Persona: Rovira de Antonio, Antonio José
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Rovira de Antonio
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Antonio José
9 resultados
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Publicación Analysis of an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle with Recuperative Gas Turbine and Double Recuperative and Double Expansion Propane Cycle.(MDPI, 2020) Abbas, Rubén; Sebastián, Andrés; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio José; Muñoz Domínguez, MartaThe main objective of this paper is to present and analyze an innovative configuration of integrated solar combined cycle (ISCC). As novelties, the plant includes a recuperative gas turbine and the conventional bottoming Rankine cycle is replaced by a recently developed double recuperative double expansion (DRDE) cycle. The configuration results in a fuel saving in the combustion chamber at the expense of a decreased exhaust gas temperature, which is just adequate to feed the DRDE cycle that uses propane as the working fluid. The solar contribution comes from a solar field of parabolic trough collectors, with oil as the heat transfer fluid. The optimum integration point for the solar contribution is addressed. The performance of the proposed ISCC-R-DRDE design conditions and off-design operation was assessed (daily and yearly) at two different locations. All results were compared to those obtained under the same conditions by a conventional ISCC, as well as similar configurations without solar integration. The proposed configuration obtains a lower heat rate on a yearly basis in the studied locations and lower levelized cost of energy (LCOE) than that of the ISCC, which indicates that such a configuration could become a promising technology.Publicación Advanced thermodynamic cycles for finite heat sources: proposals for closed and open heat sources applications(Elsevier, 2020) Sánchez, Consuelo; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio José; Muñoz Domínguez, Marta; Barbero Fresno, RubénThis paper analyses two non-conventional thermodynamic cycles designed to work with finite heat sources, which are suitable for maximum temperatures of about 400 °C. The Hybrid Rankine-Brayton (HRB) cycle fits well to closed heat sources and, in the paper, it is analysed considering its exergy efficiency and some requirements for the maximum and minimum temperature of the heat transfer fluid that feeds the cycle, obtaining promising results. The other one is a new proposal called Recuperated and Double Expanded (RDE) cycle, aimed to translate the good features of HRB from closed heat sources to open ones, where the performance of HRB is limited. Both cycles are compared to some reference ones. Results show that the HRB cycle is a good candidate for finite closed heat sources, particularly with maximum temperature around 400 °C and with temperature changes of the heat transfer fluid from 100 °C to 150 °C. The RDE cycle exhibits good performance for finite open heat sources with maximum temperatures between 200 °C and 400 °C, and it behaves similarly to tri-lateral cycles.Publicación Towards high solar contribution in hybrid CSP-combined cycle gas turbine plants(Hindawi, 2023) Ortega, Guillermo; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio José; Barbero Fresno, Rubén; Subires Tejedor, Antonio Jesús; Muñoz Domínguez, MartaThis paper proposes and analyses several configurations for hybridising concentrating solar power (CSP) plants with combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT). The objective is to increase the solar contribution to a large extent, much higher than those obtained in integrated solar combined cycles but maintaining synergies, which are usually lost when increasing the solar share. For that, two thermal energy management systems are introduced at different temperature levels. First, a configuration with only the low-temperature system is proposed. Then, an enhanced configuration with the low- and high-temperature systems is conceived. These configurations are compared to reference CSP and CCGT state-of-the-art plants. The analyses include different strategies of operation and two sizes for the thermal energy storage system. The results show that the first proposed configuration introduces some synergies but cannot improve the performance of the reference CSP and CCGT working separately, due to an issue with the solar dumping on days with high solar irradiation. The enhanced configuration overcomes this problem and maintains the synergies, leading to an improvement from both the thermodynamic and economic points of view, increasing the solar contribution and decreasing the levelized cost of energy over the reference plants.Publicación Proposal and analysis of an integrated solar combined cycle with partial recuperation.(Elsevier, 2020) Abbas, Rubén; Sánchez, Consuelo; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio José; Muñoz Domínguez, MartaThe paper analyses an integrated solar combined cycle that, as a novelty, includes a gas turbine with partial recuperation. A conventional solar arrangement including parabolic troughs with a thermal oil is assumed. This field feeds a solar steam generator working in parallel with the high-pressure evaporator of the heat recovery steam generator. The plant is designed to balance out the solar supply to the steam cycle with the thermal power transferred to the air in the recuperator before it is introduced in the combustion chamber. Thus, only a fraction of the turbine exhaust gas flows through the recuperator. The additional steam production due to the solar contribution is mitigated by lower power available at the evaporator of the heat recovery steam generator, making possible to achieve constant steam turbine operation regardless the solar contribution. Results show that the proposal reaches better performance and lower generating cost than conventional integrated solar combined cycles. Besides, a new proposal to evaluate plant performances and economical assessments is introduced, which has been shown useful to understand correctly the results obtained.Publicación Thermodynamic Cycles for Solar Thermal Power Plants: A Review(WIREs (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews), 2021-10-17) Muñoz Domínguez, Marta; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio José; Montes Pita, María JoséSolar thermal power plants for electricity production include, at least, two main systems: the solar field and the power block. Regarding this last one, the particular thermodynamic cycle layout and the working fluid employed, have a decisive influence in the plant performance. In turn, this selection depends on the solar technology employed. Currently, the steam Rankine cycle is the most widespread and commercially available power block option, usually coupled to a parabolic trough solar field. However, other configurations have been implemented in solar thermal plants worldwide. Most of them are based on other solar technologies coupled to a steam Rankine cycle, although integrated solar Combined cycles have a significant level of implementation. In the first place, power block configurations based on conventional thermodynamic cycles -Rankine, Brayton and combined Brayton-Rankine- are described. The achievements and challenges of each proposal are highlighted, for example, the benefits involved in hybrid solar source/fossil fuel plants. In the second place, proposals of advanced power block configuration are analyzed, standing out: supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles, advanced organic cycles and innovative integrated solar combined cycles. Each of these proposals show some advantages compared to the conventional layouts in certain power or source temperature ranges and hence they could be considered attractive options in the medium term. At last, a brief review of proposals of solar thermal integration with other renewable heat sources is also included.Publicación A new method for the selection of candidates for shading and blocking in central receiver systems(Elsevier, 2020-01-28) Ortega, Guillermo; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio JoséThis paper presents a method for the selection of candidates for shading and blocking in central receiver systems (CRS). The main advantage of this algorithm is that it produces a reduced list of candidates with no upper limit on the total number, and it selects only those heliostats which produce real shading or blocking, eliminating redundant candidates. The objective is to contribute to a reduction in the execution times of the shading and blocking efficiency calculation in CRS, without a significant drop in accuracy. The method consists of three filtering levels, which progressively reduce the number of candidates, and it is specifically designed for use in performance simulation and optimisation applications for CRS. Its performance in this context has been compared with that of other selection algorithms, in terms of the number of selected candidates for each method and the execution times for determining the annual shading and blocking efficiency. The results indicate that the proposed method reduces the list of selected candidates to nearly 23% of those selected by other methods (spheres method) and up to 22% the execution times without affecting the numerical efficiency results.Publicación SunDial, a new collector for solar heat for industrial processes: Optical and thermal design(Elsevier, 2023-07-29) Rubén Abbas; Barbero Fresno, Rubén; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio José; Magdalena BarnetcheThe design of two collectors based on SunDial technology is conducted for two distinct case studies: a dairy company situated in Corinth (latitude 37.9 ◦N) and a steel company located in Iasi (47.1◦N). The discrepancy in latitudes necessitates different concept designs, one-axis for the former and two-axis tracking for the latter. To develop these collectors, a combination of models is employed, including a thermal model for the receiver, an analytic model for predicting mirror shape, an analytical model for reducing the number of optical design variables, and a Monte Carlo Ray Tracing model for final field optimization. The optimization results in both case studies indicate the adoption of double-field configurations, involving a rotary platform with two fields on top. Notably, for higher latitudes, the size of the platform and the total reflecting surface are smaller compared to lower latitudes (8.3 × 8.3 m2 Vs. 8.0 × 8.0 m2 and 47 m2 Vs. 44 m2, respectively). These compact collectors lead to an annual energy yield of 27.8 MW h at their respective final locations.Publicación A new design of multi-tube receiver for Fresnel technology to increase the thermal performance(Elsevier, 2022-03-05) Abbas, Rubén; Montes Pita, María José; Barbero Fresno, Rubén; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio JoséSolar heat for industrial processes is a promising way to meet the high thermal demand required by the industry, while this application becomes an important niche market for solar technology. In this research line, it is proposed a novelty concept based on a rotary Fresnel solar collector to supply heat above 150 °C. This work is focused on the multi-tube receiver for this Fresnel collector, proposing a thermal design based on three criteria that can be generalized for any multi-tube receiver: the fluid flow layout is arranged to meet the symmetry of the solar flux map; the fluid circulates from the lower to the higher flux density zone; and the fluid velocity is modified by modifying the tube diameter, to optimize the heat transfer. Following these criteria, the final configuration of the receiver is chosen based on an exergy optimization, in which both heat loss and pressure drop must be quantified. It has been also accomplished a generalization of the optimization methodology for Fresnel collectors providing heat at different temperatures, showing that, in these cases, the configuration that maximizes the exergy efficiency does not correspond to the one with the highest energy efficiency. This thermal design method can be applied to multi-tube receivers working at higher temperatures in longer Fresnel loops, in which case the optimization will result in more marked differences between the optimal values and the standard ones.Publicación Proposal of a new design of source heat exchanger for the technical feasibility of solar thermal plants coupled to supercritical power cycles(Elsevier, 2020-10-12) Linares Hurtado, José Ignacio; Montes Pita, María José; Barbero Fresno, Rubén; Rovira de Antonio, Antonio JoséSolar thermal power plants coupled to supercritical CO2 cycles seems to be a way to increase the global solar-to-electric efficiency. For that, the concentrating solar technology that is best integrated is the molten salt central receiver with a thermal energy storage associated. This work is focused on one of the main challenges of this scheme: the source heat exchanger transferring the thermal energy from the molten salt in the solar field to the CO2 in the power cycle. A new design, based on the printed circuit heat exchanger technology is proposed, that withstands the pressure difference and avoids the molten salt plugging when circulating through microchannels. The thermo-mechanic model of this heat exchanger is also calculated. This work also addresses a thermo-economic optimization of the printed circuit heat exchanger proposed. For that, it is considered the global performance of the solar thermal plant for three layouts: recompression, intercooling and partial-cooling cycles. This optimization yields to a great reduction in the investment cost of these source heat exchangers, achieving the lowest cost in the partial-cooling configuration, followed by the intercooling and finally, the recompression. This trend is also observed in the global performance of the solar plant, so the partial-cooling layout is the one with the lowest levelized cost of electricity; this value is similar to that of the intercooling layout, and both are well below from the cost in the recompression layout, which results the most expensive configuration.