Persona: Duro Carralero, Natividad
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Duro Carralero
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14 resultados
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Mostrando 1 - 10 de 14
Publicación El sistema de tres tanques: un laboratorio virtual y remoto usando Easy Java Simulations(Actas de las IV Jornadas de Enseñanza a través de Internet/Web de la Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, EIWISA2005 (CEA-IFAC), pp.51-58, 2005-01-01) Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Sánchez Moreno, JoséPublicación Development of a Web-Based Control Laboratory for Automation Technicians: The Three-Tank System(IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, 2007-01-01) Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Farias Castro, Gonzalo Alberto; Esquembre Martínez, Francisco; Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Sánchez Moreno, José; Dormido Canto, SebastiánPublicación The Three-Tank System: A Remote and Virtual Control Laboratory using Easy Java Simulations(2005-01-01) Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Sánchez Moreno, José; Pastor Vargas, Rafael; Dormido Canto, SebastiánPublicación WEB-BASED LEARNING RESOURCES FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR AUTOMATION TECHNICIANS(IFAC 2006, 2006-01-01) Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Farias Castro, Gonzalo Alberto; Esquembre Martínez, Francisco; Sánchez Moreno, José; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Dormido Canto, SebastiánPublicación Heatflow: un laboratorio basado en web usando Easy JAva simulations y labview para el entrenamiento en técnicas de automatización(XII Latin-American Congress on Automatic Control , CD-ROM del Congreso, Salvador de Bahía (Brasil), october 2006, 2006-10-01) Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Farias Castro, Gonzalo Alberto; Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Canto Díez, María Antonia; Esquembre Martínez, Francisco; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Sánchez Moreno, José; Dormido Canto, SebastiánPublicación A methology to model and simuate binary distillation columns with inventory control(2004-01-01) Duro Carralero, Natividad; Morilla García, FernandoPublicación Developing and Implementing Virtual and Remote Labs for Control Education: The UNED pilot experience(17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08) Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008, 2008-07-06) Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Dormido Canto, Sebastián; Morilla García, FernandoLast years, research efforts on the development of virtual and remote laboratories in control engineering education have been reported in many conferences, workshops and journals. However, it is observed that pilot experiences about the utilization of web-based laboratories are not habitual practices. In this paper it is described the pilot experience of the Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control of the Spanish University of Distance Learning (UNED) about the introduction of three webbased laboratories in a course on process control. This experience begins with descriptions of the tools employed to develop client and server-sides and the collaborative environment used to publish the labs in Internet. Attention is due to the concept of task protocol. It consists essentially of an ordered list of activities that students must execute in the virtual and remote mode of each one of the three web-based laboratories. To conclude, results of the pilot experience are given by means of evaluation questionnaires.Publicación Auto-Tuning PID controllers in terms of relative damping(IFAC 2000, 2000-01-01) González López, Antonio; Morilla García, Fernando; Duro Carralero, NatividadPublicación Red Automatl@bs. Compartiendo recursos de experimentación a través de Internet: la experiencia Automatl@bs(2009-09-01) Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián; Vargas Oyarzun, Héctor; Canto Díez, María Antonia; Farias Castro, Gonzalo Alberto; Sánchez Moreno, José; Dormido Canto, Raquel; Duro Carralero, Natividad; Dormido Canto, Sebastián; Morilla García, FernandoPublicación Modelado y simulación de columnas binarias de destilación con control de inventario(Workshop en: Metodologías de Modelado y Simulación de Sistemas, 2001., 2001-01-01) Duro Carralero, Natividad; Morilla García, Fernando