez, José; Reina Paz, María Dolores
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is implemented unevenly in the Spanish tourism industry. The hotel infrastructure of the country is not an exception. This study analyses the environmental, social and economic dimensions of initiatives with respect to the hotel offer which consumers living in Spain appreciate and value more based on their gender. Empirical analysis is approached using a model of structural equations in which the intensity and sign of differences between men and women can be seen. The main results show that aspects related to the environment are the most important for both genders. The dimensions in which differences are defined are the economic, more valued by men; and social, more valued by women. The document provides relevant information, filling a knowledge gap in this field.
  • Publicación
    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 30 years on and 20 years after the internet -Revisiting Buhalis & Law's landmark study about eTourism
    (Elsevier, 2018-12-01) Navío Marco, Julio; Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel; Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia
    “Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research” is reviewed in terms of its significance to academic literature linking Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and tourism. Ten years after its publication in 2008, we revisit this paper with a view to observing the main changes in eTourism over these years, analysing the strategic lines that are driving its evolution, and verifying the fulfilment of the tendencies anticipated by Buhalis and Law. Their diagnosis has been very accurate and, given the rapidity of the technological changes, it is appropriate to highlight the changes that this sector has experienced since then.