Villena Escribano, Blasa María

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Villena Escribano
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Blasa María

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 8 de 8
  • Publicación
    Construction's health and safety Plan: The leading role of the main preventive management document on construction sites
    (Elsevier, 2021-11) González García, María de las Nieves; Segarra Cañamares, M.; Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    The European Union's strategic framework seeks to better protect its millions of workers from work-related accidents and illnesses. One of the main challenges, included in the European Strategy 2014–2020, is to improve the application of existing health and safety regulations, one of the strategic objectives being to help small and medium-sized companies to better comply with safety regulations and health. This study focuses on the Construction Sector, considered one of the economic activities with the highest accident rate, hardship and danger. Its objective, based on the regulatory framework that regulates health and safety in the Sector, is to know the effectiveness of the main management tool that construction works have, the Health and Safety Plan. In this study, 3600 Health and Safety Plans were analyzed in the Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha, Spain. The results show that the Health and Safety Plans are documents that present great deficiencies and that do not comply with the regulatory requirements, putting at risk the management of prevention in the workplace and therefore the health and safety of its workers.
  • Publicación
    Spanish Construction Emerging Risks About Health and Psychosocial Risk
    (Springer Nature, 2023-08-01) Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; González García, María de las Nieves; Segarra Cañamares, M.; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    The aim of this research paper is to study the psychosocial risks which are present in the construction sector in Spain, as well as their consequences for construction workers, in conjunction with drug addiction and the use of substances to which this group is exposed, before comparing the Spanish results with the European findings obtained from the third ESENER survey. To this end, a quantitative study has carried out of the research indicators based on the survey, just like that performed in third ESENER survey’s case, in order to be able to extract the results from both studies and compare them, whilst focusing upon Spain’s profile. The results obtained reveal the importance of preventing these psychosocial risks, with worrying data concerning the level of stress among workers, along with the workers’ legal obligation to participate in health and safety matters, which only a low percentage of companies in the sector fulfil. On top of this, the alarming level of substance use during the working day must also be considered as must its involvement in workplace accidents. In conclusion, these kind of risks must be incorporated in workplace assessments, and companies must be equipped with the resources to prevent them, as well as implementing training activities and campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of consuming substances during the working day.
  • Publicación
    Investigating the effectiveness of a new indoor ventilation model in reducing the spread of disease: A case of sports centres amid the COVID-19 pandemic
    (Elsevier, 2024) Ballesteros Álvarez, J.M.; Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; Rodríguez Sáiz, Ángel.; González Gaya, Cristina; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    The ventilation of buildings is crucial to ensure indoor health, especially when demanding physical activities are carried out indoors, and the pandemic has highlighted the need to develop new management methods to ensure adequate ventilation. In Spain, there are no specific ventilation regulations to prevent the spread of pathogens such as the coronavirus. Therefore, it is necessary to have a theoretical tool for calculating occupancy to maintain sports facilities in optimal safety conditions. The proposed theoretical method is based on the analysis of mathematical expressions from European standardisation documents and uses the concentration of CO2 as a bioeffluent. It is also based on the concept of background and critical concentration, which allows its application to be extrapolated to future crises caused by pathogens. This study presents a unique and novel dataset for sports centres. For this purpose, the calculation methods were applied to the data set provided by Mostoles City Council, Spain, during the pandemic years with the highest incidence of COVID-19, when the government introduced the assimilation of COVID-19 sick leave to occupational accidents. The data on this type of sick leave provided by the City Council correspond to the period between March 2020 and February 2022. Similarly, the data on the average use of sports facilities by activity, provided by the Sports Department, correspond to the years 2020 and 2021. In this way, it was possible to verify the effectiveness in preventing the spread of any type of coronavirus. In conclusion, the implementation of a theoretical occupancy calculation method based onJournal Pre-proof 2 | 35 the concentration of carbon dioxide as a bioeffluent can be an effective tool for the management of future crises caused by pathogens or hazardous chemicals in the air, and demonstrated its effectiveness in sports centres such as gyms, sports fields, and indoor swimming pools during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Publicación
    Formación en PRL 10 horas. Trabajos con exposición al amianto. Según Norma UNE 171370-1:2014
    (Tirant lo Blanch, 2021-12-16) Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; González García, María de las Nieves; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    En este libro se recopilan las disposiones mínimas de seguridad y salud que han de ser tenidas en cuenta a la hora de realizar trabajos con riesgos de exposición al amianto, según lo establecido por la Norma UNE 171370-1:2014. Este documento pretende ser una guía de buena praxis en la ejecución de dichos trabajos, centrándose en el capítulo de la formación en PRL que han de recibir los Directivos de empresa, dotando a los mismos de eficaces y correctas herramientas preventivas. La prevención no es sólo cosa del trabajador o del empresario y se ha de hacer constar que una correcta "cultura preventiva" entre todos los agentes implicados en los procesos constructeivos-preventivos puede beneficiar a todas las partes involucradas.
  • Publicación
    Gestión preventiva en obras de construcción: el Plan de Seguridad y Salud
    (Aula Magna, 2021) Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    Este libro muestra la realidad preventiva de las obras de construcción, desde el punto de vista del cumplimiento formal de la normativa vigente y desde el prisma del correcto uso en obra de los instrumentos preventivos. Para ello, se realiza un análisis prospectivo del instrumento preventivo conocido como Plan de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (PSS), que queda recogido en el artículo 7 del RD 1627/1997, siendo expuesta su obligatoriedad en el artículo 19 de la citada norma. En pro de conformar un estudio relevante y extrapolable, se escoge una muestra con 3600 PSS consultados para un período de tiempo de 9 años, pertenecientes a la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha. La recolección de la información, se efectúa mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario o checklist, con los ítems más relevantes que afectan al contenido del Plan. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto, por un lado, el mal uso que se hace del instrumento preventivo del PSS y su escasa aplicación a nivel preventivo, y, por otro lado, se observa que se trata de un documento con una limitada vida útil que, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, no cubre la ejecución total de la obra.
  • Publicación
    Occupational risk-prevention diagnosis: A study of construction SMEs in Spain
    (Elsevier, 2017-02) Segarra Cañamares, M.; González García, María de las Nieves; Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; Rodríguez Sáiz, Ángel; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    Occupational risk-prevention implementation and its integration in the management systems of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are studied in the Spanish Construction Sector, through a prospective analysis of data collected from a sample of 106 firms (SMEs) in the Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha (Spain). The selected sample is well suited to the economic reality of that Autonomous Community, considering the size of the population and the chosen confidence intervals and probabilities. The following data-collection techniques were used: surveys, open questions, closed questions, and dichotomous questions. Qualitative Focus-Group techniques were chosen, to contrast the information and to validate its reliability, in view of the training criteria and the hierarchical position of the interviewees working for firms with experience in the Construction Sector. Participants included risk-prevention experts from the public administrations. The results point to difficulties with the integration of Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) in the Management Systems of SMEs in the Spanish construction sector, outside the corporate structure of the firm.
  • Publicación
    The importance of preventive training actions for the reduction of workplace accidents within the Spanish construction sector
    (Elsevier, 2021-02) Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; Rodríguez Sáiz, Ángel; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    The degree of compliance with occupational risk-prevention legislation among Construction Sector firms within Spain, most of which are micro-SMEs and SMEs, is studied in this research. Likewise, a meticulous analysis is completed of all aspects that are related with the training of workers within the Construction Sector. Information is collected through a survey administered to an accumulated sample of 250 workers, referring to the indicators that are directly related to the principal causes of accident rates in construction. Numerous firms participated in this study, led by High-level Risk-Prevention Technicians. The results highlighted the serious shortcomings existing within the field of preventive actions and worker training, motivated in large part by the severe crisis of the Construction Sector in Spain that began in 2008, some important consequences of which live on, reflecting high occupational accident rates. The investigation concludes with proposals to overcome these contingencies, referring especially to the need to strengthen professionalization within the Construction Sector, to improve training actions in prevention matters, and to encourage firms to work towards efficient compliance with the safety regulations.
  • Publicación
    Analysis and diagnosis of risk-prevention training actions in the Spanish construction sector
    (Elsevier, 2018-07) Romero Barriuso, Álvaro; Segarra Cañamares, M.; González García, María de las Nieves; Rodríguez Sáiz, Ángel; Villena Escribano, Blasa María::virtual::6760::600; Villena Escribano, Blasa María; Villena Escribano, Blasa María; Villena Escribano, Blasa María
    The aim of this research paper is to analyze occupational risk-prevention training in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Spanish Construction Sector. To do so, an in-depth study is completed on compliance with the entrepreneurial obligation to inform and to train workers in occupational risk-prevention, in accordance with the regulations laid down in Directive 89/391/EEC, and transposed into Spanish Law in Act 31/1995, of 8 November, on Risk Prevention in the Workplace [Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (LPRL)]. Three questionnaires were designed and two discussion groups were organized with risk-prevention trainers and business representatives in the sector. Databases from various bodies were jointly consulted, specifically the External Prevention Services (EPS) and the Construction Labour Foundation [Fundación Laboral de la Construcción] (CLF), to establish both the weaknesses and the strengths of occupational risk-prevention training and the training systems of the firms in the sector. Having gathered all the information, the strategic indicators of training in risk-prevention were analyzed, such as the professional qualifications of the trainers, the training methodologies employed, and the training and information that the worker received on the job. The results showed that the majority of trainers in charge of training courses were not construction specialists, the training courses were not adapted to the training level of the workers and, importantly, the teaching materials were never in the other languages of the foreign workers. In conclusion, higher levels of professionalization are necessary for all the agents involved in risk-prevention procedures and construction processes.