Fernández Amoros, David José

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Fernández Amoros
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David José

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  • Publicación
    Scalable Sampling of Highly-Configurable Systems: Generating Random Instances of the Linux Kernel
    (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2023-01-05) Mayr Dorn, Christoph; Egyed, Alexander; Fernández Amoros, David José; Heradio Gil, Rubén
    Software systems are becoming increasingly configurable. A paradigmatic example is the Linux kernel, which can be adjusted for a tremendous variety of hardware devices, from mobile phones to supercomputers, thanks to the thousands of configurable features it supports. In principle, many relevant problems on configurable systems, such as completing a partial configuration to get the system instance that consumes the least energy or optimizes any other quality attribute, could be solved through exhaustive analysis of all configurations. However, configuration spaces are typically colossal and cannot be entirely computed in practice. Alternatively, configuration samples can be analyzed to approximate the answers. Generating those samples is not trivial since features usually have inter-dependencies that constrain the configuration space. Therefore, getting a single valid configuration by chance is extremely unlikely. As a result, advanced samplers are being proposed to generate random samples at a reasonable computational cost. However, to date, no sampler can deal with highly configurable complex systems, such as the Linux kernel. This paper proposes a new sampler that does scale for those systems, based on an original theoretical approach called extensible logic groups. The sampler is compared against five other approaches. Results show our tool to be the fastest and most scalable one.
  • Publicación
    Supporting the Statistical Analysis of Variability Models
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019-08-26) Mayr Dorn, Christoph; Egyed, Alexander; Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José
    Variability models are broadly used to specify the configurable features of highly customizable software. In practice, they can be large, defining thousands of features with their dependencies and conflicts. In such cases, visualization techniques and automated analysis support are crucial for understanding the models. This paper contributes to this line of research by presenting a novel, probabilistic foundation for statistical reasoning about variability models. Our approach not only provides a new way to visualize, describe and interpret variability models, but it also supports the improvement of additional state-of-the-art methods for software product lines; for instance, providing exact computations where only approximations were available before, and increasing the sensitivity of existing analysis operations for variability models. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach using real case studies with up to 17,365 features, and written in two different languages (KConfig and feature models).
  • Publicación
    Supporting the Statistical Analysis of Variability Models
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019-08-26) Mayr Dorn, Christoph; Egyed, Alexander; Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José
    Variability models are broadly used to specify the configurable features of highly customizable software. In practice, they can be large, defining thousands of features with their dependencies and conflicts. In such cases, visualization techniques and automated analysis support are crucial for understanding the models. This paper contributes to this line of research by presenting a novel, probabilistic foundation for statistical reasoning about variability models. Our approach not only provides a new way to visualize, describe and interpret variability models, but it also supports the improvement of additional state-of-the-art methods for software product lines; for instance, providing exact computations where only approximations were available before, and increasing the sensitivity of existing analysis operations for variability models. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach using real case studies with up to 17,365 features, and written in two different languages (KConfig and feature models).
  • Publicación
    Scalable Sampling of Highly-Configurable Systems: Generating Random Instances of the Linux Kernel
    (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2023-01-05) Mayr Dorn, Christoph; Egyed, Alexander; Fernández Amoros, David José; Heradio Gil, Rubén
    Software systems are becoming increasingly configurable. A paradigmatic example is the Linux kernel, which can be adjusted for a tremendous variety of hardware devices, from mobile phones to supercomputers, thanks to the thousands of configurable features it supports. In principle, many relevant problems on configurable systems, such as completing a partial configuration to get the system instance that consumes the least energy or optimizes any other quality attribute, could be solved through exhaustive analysis of all configurations. However, configuration spaces are typically colossal and cannot be entirely computed in practice. Alternatively, configuration samples can be analyzed to approximate the answers. Generating those samples is not trivial since features usually have inter-dependencies that constrain the configuration space. Therefore, getting a single valid configuration by chance is extremely unlikely. As a result, advanced samplers are being proposed to generate random samples at a reasonable computational cost. However, to date, no sampler can deal with highly configurable complex systems, such as the Linux kernel. This paper proposes a new sampler that does scale for those systems, based on an original theoretical approach called extensible logic groups. The sampler is compared against five other approaches. Results show our tool to be the fastest and most scalable one.
  • Publicación
    A Rule-Learning Approach for Detecting Faults in Highly Configurable Software Systems from Uniform Random Samples
    (2022) Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José; Ruiz Parrado, Victoria; Cobo, Manuel J.;; 0000-0001-6575-803X
    Software systems tend to become more and more configurable to satisfy the demands of their increasingly varied customers. Exhaustively testing the correctness of highly configurable software is infeasible in most cases because the space of possible configurations is typically colossal. This paper proposes addressing this challenge by (i) working with a representative sample of the configurations, i.e., a ``uniform'' random sample, and (ii) processing the results of testing the sample with a rule induction system that extracts the faults that cause the tests to fail. The paper (i) gives a concrete implementation of the approach, (ii) compares the performance of the rule learning algorithms AQ, CN2, LEM2, PART, and RIPPER, and (iii) provides empirical evidence supporting our procedure
  • Publicación
    Pragmatic Random Sampling of the Linux Kernel: Enhancing the Randomness and Correctness of the conf Tool
    (Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2024-09-02) Fernández Amoros, David José; Heradio Gil, Rubén; Horcas Aguilera, Jose Miguel; Galindo, José A.; Benavides, David; Fuentes, Lidia;;;;
    The configuration space of some systems is so large that it cannot be computed. This is the case with the Linux Kernel, which provides almost 19,000 configurable options described across more than 1,600 files in the Kconfig language. As a result, many analyses of the Kernel rely on sampling its configuration space (e.g., debugging compilation errors, predicting configuration performance, finding the configuration that optimizes specific performance metrics, etc.). The Kernel can be sampled pragmatically, with its built-in tool conf, or idealistically, translating the Kconfig files into logic formulas. The pros of the idealistic approach are that it provides statistical guarantees for the sampled configurations, but the cons are that it sets out many challenging problems that have not been solved yet, such as scalability issues. This paper introduces a new version of conf called randconfig+, which incorporates a series of improvements that increase the randomness and correctness of pragmatic sampling and also help validate the Boolean translation required for the idealistic approach. randconfig+ has been tested on 20,000 configurations generated for 10 different Kernel versions from 2003 to the present day. The experimental results show that randconfig+ is compatible with all tested Kernel versions, guarantees the correctness of the generated configurations, and increases conf’s randomness for numeric and string options.