Sánchez Calderón, Silvia

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Sánchez Calderón
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Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Publicación
    On the Role Played by Project-Based Learning in Teacher Training Online
    (Academic Research Publishing Group, 2021-07-29) Sánchez Calderón, Silvia; Escobar Álvarez, Mª Ángeles
    This work investigates the perceptions on the role played by Project-Based Learning (PBL) in English as a second language (L2 English) participants who are receiving teacher training online. The participants in this study were enrolled in the Psycholinguistic Analysis of English Acquisition module at xxx-removed for blind review. They were given the choice of two projects: (a) an L2 English learner linguistic profile and (b) a grammatical structure analysis and its L2 English teaching application. The participants’ opinions about PBL were then collected in a questionnaire that included the following variables: motivation and attitude towards L2 English learning before and after the project, perception of the development of English language proficiency skills, content acquisition, and other issues related to PBL such as L2 learning reflection; and, autonomy and real language use. They reported having learned by doing and, as a consequence, believed that they had learned autonomously because they were responsible for their own learning. Likewise, they claimed PBL facilitated critical thinking, creativity, language awareness, and professional development through the project completion. They also showed a positive attitude towards the integration of the four language skills and the building of content knowledge by gathering and planning information using authentic resources.
  • Publicación
    El Trabajo de Fin de Grado en el ámbito filológico: evaluación del grado de satisfacción en el proceso de elaboración y tutorización
    (Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (México), 2021) Sánchez Calderón, Silvia; Escobar Álvarez, Mª Ángeles
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el nivel de satisfacción de 93 estudiantes del Grado en Estudios Ingleses con una metodología de aprendizaje a distancia durante la elaboración del Trabajo de Fin de Grado, la función tutorial y el uso de los recursos en el curso virtual. A través de una encuesta en línea, los estudiantes mostraron alta satisfacción con su línea de trabajo y las orientaciones del tutor. Los recursos didácticos del curso virtual reflejaron una satisfacción media, lo que sugiere mejoras en el uso de vídeos, recursos bibliográficos y seminarios sobre la elaboración de un trabajo académico.
  • Publicación
    Designing and implementing blogs in English second language learning
    (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), 2022) Sánchez Calderón, Silvia; Escobar Álvarez, Mª Ángeles
    This paper discusses the design and implementation of an institutional blog that hosts a repository of online and open access grammar checkers with the objective of fostering the development of autonomous learning through the acquisition of skills related to the self-correction of written essays in English. Examples of these tools include Grammarly, ProWriting Aid, PaperRater or Writing Assistant, among others. This repository is hosted in an institutional blog at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), and each grammar checker is structured as follows: (a) a brief description of the tool; (b) the main functionalities that each tool offers for the self-correction of English texts with the visual support of a checklist; and (c) a short video tutorial. The main distinctive feature of these video tutorials is that they have been designed, taking as a starting point a corpus of English written texts produced by undergraduate students of Instrumental English I and II of the English Bachelor’s Degree and Modern Language I. Foreign Language: English of the Spanish Language and Literature Bachelor’s Degree. Thus, this institutional blog aims to contribute to the expansion of innovative digital resources that will help both English second language learners in the development of their written competence and self-correction of errors and English language teachers in the implementation of online Information and Communication Technology tools in the classroom.