Pastor Vargas, Rafael

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Pastor Vargas
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Mostrando 1 - 6 de 6
  • Publicación
    Researchers’ perceptions of DH trends and topics in the English and Spanish-speaking community. DayofDH data as a case study
    (Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University (Cracovia), 2016-07-22) González-Blanco García, Elena; Rio Riande, Gimena del; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; Hernández Berlinches, Roberto; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Caminero Herráez, Agustín Carlos; Pastor Vargas, Rafael
  • Publicación
    EVI-LINHD, a virtual research environment for the Spanish speaking community
    (Oxford University Press, 2017-12) González-Blanco García, Elena; Rio Riande, Gimena del; Díez Platas, María Luisa; Olmo, Álvaro del; Urízar, Miguel; Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Robles Gómez, Antonio; Caminero Herráez, Agustín Carlos
    Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (UNED) has developed Entorno Virtual de Investigación del Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (EVI-LINHD), the first virtual research environment devoted mainly to Spanish speakers interested in digital scholarly edition. EVI-LINHD combines different open-source software for developing a complete digital project: (1) a Webbased application markup tool—TEIscribe—combined with an eXistdb solution and a TEIPublisher platform, (2) Omeka for digital libraries, and (3) WordPress for simple Web pages. All these instances are linked to a local installation of the LINDAT/Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN) digital repository. LINDAT/CLARIN allows EVI-LINHD users to have their projects deposited and stored safely. Thanks to this solution, EVI-LINHD projects also improve their visibility. The specific metadata profile used in the repository is based on Dublin Core, and it is enriched with the Spanish translation of DARIAH’s Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities.
  • Publicación
    Teaching cloud computing using Web of Things devices
    (IEEE, 2018) Carrillo, J. Cano; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Romero Hortelano, Miguel; Tobarra Abad, María de los Llanos; Hernández Berlinches, Roberto
    This work deals with the teaching of the innovative technology, named cloud computing, using the Web of Things (WoT) platform model based on web services. These services are designed and programmed by the students to handle embedded hardware devices (things) on Internet. The course is carried out within a makerspace where our students can take advantage of valuable on-line tools which are available in a collaborative learning environment. The introduction of these innovative technological elements improves the students' interest and engagement leading to achieve better learning results.
  • Publicación
    The Three-Tank System: A Remote and Virtual Control Laboratory using Easy Java Simulations
    (2005-01-01) Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Sánchez Moreno, José; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Dormido Canto, Sebastián
  • Publicación
    Alf : un entorno abierto para el desarrollo de comunidades virtuales de trabajo y cursos adaptados a la educación superior
    (2005-02-23) Raffenne, Emmanuelle; Aguado, M.; Arroyo, D.; Cordova, M. A.; Guzmán Sánchez, José Luis; Hermira, S.; Ortíz, J.; Pesquera, A.; Morales, R.; Romojaro Gómez, Héctor; Valiente, S.; Carmona, G.; Tejedor, D.; Alejo, J. A.; García Saiz, Tomás; González Boticario, Jesús; Pastor Vargas, Rafael
    Alf, entorno de trabajo, comunidades virtuales, enseñanza superior
  • Publicación
    Easy Java Simulations: an Open-Source Tool to Develop Interactive Virtual Laboratories Using MATLAB/Simulink
    (TEMPUS Publications, The International Journal of Engineering Education: Especial issue on Matlab/Simulink in engineering education, 21, 5, 798-813, 2005, 2005-01-01) Esquembre Martínez, Francisco; Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Sánchez Moreno, José; Martín Villalba, Carla; Dormido Canto, Sebastián; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Urquía Moraleda, Alfonso