Persona: Lario Gómez, Javier
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Lario Gómez
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32 resultados
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Publicación Exploraciones en el karst en cuarcitas del Sistema Aonda (Auyantepuy, Venezuela).(Asociación Espeleológica GET, 1991) Martínez, Pepe; Lario Gómez, JavierEn el presente trabajo se intenta hacer un resumen de las exploraciones y trabajos científicos realizados por la A.E.GET durante los años 1988 y 1989 en el interesante karst en cuarcitas del Sistema Aonda, en Venezuela. Asi mismo, se realiza una síntesis de los trabajos efectuados en este area, intentando aclarar la problematica de la génesis del karst en cuarcitas y la evolución de sus formas. En el año 1988 se consiguió descender al fondo de Sima Aonda por una vía totalmente nueva. Además en su fondo se exploró parcialmente la impresionante surgencia interior, así como otras cavidades del sistema. En el año- 1989 se realizaron estudios hidrogeoquimicos, para lo cual fue necesario descender nuevamente a Sima Aonda. Se exploró otra cavidad en la 29na, debiendo abandonar su exploración por los problemas técnicos que presenta la instalación en estas cavidades.Publicación The underwater archaeological and historical heritage of Gibraltar(Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, 2001) Finlayson, Clive; Bound, Mensund; Fa, Darren A.; Lario Gómez, JavierGibraltar' s rich and varied heritage has been the subject of a great man y books, articles, documentaries and other media (Finlayson & Finlayson, 1999 & references therein). A large part of this heritage has doubtless stemmed from Gibraltar's unique location at the meeting point between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The Rock and its hinterland therefore have had important connections with the sea from the earliest of times, and it is no surprise to find that a good deal of Gibraltar' s links are maritime. Ajoint team from the Gibraltar Museum, Oxford University MARE, and Museo de Historia Natural de Madrid are working together on a number of projects (assisted by localPublicación Abrupt environmental changes during the last glacial cycle in Western Mediterranean (Formentera Island, Balearic archipelago, Spain)(Elsevier, 2022) Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Roquero García-Casal, Elvira; Cabero del Río, Ana; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Dabrio, Cristino José; Machado, María J.; Silva Barroso, Pablo Gabriel; Martínez Graña, Antonio Miguel; Lario Gómez, JavierA sedimentary sequence covering the entire last glacial cycle (period between Terminations I and II) outcrops along the south-eastern coast of Formentera Island. A detailed geomorphological, geological and sedimentological study, supported by geochemical, soil and soil-morphology analyses, magnetic susceptibility, phytolite content and luminescence dating (TL, OSL) allowed to reconstruct the environmental evolution of this coastal setting, and to frame it within the evolutionary pattern of the North Atlantic climate variability. Three highstands of sea level are identified in this island for MIS 5e, and a fourth one is attributed to MIS5a. MIS5 – MIS4 transition is characterized by soil development under a moist-warm climate and a descending sea level scenario. Aeolian units (72 ± 7 ka BP) developed during MIS4 under prevailing northerly winds that persisted until the beginning of MIS3, when new aeolian dunes (54 ± 5 ka BP) developed after a major sea-level lowstand. A sudden shift in prevailing winds occur within MIS3, when aeolian units (51 ± 4 ka BP) grew under the influence of S-SW winds and moister climate, evidenced by a dense root bioturbation. The greater influence of northerly winds is attributed to the weakening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC) in North Atlantic, and enhancement of westerlies in NW Europe during colder periods. Periods of prevailing southerly winds and moister climate correlate well with warm Greenland Interstadials, and reinforcement of AMOC. Between 50 and 40ka, alluvial/colluvial sedimentary units punctuated by soil and calcrete development, witness the climatic variability recorded along this period in the North Atlantic. A sedimentary hiatus with erosion and calcrete development characterizes the transit between MIS3 and MIS2. Finally, a reddish alluvial sedimentary unit records a short span of humid and warm climate (soil development, peak in magnetic susceptibility, phytolite content) within MIS 2 (20 ± 2 ka BP – 17 + 2.4/-2.2) that contrast with the general climatic trend recorded in Western Mediterranean during the Last Glacial Maximum.Publicación Último y Presente Interglacial en el área de conexión Atlántico-Mediterráneo (sur de España). Variaciones del nivel del mar, Paleoclima y Paleoambientes.(Tesis)(['CSIC. Departamento de Geología Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.', 'UCM. Departamento de Geodinámica de la Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas'], 1996) Lario Gómez, JavierPublicación The importance of coastal geomorphological setting as a controlling factor on microtextural signatures of the 2010 Maule (Chile) tsunami deposit(Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona, 2019) Costa, P.J. M.; Rasteiro da Silva, D.; Figueirinhas, Leonor; Lario Gómez, JavierQuartz grains collected from Arauco and Mataquito (central Chile) after the 2010 Maule tsunami presented an overwhelming dominance of dissolution textures. The analysis of superficial imprints proved that some grains were mechanically impacted before deposition. However, the percentage of grains with fresh surfaces and percussion marks was significantly lower than average values from other tsunami deposits elsewhere in the world. In this work, we discuss the reasons for such results in the context of the geomorphological setting of the areas analyzed and its influence on the microtextural signatures observed. The data presented in this study evidences a geographic dependence in the type of microtextures in the areas analyzed. For example, in Arauco the abundance of dissolution textures decreases rapidly towards the center of the embayment and increases towards the rocky headlands of its westernmost sector. By contrast, an increase of mechanical marks (e.g. fresh surfaces) is observed in the central region of the Arauco’s embayment. Similarly, in Mataquito, dissolution features are more abundant in the headlands or small capes, while there is a higher presence of mechanical marks in sandy embayments. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of the geomorphological context as a controlling factor in the intensity of mechanical imprints on the surface of quartz grains transported by tsunamis and deposited in the inner shelf and coastal areas. Therefore, our results suggest that without a detailed geomorphological contextualization microtextural discrimination can lead to misleading interpretations. Hence, there is a need for more microtextural analysis on tsunami deposits in order to assess the variability in the geographic distribution and intensity of microtextures imprinted on the surface of quartz grains deposited during a tsunami event.Publicación Estudio hidrogeoquímico del sistema kárstico de la Cueva de Tito Bustillo (Ribadesella, Asturias)(Sociedad Geológica de España, 2004) Sánchez Moral, Sergio; Cañaveras, Juan Carlos; Cuezva Robleño, Soledad; Soler, V.; Lario Gómez, JavierGeochemical characteristics of karstic water in Tito Bustil/o Cave are the result of two main types of recharge: authigenic recharge via percolating and infi/trating water through conduits and fractures, and allogenic-authigenic recharge vía San Miguel river that sinks (Gorgocera ponor) into the karst system. The chemical composition of San Miguel river reflects that its drainage basin is located both on siliceous (shale and sandstones) and calcareous lithologies; likewise, the influence of tides is a/so present. By means of geochemistry modelling it has been proven that water chemical composition in the area of Tito Bustillo cave reflect a double influence: (1) 60% of discharge of groundwater by mean of springs and (2) 40% of water coming from the headstream.Publicación Atmospheric CO2 increasing in deep caves related to micro seismicity(Sociedad Geológica de España, 2016-09-12) Pérez López, Raúl; Patyniak, Magda; Sánchez Moral, Sergio; Bañón, E.; Martínez Díaz, J. J.; Cuezva Robleño, Soledad; Martín Velázquez, S.; Silva, Pablo Gabriel; Giner Robles, Jorge Luis; Rodríguez Pascua, Miguel Ángel; Lario Gómez, JavierSe han registrado variaciones del contenido de CO2 en la Sima de Benis (Cieza, Murcia, SE de España), a una profundidad de 280m en la Sala de las Nubes durante los primeros 6 meses de 2015. El objetivo es analizar las variaciones de CO2 con la micro-sismicidad en la zona. Para ello, se ha colocado un registrador de dióxido de carbono de tipo SENSAIR cuya frecuencia de muestreo es de 40 minutos. Se ha correlacionado los incrementos diarios en este gas con terremotos, obteniendo aumentos en 24h de hasta 300 ppm sobre un valor total cercano a 2000 ppm, en relación a terremotos localizados a menos de 15 km de la boca de la cavidad, cuya magnitud estimó el Instituto Geográfico Nacional en M3. Esta cavidad, que afecta a materiales carbonatados del Prebético Externo, se desarrolla a partir de una falla con evidencias de paleoterremotos durante el Pleistoceno Superior. Independientemente de su capacidad sismogénica, los datos muestran un aumento en la difusión y movilidad del CO2 al tránsito de ondas sísmicas.Publicación Intercambios de C02 suelo/cavidad en un sistema kárstico somero (Cueva de Altamira, Cantabria)(Sociedad Geológica de España. Universidad de Salamanca, 2004) Cuezva Robleño, Soledad; Sánchez Moral, Sergio; Cañaveras, Juan Carlos; Soler, V.; Lario Gómez, JavierThe monitoring system installed in Altamira Cave (Cantabria) is providing us a continuous record of microenvironmental data, for both cave atmosphere and air trapped in soil (air temperature,-atmospheric pressure, 222Rn, CO2 concentration). The karst system has a great importance in the global carbon cycle, not only far long-term cycles, but a/so far short-term ones. The C01 fluxes between the hypogea/ atmosphere and the externa/ soil air are controlled by differences of temperature and density of air, changes in atmospheric pressure and rainfa/1 regime. The local meteorologica/ conditions and the geometry of the cavity rule CO2 exchanges between cave atmosphere and air trapped in soi/. A temperature inversion (Tint > Text) and a great increase and stabilization in C01 levels takes place in Altamira Cave in autumn. Therefore, during this time the cave acts as a sink of atmospheric CO2•Publicación Chronostratigraphic chart for the Quaternary of the Iberian Peninsula (v 3.0): New stratigraphic, palaeontologic, and archeologic data(Sociedad Española de Geomorfología y Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario, 2021-12-16) Silva, Pablo Gabriel; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Baena Preysler, Javier; Giner Robles, Jorge Luis; Van der Made, Jan; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Rosas González, Antonio; Lario Gómez, JavierLa tercera edición de la Tabla Cronoestratigráfica del Cuaderno de la península ibérica (v 3.0) sustituye a las versiones más antiguas editadas en 2007 (v 1.0) y 2009 (v 2.0). Desde esta fecha la Comisión Internacional de Estratigrafía (ICS), y más concretamente la Subcomisión de Estratigrafía del Cuaternario (SQS), ha estado trabajando tanto en la definición del Periodo Cuaternario como en sus subdivisiones, aportando nuevos GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Points) para los mismos. La nueva tabla incluye los GSSPs recientemente aprobados para la subdivisión de la Serie Holocena (Groenlandiense, Norgripiense y Meghalayense), así como el nuevo piso Chibaniense (774,1 - 128,0 ka) ratificado por la IUGS a principios del 2020, que sustituye al Pleistoceno medio. Esta versión 3.0 también incluye todas las modificaciones y correcciones que han surgido desde entonces, incluyendo la actualización de datos, fechas y dataciones para los yacimientos paleontológicos y/o arqueológicos más representativos de la península. Asimismo, se ha revisado la extensión de los diferentes periodos climáticos considerados para Europa central y Alpes ajustándose a las biozonas de mamíferos y las faunas asociadas. La extensión de estas últimas ha de entenderse referida a Europa central y meridional no solo a la península ibérica. En la distribución temporal de periodos de la prehistoria y complejos tecno-culturales asociados se diferencia entre el continente africano y europeo. De la misma forma la sucesión de especies de homininos se centra también en estos dos continentes. Esta revisión ofrece una lista de referencias actualizada, así como una versión digital interactiva que se implementará próximamente.Publicación Positive correlation between CO2 daily peaks and micro-earthquakes occurrence in deep fault-caves: an empirical model(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 2015) Pérez López, Raúl; Bañón, E.; López Gutiérrez, J.; Rodríguez Pascua, Miguel Ángel; Martín Velázquez, S.; Giner Robles, Jorge Luis; Silva, Pablo G.; Moral., B. del; Pueyo Morer, E. L.; Lario Gómez, JavierThe south-eastern part of Spain is determined by different active faults affecting limestone terrains. These terrains have been affected by endokarstic processes. The Benis Cave is the deepest explored cave in the region and it was related to an active fault. Evidence of recent paleoseismic activity and the peculiar topography of the cave, encouraged us to monitor the daily CO2 content in the air composition at depth (-280m), and for a time period of four months. Our results show a preliminary positive correlation between micro-seismic activity in the surroundings (up to 60 km away), and the CO2 concentration (daily increasing of 40ppm for the closest microearthquakes). Moreover, there is an empirical relationship between the daily increment value and the distance to the epicentre. Therefore, we propose an increase in the CO2 concentration into the air karst related to the microseismic activity. Despite this preliminary worthy results, more data are needed to establish an accurate model for earthquake forecasting.