Pastor Vargas, Rafael

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  • Publicación
    Forensic Analysis Laboratory for Sport Devices: A Practical Case of Use
    (MDPI, 2023) Donaire Calleja, Pablo; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Pastor Vargas, Rafael
    At present, the mobile device sector is experiencing significant growth. In particular, wear- 1 able devices have become a common element in society. This fact implies that users unconsciously 2 accept the constant dynamic collection of private data about their habits and behaviours. Therefore, 3 this work focuses on highlighting and analyzing some of the main issues that forensic analysts face 4 in this sector, such as the lack of standard procedures for analysis and the common use of private 5 protocols for data communication. Thus, it is almost impossible for a digital forensic specialist to 6 fully specialize in the context of wearables, such as smartwatches for sports activities. With the aim 7 of highlighting these problems, a complete forensic analysis laboratory for such sports devices is 8 described in this paper. We selected a smartwatch belonging to the Garmin Forerunner Series, due to 9 its great popularity. Through an analysis, its strengths and weaknesses in terms of data protection 10 are described. We also analyze how companies are increasingly taking personal data privacy into 11 consideration, in order to minimize unwanted information leaks. Finally, a set of initial security 12 recommendations for the use of these kinds of devices are provided to the reader.
  • Publicación
    Researchers’ perceptions of DH trends and topics in the English and Spanish-speaking community. DayofDH data as a case study
    (Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University (Cracovia), 2016-07-22) González-Blanco García, Elena; Rio Riande, Gimena del; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; Hernández Berlinches, Roberto; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Caminero Herráez, Agustín Carlos; Pastor Vargas, Rafael
  • Publicación
    EVI-LINHD, a virtual research environment for the Spanish speaking community
    (Oxford University Press, 2017-12) González-Blanco García, Elena; Rio Riande, Gimena del; Díez Platas, María Luisa; Olmo, Álvaro del; Urízar, Miguel; Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Caminero Herráez, Agustín Carlos
    Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (UNED) has developed Entorno Virtual de Investigación del Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (EVI-LINHD), the first virtual research environment devoted mainly to Spanish speakers interested in digital scholarly edition. EVI-LINHD combines different open-source software for developing a complete digital project: (1) a Webbased application markup tool—TEIscribe—combined with an eXistdb solution and a TEIPublisher platform, (2) Omeka for digital libraries, and (3) WordPress for simple Web pages. All these instances are linked to a local installation of the LINDAT/Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN) digital repository. LINDAT/CLARIN allows EVI-LINHD users to have their projects deposited and stored safely. Thanks to this solution, EVI-LINHD projects also improve their visibility. The specific metadata profile used in the repository is based on Dublin Core, and it is enriched with the Spanish translation of DARIAH’s Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities.
  • Publicación
    A Cloud Game-based Educative Platform Architecture: the CyberScratch Project
    (MDPI, 2021) Utrilla, Alejandro; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Hernández Berlinches, Roberto
    The employment of modern technologies is widespread in our society, so the inclusion of practical activities for education has become essential and useful at the same time. These activities are more noticeable in Engineering, in areas such as cybersecurity, data science, artificial intelligence, etc. Additionally, these activities acquire even more relevance with a distance education methodology, as our case is. The inclusion of these practical activities has clear advantages , such as (1) promoting critical thinking and (2) improving students’ abilities and skills for their professional careers. There are several options, such as the use of remote and virtual laboratories, virtual reality and gamebased platforms, among others. This work addresses the development of a new cloud game-based educational platform, which defines a modular and flexible architecture (using light containers). This architecture provides interactive and monitoring services and data storage in a transparent way. The platform uses gamification to integrate the game as part of the instructional process. The CyberScratch project is a particular implementation of this architecture focused on cybersecurity game-based activities. The data privacy management is a critical issue for these kinds of platforms, so the architecture is designed with this feature integrated in the platform components. To achieve this goal, we first focus on all the privacy aspects for the data generated by our cloud game-based platform, by considering the European legal context for data privacy following GDPR and ISO/IEC TR 20748-1:2016 recommendations for Learning Analytics (LA). Our second objective is to provide implementation guidelines for efficient data privacy management for our cloud game-based educative platform. All these contributions are not found in current related works. The CyberScratch project, which was approved by UNED for the year 2020, considers using the xAPI standard for data handling and services for the game editor, game engine and game monitor modules of CyberScratch. Therefore, apart from considering GDPR privacy and LA recommendations, our cloud game-based architecture covers all phases from game creation to the final users’ interactions with the game.
  • Publicación
    SiCoDeF² Net: Siamese Convolution Deconvolution Feature Fusion Network for One-Shot Classification
    (IEEE, 2021) Kumar Roy, Swalpa; Kar, Purbayan; Paoletti, Mercedes E.; Haut, Juan M.; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Robles Gómez, Antonio
    Nowadays, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for face recognition exhibit a performance comparable to human ability in the presence of the appropriate amount of labelled training data. However, training CNNs remains as an arduous task due to the lack of training samples. To overcome this drawback, applications demand one-shot learning to improve the obtained performances over traditional machine learning approaches by learning representative information about data categories from few training samples. In this context, Siamese convolutional network ( SiConvNet ) provides an interesting deep architecture to tackle the data limitation. In this regard, applying the convolution operation on real world images by using the trainable correlative Gaussian kernel adds correlations to the output images, which hinder the recognition process due to the blurring effects introduced by the convolution kernel application. As a result the pixel-wise and channel-wise correlations or redundancies could appear in both single and multiple feature maps obtained by a hidden layer. In this sense, convolution-based models fail to generalize the feature representation because of both the strong correlations presence in neighboring pixels and the channel-wise high redundancies between different channels of the feature maps, which hamper the effective training. Deconvolution operation helps to overcome the shortcomings that limit the conventional SiConvNet performance, learning successfully correlation-free features representation. In this paper, a simple but efficient Siamese convolution deconvolution feature fusion network ( SiCoDeF 2 Net ) is proposed to learn the invariant and discriminative complementary features generated from both the (i) sub-convolution (SCoNet) and (ii) sub deconvolutional (SDeNet) networks using a concatenation operation which significantly improves the one-shot unconstrained facial recognition task. Extensive experiments performed on several widely used benchmarks, provide promising results, where the proposed SiCoDeF 2 Net model significantly outperforms the current state-of-art in terms of classification accuracy, F1, precision and recall. The code will be available on: .
  • Publicación
    Students’ Acceptance and Tracking of a New Container-Based Virtual Laboratory
    (MDPI, 2020) Cano, Jesús; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Hernández Berlinches, Roberto; Duque Fernández, Andrés
    Presently, the ever-increasing use of new technologies helps people to acquire additional skills for developing an applied critical thinking in many contexts of our society. When it comes to education, and more particularly in any Engineering subject, practical learning scenarios are key to achieve a set of competencies and applied skills. In our particular case, the cybersecurity topic with a distance education methodology is considered and a new remote virtual laboratory based on containers will be presented and evaluated in this work. The laboratory is based on the Linux Docker virtualization technology, which allows us to create consistent realistic scenarios with lower configuration requirements for the students. The laboratory is comparatively evaluated with our previous environment, LoT@UNED, from both the points of view of the students’ acceptance with a set of UTAUT models, and their behavior regarding evaluation items, time distribution, and content resources. All data was obtained from students’ surveys and platform registers. The main conclusion of this work is that the proposed laboratory obtains a very high acceptance from the students, in terms of several different indicators (perceived usefulness, estimated effort, social influence, attitude, ease of access, and intention of use). Neither the use of the virtual platform nor the distance methodology employed affect the intention to use the technology proposed in this work
  • Publicación
    Analyzing the Users’ Acceptance of an IoT Cloud Platform using the UTAUT/TAM Model
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021) Haut, Juan M.; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Hernández Berlinches, Roberto
    Antonio Robles-Gómez, Llanos Tobarra, Rafael Pastor-Vargas, Roberto Hernández, Juan M. Haut; Título:; Publicación: . ISSN (;
  • Publicación
    Forensic Technologies to Automate the Acquisition of Digital Evidences
    (IEEE, 2022) García Guerrero, David; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Pastor Vargas, Rafael
    The main goal of this work is to propose the automatic acquisition of evidences in a remote way. This automated capacity becomes interesting for companies with extensive networks and/or several locations, as it allows them to delegate and centralize the acquisition task at a single point in their structure, while saving time and travel costs. This research has been carried out through the initial implementation of a virtual laboratory made up of a network and different scenarios, by including an experimentation process. The virtual network includes both the machine from which automatic acquisitions are performed and the devices from retrieving the evidence. The group of devices will be made up of various experiments. The aim is to analyze the viability of the acquisition in different scenarios, since distributed networks are not homogeneous in the real world
  • Publicación
    Emulating and Evaluating Virtual Remote Laboratories for Cybersecurity
    (MDPI, 2020) Cano, Jesús; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Hernández Berlinches, Roberto
    Our society is nowadays evolving towards a digital era, due to the extensive use of computer technologies and their interconnection mechanisms, i.e., social networks, Internet resources, IoT services, etc. This way, new threats and vulnerabilities appear. Therefore, there is an urgent necessity of training students in the topic of cybersecurity, in which practical skills have to be acquired. In distance education, the inclusion of on-line resources for hands-on activities in its curricula is a key step in meeting that need. This work presents several contributions. First, the fundamentals of a virtual remote laboratory hosted in the cloud are detailed. This laboratory is a step forward since the laboratory combines both virtualization and cloud paradigms to dynamically create emulated environments. Second, this laboratory has also been integrated into the practical curricula of a cybersecurity subject, as an additional on-line resource. Third, the students’ traceability, in terms of their interactions with the laboratory, is also analyzed. Psychological TAM/UTAUT factors (perceived usefulness, estimated effort, social influence, attitude, ease of access) that may affect the intention of using the laboratory are analyzed. Fourth, the degree of satisfaction is analyzed with a great impact, since the mean values of these factors are most of them higher than 4 points out of 5. In addition to this, the students’ acceptance of the presented technology is exhaustively studied. Two structural equation models have been hypothesized and validated. Finally, the acceptance of the technology can be concluded as very good in order to be used in @? other Engineering contexts. In this sense, the calculated statistical values for the improved proposed model are within the expected ranges of reliability (X2 = 0.6, X2/DF = 0.3, GFI = 0.985, CIF = 0.985, RMSEA = 0) by considering the literature
  • Publicación
    Smart Contracts for Managing the Chain-of-Custody of Digital Evidence: A Practical Case of Study
    (MDPI, 2023) Santamaría, Pablo; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Robles Gómez, Antonio
    The digital revolution is renewing many aspects of our lives, which is also a challenge in judicial processes, such as the Chain-of-Custody (CoC) process of any electronic evidence. A CoC management system must be designed to guarantee them to maintain its integrity in court. This issue is essential for digital evidence’s admissibility and probative value. This work has built and validated a real prototype to manage the CoC process of any digital evidence. Our technological solution follows a process model that separates the evidence registry and any evidence itself for scalability purposes. It includes the development of an open-source smart contract under Quorum, a version of Ethereum oriented to private business environments. The significant findings of our analysis have been: (1) Blockchain networks can become a solution, where integrity, privacy and traceability must be guaranteed between untrustworthy parties; and (2) the necessity of promoting the standardization of CoC smart contracts with a secure, simple process logic. Consequently, these contracts should be deployed in consortium environments, where reliable, independent third parties validate the transactions without having to know their content.