Arguedas Sanz, Raquel

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  • Publicación
    Optimización temporal de las señales automáticas proporcionadas por indicadores técnicos bursátiles
    (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, 2020-11-27) Ventura Pérez, Enrique; Martín García, Rodrigo; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel
    Los indicadores técnicos bursátiles transmiten al analista señales de compra/venta que, en el caso de ser ejecutadas en el momento de producirse, podrían no ser óptimas desde el punto de vista del resultado de la operación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es doble. En primer lugar, analizar la idoneidad del seguimiento de una batería de indicadores para la obtención de resultados en una cartera. En segundo lugar, estudiar cómo la introducción de retardos temporales entre las señales de los indicadores y la ejecución de las operaciones puede mejorar el resultado de la misma. Se ha realizado una simulación, para el intervalo 2005-2016, con 35 títulos y un índice, sobre 7 indicadores técnicos bursátiles (ROC, RSI, Cruce SMA, Cruce EMA, MACD, Bandas de Bollinger y oscilador estocástico) y un total de 81 combinaciones de retardos de compra/venta. La definición del modelo y la división en tres periodos no solapados genera un total de 61.236 carteras. Los resultados permiten concluir que existen combinaciones de indicador y retardos de compra/venta que proporcionan mejores resultados que la ejecución inmediata de la señal. Concretamente, se identifican retardos óptimos para RSI y cruce EMA que producen mejoras estadísticamente significativas en el resultado de una cartera de valores, independientemente del periodo estudiado. Estos resultados son consistentes con una simulación alternativa en la que se excluyó a los cinco activos más líquidos y de mayor capitalización, para descartar el posible efecto generado por el peso relativo de los valores en la rentabilidad de la cartera o en su normalización.
  • Publicación
    An application of extreme value theory in estimating liquidity risk
    (Elsevier, 2017-12) Benito Muela, Sonia; López Martín, Carmen; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel
    The last global financial crisis (2007–2008) has highlighted the weaknesses of value at risk (VaR) as a measure of market risk, as this metric by itself does not take liquidity risk into account. To address this problem, the academic literature has proposed incorporating liquidity risk into estimations of market risk by adding the VaR of the spread to the risk price. The parametric model is the standard approach used to estimate liquidity risk. As this approach does not generate reliable VaR estimates, we propose estimating liquidity risk using more sophisticated models based on extreme value theory (EVT). We find that the approach based on conditional extreme value theory outperforms the standard approach in terms of accurate VaR estimates and the market risk capital requirements of the Basel Capital Accord.
  • Publicación
    Innovation in the University: Perception, Monitoring and Satisfaction
    (IEEE, 2018-08-03) Vicente Vírseda, Juan Antonio; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel; Martín García, Rodrigo; González Arias, Julio
    A blended learning teaching experience conducted at Spain's National Distance University is described. The project consisted of integrating technology (a virtual learning platform) and teaching methodologies (multimedia contents, weekly deliverables, continuous self-assessment, mentoring, a four-month timetable, and webinars) to enhance student engagement, performance, and satisfaction. A statistical study showed that self-assessment and professor monitoring are key issues in students' initial perception and ultimate satisfaction as well as the most effective tools for preventing dropout. Project participants had a lower dropout rate and higher grades than non-participants.
  • Publicación
    Real estate industry takeover bid patterns: Spain, a case study
    (Elsevier, 2017-02-07) González Arias, Julio; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel; Martín García, Rodrigo
    La tendencia alcista del sector inmobiliario espa˜nol (2000-2007) provocó el crecimiento excesivo de muchas empresas, principalmente mediante adquisiciones. Esta investigación pretende identificar patrones de comportamiento para la realización de OPAs en el sector inmobiliario espa˜ nol, particularmente castigado por la crisis financiera. Para ello, se ha analizado un conjunto de 20 variables económico-financieras y su relación con la participación de las compa˜nías cotizadas del sector en este tipo de operaciones, para un total de 354 casos para el periodo 2000-2012, como adquirentes y adquiridas. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología en dos etapas. En primer lugar, se ha aplicado el Método de Componentes Principales para acotar las variables de estudio consideradas con mayor capacidad explicativa. En segundo lugar, se ha construido un modelo predictivo basado en árboles de decisión, concretamente de tipo CHAID, que permite categorizar el conjunto de empresas analizadas y discriminar patrones de comportamiento. Los cinco factores principales con mayor capacidad explicativa son: a) liquidez, solvencia y capacidad de endeudamiento; b) tama˜no; c) resultado económico; d) capacidad operativa, y e) resultado financiero. De hecho, los dos primeros explican conjuntamente en torno al 70% de la variable dependiente, considerando principalmente a empresas adquirentes. El modelo propuesto cuenta con un nivel de explicación global cercano al 80%. El porcentaje restante que no explica el modelo responde fundamentalmente a cuestiones de tipo estratégico, de especulación financiera e intereses particulares, entre otros factores que concurren en la toma de decisiones.
  • Publicación
    Efficiency in cryptocurrency markets: new evidence
    (Springer, 2021-07-26) López Martín, Carmen; Benito Muela, Sonia; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel
    In this paper we carried out a comprehensive study of the efficiency in the cryptocurrency markets. The markets under study are: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar and Monero. To studdy the efficiency of these markets, we use a set of five test which are applied in both a static context and dynamic context. The results obtained depend on both the analysis period and the methodology used to test the predictability of the return. However, some conclusions can be drawn: first, we observe that overall, the efficiency degree tends to increase with the time. Second, although the efficiency market seems to change along the period, the changes in the Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum market show a clear tendency that evolves from less to more efficiency. In the case of Ripple, Stellar and Monero, periods of efficiency alternate with periods of inefficient, which is consistent with the Adaptive Market Hypothesis.
  • Publicación
    Tackling the challenge of peer learning in hybrid and online universities
    (Springer, 2022-10-20) Mendieta Aragón, Adrián; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel; Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel; Navío Marco, Julio
    Peer learning is not fully developed or researched in online and hybrid higher education. This research analyses a peer learning experience in the asynchronous part of hybrid teaching, in one of the largest blended universities in Europe, promoting students to act as teachers of their peers, by preparing digital content (videos) for the course. This article studies whether there are behaviour patterns and different perceptions associated between students who act as teachers, and those who only act as students. The results indicate, among other findings, that students demand this type of activities, and value them very positively. Specifically, the “teachers” consider that this activity increases their motivation for the subject and their performance; they also consider that it significantly improves their creativity and communication skills, and they would definitely participate in the project again. The assessment of the students who merely view the materials is also very positive, and they prefer a learning method through classmate videos than the traditional learning method with printed materials. The research is also a boost to finding ways to promote learning among equals in non-classroom teaching in digital environments
  • Publicación
    The student as a prosumer of educational audio–visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022-06-09) Navío Marco, Julio; Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel; López Martín, Carmen
    Full Article Figures & data References Citations Metrics Reprints & Permissions Read this article ABSTRACT The rise of the student as prosumer (producer–consumer) of educational content is a novel development that has hitherto been the subject of very little research, especially in relation to the generation of digital contents and materials for online and hybrid education in particular. This article analyses whether there are patterns of behaviour and different perceptions associated with different groups of students in their role as producers and/or users in the field of active learning in hybrid university education systems. To this end, the research has been conducted with a group of engineering students at one of the largest blended learning universities in Europe. The results indicate higher levels of involvement in, and appreciation of, the experience in content producers compared with mere content consumers, but the students’ environment and personal attitudes (such as their availability and degree of professional dedication) in relation to this type of education, the profile of which is often quite distinct from that of traditional learning, may differentiate their interest and appreciation of these activities, which are more creative and probably more demanding.
  • Publicación
    Models used to characterise blockchain features. A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
    (Elsevier, 2023-05-01) Rico Peña, Juan Jesús; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel; López Martín, Carmen
    Blockchain has emerged as an innovative technology with potential to transform business management, through operational efficiency improvements. Nevertheless, several performance and vulnerability issues have been identified for the different typologies supporting the wide range of blockchain-based applications currently implemented in different domains. A variety of analytical and empirical models are being used to evaluate the issues associated with the different blockchain typologies, enabling systematic analyses of the corresponding efficiency impact, and technical or economic threats. A thorough systematic literature review of these models has been performed, followed by a detailed assessment on the way these models have been employed, and the target parameters and applications evaluated (336 research selected and analysed). We propose a co-classification of these models, allowing us to identify which ones are employed to a greater extent to address the different blockchain issues in scientific research. In a second step, a bibliometric analysis on the selected research is conducted, offering a complementary overview of the status of and trends in blockchain modelling, including the most prolific authors and leading contributing countries to the topic. The main outcome and contribution of the paper is the provision of a broad overview on how blockchain issues have been analytically tackled, through the synthesis and meta-analysis of the models used in the scientific literature since the inception of blockchain technology. The results have two main direct applications, firstly supporting novel vulnerability and performance analyses of existing blockchain applications by providing historical information on the models used so far, as well as the key parameters and typology of the blockchain-based applications evaluated. Secondly, in the implementation of new applications, by allowing the recognition of key issues identified that are associated with the different blockchain typologies and to determine the most suitable models to analyse the weaknesses and risks of the alternative designs under evaluation for these new implementations.
  • Publicación
    Barreras y retos de las unidades funcionales de gestión de riesgos sanitarios en los hospitales del Servicio Madrileño de Salud
    (Elsevier, 2014) Pardo Hernández, Alberto; Navarro Royo, Cristina; Albeniz Lizarraga, C.; Morón Merchante, J.; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel
    Objetivo Identificar las barreras y los retos para el desarrollo efectivo de las unidades de gestión de riesgos sanitarios en los hospitales del Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Material y métodos Estudio descriptivo transversal dirigido a los equipos directivos y a los miembros de las unidades funcionales de 31 hospitales del Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Se solicitó en forma de texto libre, dentro de un cuestionario autoadministrado, la identificación de un máximo de 5 barreras y retos y su priorización a través de la adjudicación de uno a 5 puntos de acuerdo con su importancia. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis del discurso agrupando los temas comunes y ordenándolos de acuerdo con la puntuación recibida. Resultados La tasa de respuesta global fue del 94%. Las barreras más frecuentemente identificadas fueron: falta de tiempo (21%), insuficiente cultura de seguridad (13%), escasa difusión de sus actividades (10%) y falta de formación (10%). El reto más importante fue potenciar la formación (18%), seguido de mejorar la cultura (17%), difundir las actividades de seguridad (11%) y lograr el liderazgo de los responsables de los servicios (11%). Conclusiones En las condiciones del estudio, la barrera fundamental identificada fue la falta de tiempo y el reto principal la necesidad de formación. Por ello parece necesario mejorar el apoyo organizativo a la seguridad clínica en el ámbito objeto de estudio.
  • Publicación
    Red Innovación Docente en Finanzas. Un modelo docente aplicado a las finanzas
    (2009-09) Pablo Redondo, Rosana De; Arguedas Sanz, Raquel; González Arias, Julio; Martín García, Rodrigo