Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín

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  • Publicación
    (Springer, 2019-01-05) Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín
    In the present chapter, we propose to analyse the category of consumer and how this individual status is being conditioned by European Union (EU) law. After a brief reference to the methodology used, the analysis begins with a consideration about the foundations of consumer protection in EU law and how it developed from an instrument to develop the EU internal market to a relevant one to define the Status of EU citizens and residents as consumers and players in the market under modern EU law. We will consider consumer protection configuration, the notion of consumer, and the development of a consumer legal framework in the EU, with references to national legislation that can reinforce consumer status. We also consider the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law, not only regarding its important role in the definition of the notion of a consumer but also in the development of a consumer constitutional procedural for Status, consolidating the consumer position in the national judicial process.
  • Publicación
    Análisis del marco jurídico para el tratamiento de datos personales para la investigación biomédica en España
    (Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad de Estudios Parlamentarios y del Estado Autonómico, 2023) Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín
  • Publicación
    El impacto de género de las políticas de austeridad
    (Comares, 2015) Benlloch Domènech, Cristina; Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín;
    El trabajo que aquí se presenta es un intento por comprender el impacto de género de las políticas de austeridad de los países que se conocen en la Unión Europea como PIIGS (Portugal, Irlanda, Italia, Grecia y España). Se trata de países que han vivido con especial intensidad la crisis económica, y que han visto como sus gobiernos, en respuesta a dicha situación, han adoptado e implementado una serie de medidas de austeridad con el objetivo de controlar el déficit público. El objetivo no es el de analizar en qué medida algunas estadísticas muestran si la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres se ha agudizado con la crisis económica; sino si ésta se ha agudizado con la implementación de las políticas de austeridad.
  • Publicación
    Supremacía Constitucional y Primacía del Derecho de la Unión Europea tras el caso Melloni
    (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC), 2016) Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín
  • Publicación
    Challenges of civil application of ‘Drones’ for commercial purposes in the logistics and transportation sector
    (Springer, 2024-04-19) Martínez Raya, Antonio; Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín;
    ‘Drone’ is a widely used term to refer to any aerial vehicle being operated by using remote commands from a pilot or relying on software for autonomous flight. This aircraft type is more formally known as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), often forming an integral part of an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). Introducing such aerial devices in several civil contexts has been considered one of the biggest disruptive technologies of the present decade. Nowadays, such aerial vehicles are being operated for multiple business activities intended for commercial purposes. Shortly, when it comes to the transportation sector, in addition to common use concerning surveillance and security services, it aims to carry goods for logistic services when delivering small parcels and spare parts. It is also expected to make even greater use of commercial drones in the coming years since the massive use of such an aircraft is creating a new market with large economic potential, thus leading the aeronautic industry to point out that the emerging technologies in the drone application have a positive impact on innovation at national levels. Nevertheless, the weakness of the related air operations in terms of safety in crowded urban environments and a lack of a stable global legal framework with adequate guarantees of privacy and other fundamental rights and values complicate the issue still further and constitute an obstacle to the full social acceptance of these flying machines.
  • Publicación
    (Springer, 2023-12-27) Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín
    In Spain, two laws regulate biobanks: the Biomedical Research Law and the Biobanks Regulation (Royal Decree 1716/2011) These laws establish the requirements for the authorisation and operation of biobanks for biomedical research purposes and for the processing of sample biologics of human origin. The Spanish law on biomedical research establishes relevant rules for the correct use of biological samples and for the use, treatment and conservation of genetic data, for which it establishes additional requirements to those provided by the GDPR. The use of biological samples assumes consent expressed for a specific investigation, and a new expression of consent is required for the use of biological samples for other research not related to the initial purpose for which consent was granted. In Spain, the processing of health, genetic and biometric data is lawful for scientific research purposes with the prior consent of the data subject. However, the legislation supports research by allowing broad consensus that facilitates related future research; and for the reuse of personal data for other health and biomedical research purposes by specifying that reuse can occur when the data is used for purposes or areas of research related to the area in which the initial study was permitted. Some guarantees in support of the legitimacy of the processing of pseudonymised data for health and biomedical research are required by the national law, including that the use of pseudonymised personal data for public health and biomedical research purposes is previously submitted to the research ethics committee set up by sector legislation.