Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos

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Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Publicación
    Automatic method for building indoor boundary models from dense point clouds collected by laser scanners
    (MDPI, 2012-11-22) Valero Rodríguez, Enrique; Adán, Antonio; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos
    In this paper we present a method that automatically yields Boundary Representation Models (B-rep) for indoors after processing dense point clouds collected by laser scanners from key locations through an existing facility. Our objective is particularly focused on providing single models which contain the shape, location and relationship of primitive structural elements of inhabited scenarios such as walls, ceilings and floors. We propose a discretization of the space in order to accurately segment the 3D data and generate complete B-rep models of indoors in which faces, edges and vertices are coherently connected. The approach has been tested in real scenarios with data coming from laser scanners yielding promising results. We have deeply evaluated the results by analyzing how reliably these elements can be detected and how accurately they are modeled.
  • Publicación
    Automatic Construction of 3D Basic-Semantic Models of Inhabited Interiors Using Laser Scanners and RFID Sensors
    (MDPI, 2012-05-03) Valero Rodríguez, Enrique; Adán, Antonio; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos
    This paper is focused on the automatic construction of 3D basic-semantic models of inhabited interiors using laser scanners with the help of RFID technologies. This is an innovative approach, in whose field scarce publications exist. The general strategy consists of carrying out a selective and sequential segmentation from the cloud of points by means of different algorithms which depend on the information that the RFID tags provide. The identification of basic elements of the scene, such as walls, floor, ceiling, windows, doors, tables, chairs and cabinets, and the positioning of their corresponding models can then be calculated. The fusion of both technologies thus allows a simplified 3D semantic indoor model to be obtained. This method has been tested in real scenes under difficult clutter and occlusion conditions, and has yielded promising results.
  • Publicación
    An Improved Indoor Positioning System Using RGB-D Cameras and Wireless Networks for Use in Complex Environments
    (MDPI, 2017-10-20) Duque Domingo, Jaime; Valero Rodríguez, Enrique; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos::virtual::3220::600; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio::virtual::3221::600; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio
    This work presents an Indoor Positioning System to estimate the location of people navigating in complex indoor environments. The developed technique combines WiFi Positioning Systems and depth maps, delivering promising results in complex inhabited environments, consisting of various connected rooms, where people are freely moving. This is a non-intrusive system in which personal information about subjects is not needed and, although RGB-D cameras are installed in the sensing area, users are only required to carry their smart-phones. In this article, the methods developed to combine the above-mentioned technologies and the experiments performed to test the system are detailed. The obtained results show a significant improvement in terms of accuracy and performance with respect to previous WiFi-based solutions as well as an extension in the range of operation.
  • Publicación
    Managing RFID sensors networks with a general purpose RFID middleware
    (MDPI, 2012-06-07) Valero Rodríguez, Enrique; Abad Cardiel, Ismael; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio; Heradio Gil, Rubén
    RFID middleware is anticipated to one of the main research areas in the field of RFID applications in the near future. The Data EPC Acquisition System (DEPCAS) is an original proposal designed by our group to transfer and apply fundamental ideas from System and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems into the areas of RFID acquisition, processing and distribution systems. In this paper we focus on how to organize and manage generic RFID sensors (edge readers, readers, PLCs, etc…) inside the DEPCAS middleware. We denote by RFID Sensors Networks Management (RSNM) this part of DEPCAS, which is built on top of two new concepts introduced and developed in this work: MARC (Minimum Access Reader Command) and RRTL (RFID Reader Topology Language). MARC is an abstraction layer used to hide heterogeneous devices inside a homogeneous acquisition network. RRTL is a language to define RFID Reader networks and to describe the relationship between them (concentrator, peer to peer, master/submaster).