Lario Gómez, Javier

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  • Publicación
    Holocene changing coastlines in the Guadalete estuary (Bay of Cádiz, Southern Spain)
    (SISTEMAS RIAS, 1995) Dabrio, Cristino José; Goy Goy, José Luis; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Lario Gómez, Javier
  • Publicación
    Evidencias morfosedimentarias de descensos rápidos del nivel del mar durante el MIS 5e en el mediterráneo español
    (AEQUA, 2013) Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Cabero, Ana; Dabrio, Cristino José; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Silva, P. G.; Roquero García-Casal, Elvira; Lario Gómez, Javier
    (Morphosedimentary evidence of rapid sea-level drop in the Mediterranean coasts of Spain during MIS5e): Polygonal sandcracks developed on top of upper foreshore facies, together with facies superposition, are analysed to reconstruct rapid relative sea-level changes occurred during MIS 5e in the Mediterranean coastal settings from Spain. Geomorphological arrangement and sedimentologic analyses carried out in two sedimentary sequences from Cope Basin (Murcia, SE Iberian Peninsula) and Es Copinyar (SE Formenetera Island, Baleares) allow reconstructing sudden sea-level drops occurred during the first and second highstands of MIS 5e. The driven causes of these metric sea-level changes are not well understood yet.
  • Publicación
    Holocene incised-valley fills and coastal evolution in the Gulf of Cádiz (Southern Spain)
    (INQUA, International Union For Quaternary Research, 1998) Dabrio, Cristino José; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Sierro, F. J.; Borja, Francisco; González Delgado, José Ángel; Flores Villarejo, José Abel; Lario Gómez, Javier
  • Publicación
    Abrupt environmental changes during the last glacial cycle in Western Mediterranean (Formentera Island, Balearic archipelago, Spain)
    (Elsevier, 2022) Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Roquero García-Casal, Elvira; Cabero del Río, Ana; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Dabrio, Cristino José; Machado, María J.; Silva Barroso, Pablo Gabriel; Martínez Graña, Antonio Miguel; Lario Gómez, Javier
    A sedimentary sequence covering the entire last glacial cycle (period between Terminations I and II) outcrops along the south-eastern coast of Formentera Island. A detailed geomorphological, geological and sedimentological study, supported by geochemical, soil and soil-morphology analyses, magnetic susceptibility, phytolite content and luminescence dating (TL, OSL) allowed to reconstruct the environmental evolution of this coastal setting, and to frame it within the evolutionary pattern of the North Atlantic climate variability. Three highstands of sea level are identified in this island for MIS 5e, and a fourth one is attributed to MIS5a. MIS5 – MIS4 transition is characterized by soil development under a moist-warm climate and a descending sea level scenario. Aeolian units (72 ± 7 ka BP) developed during MIS4 under prevailing northerly winds that persisted until the beginning of MIS3, when new aeolian dunes (54 ± 5 ka BP) developed after a major sea-level lowstand. A sudden shift in prevailing winds occur within MIS3, when aeolian units (51 ± 4 ka BP) grew under the influence of S-SW winds and moister climate, evidenced by a dense root bioturbation. The greater influence of northerly winds is attributed to the weakening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC) in North Atlantic, and enhancement of westerlies in NW Europe during colder periods. Periods of prevailing southerly winds and moister climate correlate well with warm Greenland Interstadials, and reinforcement of AMOC. Between 50 and 40ka, alluvial/colluvial sedimentary units punctuated by soil and calcrete development, witness the climatic variability recorded along this period in the North Atlantic. A sedimentary hiatus with erosion and calcrete development characterizes the transit between MIS3 and MIS2. Finally, a reddish alluvial sedimentary unit records a short span of humid and warm climate (soil development, peak in magnetic susceptibility, phytolite content) within MIS 2 (20 ± 2 ka BP – 17 + 2.4/-2.2) that contrast with the general climatic trend recorded in Western Mediterranean during the Last Glacial Maximum.
  • Publicación
    Cambios en la dinámica litoral y nivel del mar durante el Holoceno en el Sur de Iberia y Canarias Orientales
    (Sociedad Geológica de España, 1996) Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Dabrio, Cristino José; Goy Goy, José Luis; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Ghaleb, B.; Lario Gómez, Javier
    The interaction between global factors tglobal" glacio-eustatic sea-leve/ rise) and regional factors (tectonic trend, oceanographic factor) is analyzed in different areas of the lberian and Canary lsland littora/. Sea-leve/ changes and climatic variations are stated for the Mediterranean and Atlantic littora/s, with different tidal ranges and tectonic trends. Different stages can be envisaged in the coastal evolution of a/most ali the analyzed areas from the beginning of Holocene (10.000 BP): at ca. 7.000 BP (Flandrian maximum) with a change from open estuaries to aggradational processes (Cádiz Gulf, subsiding area), basal peat (Valencia Gulf, subsiding area) and development of microcliffs (Mediterranean uplifting areas). From 7,000 to 2,700 BP a first progradation phase with development of spit bars took place in the mediterranean uplifting areas, whilst in the atlantic subsiding one starts the aggradation processes in the formerly open estuaries, an a/so from ca.4,000 BP development of spit-bar system. A second progradation phase ofthe spit bars systems occurs between 2,400 and 500 BP both in Almería and Cádiz Gulf, where a change from aggradation to progradation takes place in the estuary environments, and with a change in the direction of /ongshore drift (Mediterranean) and prevailing winds (both areas) at ca.2,400 BP. At ca. 1,200 BP a sudden paleogeographic change took place in estuary environments. From 500 BP up to now a marked increase of coastal progradation in ali littorals is observed. Climatic interpretations /ed to corre/ate anticyclonic conditions (as it happened during Little Ice Ages) with the growing of spit bar systems and progradation, while low pressure conditions (as during Medieval Warm Period) coincides with no progradation. In the Canary lslands, the development of storm ridges at ca. 3,500 BP can be corre/ated with an intensification of trade winds.
  • Publicación
    Active landscapes of Iberia
    (Springer, 2020) Galve Arnedo , Jorge Pedro; Pérez Peña, José Vicente; Azañón, José Miguel; Insua Pereira, Diamantino M.; Cunha, Pedro P.; Pereira, Paulo; Viaplana Muzas, M.; Gracia Prieto, Francisco Javier; Remondo Tejerina, Juan; Jabaloy, Antonio; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Silva, Pablo G.; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Dabrio, Cristino José; Cabero, Ana; Ortuño Casanova, María del Rocío; Lario Gómez, Javier
    The recent geodynamic evolution of Iberia is recorded in its topography. Geomorphic markers and their dating; morphometric indices estimated through cutting-edge DEM analysis techniques; and the link of all this data with results of geophysical studies allow discussing why Iberia displays the highest average elevation in Europe and shows a particular topography with such diversity of landscapes. For example, the region of the Iberian (or Hesperian) Massif, the western sector of Iberia, shows an anomalous average elevation without a satisfactory explanation. On the other hand, different explanations about the recent evolution of the Alpine mountain ranges of the eastern sector of Iberia have come to light after macroscale landscape analyses. This is strengthening the debate on the driving force behind the actual topography of the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains, Iberian Chain and Betics.
  • Publicación
    Registro geológico de tsunamis en el SW Peninsular durante el Holoceno
    (2010) Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Silva, Pablo Gabriel; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Cabero, Ana; Dabrio, Cristino José; Lario Gómez, Javier
    Desde la década de los 90 se ha incrementado el estudio de eventos marinos de alta energía que alcanzaron la costa del Golfo de Cádiz, principalmente con el estudio sedimentológico, paleontológico y geomorfológico de sus depósitos (en estuarios, marismas y flechas litorales). El estudio sedimentario y geomorfológico ha permitido identificar Eventos de Oleaje Extremo (Extreme Wave Events, EWE´s) asociados tanto a grandes tormentas como a tsunamis. Investigaciones recientes llevadas acabo en la plataforma del SW Peninsular han utilizado el registro de turbiditas como indicador de actividad paleosísmica. El registro de los eventos costeros y los de plataforma indican que al menos cinco tsunamis generados por grandes terremotos (Mw>7) afectaron a este área en los últimos 7000 años. El periodo de recurrencia de estos eventos catastróficos se ha calculado entre 1200 y 1500 años.
  • Publicación
    Procesos cársticos en terrazas marinas del último interglaciar asociados a cambios climáticos y de nivel del mar (Golfo de Cádiz, España)
    (AEQUA, 2005) Cabero, Ana; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Dabrio, Cristino José; Borja, Francisco; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Silva, Pablo Gabriel; Roquero García-Casal, Elvira; Lario Gómez, Javier
    The coastal strip between Trafalgar and Punta Paloma, is characterized by the development of a karstic complex that affects the Last Interglacial marine terraces (OIS 5c ~100 ka, Fig. 1), there composed of well cemented conglomerates and sandstones. Two different morphologies are recorded, both related to different genetic models: "solution pipes" controlled by climatic changes (switch from humidity to aridity), and "horizontal tubules" controlled by changes in base level. The origin and palaeoenvironmental meaning of these karstic forms are described for the first time in the littoral of Cadiz, within a chronological framework based on OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) and U/Th (alpha and TIMS) dating.
  • Publicación
    Variaciones del nivel del mar: Estadios isotópicos 7, 5 y 1 en las costas peninsulares (S y SE) e insulares españolas
    (AEQUA, 1994) Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Hillaire Marcel, Claude; Dabrio, Cristino José; Hoyos Gómez, Manuel; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Somoza, L.; Silva, Pablo Gabriel; Lario Gómez, Javier
  • Publicación
    Sea level and climate changes in the Cabo De Gata Lagoon (Almeria) during the last 6500 YR BP
    (INQUA, International Union For Quaternary Research, 1998) Goy Goy, José Luis; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Dabrio, Cristino José; Baena Preysler, Javier; Harvey, A. M.; Silva, Pablo Gabriel; González, F.; Lario Gómez, Javier
    The Holocene evolution of the lagoon of Cabo de Gata in the geodynamic framework of the south-eastem lberian Península is presented for the first time. The work is based on detail geomorphological mapping of the Quaternary deposits, and radiocarbon measurements of samples collected in the spit barrier systems. The genesis of the Cabo de Gata and Roquetas lagoons is connected to the joint action of three factors. ( l ) Neotectonics, that controlled the occurrence of lowlands. (2) The general glacio-eustatic, Holocene transgression, that brought the sea level to elevations 1.5-2 m above its present values and, eventually, flooded the lowlands during the Flandrian maximum ca. 6500 yr BP. (3) The climate (humidity/aridity) that influenced the sediment supply to the coast and also the small fluctuations of sea level after the Flandrian maximum. Four spit-barrier units have been distinguished. Deposition of the two older ones (H1 and H2 ) took place between ca. 6500 and ca. 2500 yr BP under longshore drift towards the NW. Both units enclosed a lagoon that ·is placed to the NE of its present position. The more recent units (H3 and H4) close the present lagoon and were deposited between ca. 2300 and present under longshore drift to the SE. A more hum id period has been identified during the Gap separating units H1 and H2 (ca. 4400- 4200 yr BP) when most holocene alluvial fans were deposited. Aridity increased after ca. 2500 yr BP when aeolian