Osuna Acedo, Sara

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Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
  • Publicación
    Building Children's Identity in the Disney World
    (Universidad de La Laguna, 2018) Cantillo Valero, Carmen; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier
    Las industrias de la comunicación se convierten en instrumentos poderosos de dominio y sumisión, situándose de forma estratégica en la economía, la política y la cultura. En todos estos aspectos de la representación humana podemos encontrar la influencia de las industrias del entretenimiento, cumpliendo así con el objetivo de someter a su audiencia manipulada hacia la pasividad. Metodología: A través de una metodología mixta y la triangulación de los datos obtenidos, el estudio arroja resultados significativos sobre la influencia de las industrias del entretenimiento, que se ve reflejada en los discursos de los sujetos entrevistados. Conclusiones y discusión: Nuestros análisis y reflexiones nos llevan a la conclusión de que la cultura mainstream ha repercutido en la cultura popular, pero no para convertir al público en protagonista, sino para imponer los mensajes formulados por la clase hegemónica.
  • Publicación
    Open, Mobile and Collaborative Educational Experience. Case study: The European ECO Project
    (J.UCS Consortium, 2017) Cantillo Valero, Carmen; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier
    The European ECO Project has contributed to the dissemination of MOOCs by developing an educational model which promotes participation and interaction through social networks and an own virtual platform. Likewise, it fosters students’ empowerment by allowing them to create their own courses. Such training model is studied in this research work, firstly, through the analysis of teachers’ and students’ speeches posted on forum boards and groups. Then results obtained in several surveys conducted among participants, which consider interactions taking place both in and off the platform, are triangulated. Educational and motivational factors in the students’ profile show the advantages and disadvantages found in their perception of the collaborative learning model, as well as the empowerment derived from the participation in the creation of their own MOOCs. This study reveals multiple factors affecting the proper development of these courses, while considering communication as an incentive for the creation of knowledge through the MOOC itself. All this will contribute to improve the quality of education and to trigger a change of paradigm, necessary to understand today’s education and society.
  • Publicación
    Building Children's Identity in the Disney World
    (Universidad de La Laguna, 2018) Cantillo Valero, Carmen; Osuna Acedo, Sara::virtual::4300::600; Gil Quintana, Javier::virtual::4301::600; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier; Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier
    Communication industries have become powerful instruments for dominion and submission by locating themselves strategically in economy, politics and culture. All these aspects of human representation are influenced by the entertaining industries, thus achieving their goal of subduing their manipulated audience towards passivity. Methodology: Through a mixed methodology and the triangulation of obtained data, the study yields significant results concerning the influence of entertaining industries, as reflected in the statements of the subjects interviewed. Conclusions and discussion: Our analysis and reflections lead us to conclude that mainstream culture has had an impact on the popular culture, not to make the public the true protagonist though, but to impose messages phrased by the hegemonic class.
  • Publicación
    Open mobile and collaborative educational experience. Case study: The European ECO Proyect
    (Graz University of Technology, 2018-12-17) Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier; Cantillo Valero, Carmen
    The European ECO Project has contributed to the dissemination of MOOCs by developing an educational model which promotes participation and interaction through social networks and an own virtual platform. Likewise, it fosters students empowerment by allowing them to create their own courses. Such training model is studied in this research work, firstly, through the analysis of teachers' and students' speeches posted on forum boards and groups. Then results obtained in several surveys conducted among participants, which consider interactions taking place both in and off the platform, are triangulated. Educational and motivational factors in the students' profile show the advantages and disadvantages found in their perception of the collaborative learning model, as well as the empowerment derived from the participation in the creation of their own MOOCs. This study reveals multiple factors affecting the proper development of these courses, while considering communication as an incentive for the creation of knowledge through the MOOC itself. All this will contribute to improve the quality of education and to trigger a change of paradigm, necessary to understand today's education and society.
  • Publicación
    La construcción de la identidad infantil en el mundo Disney
    (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2018) Osuna Acedo, Sara; Gil Quintana, Javier; Cantillo Valero, Carmen
    ntroducción. Las industrias de la comunicación se convierten en instrumentos poderosos de dominio y sumisión, situándose de forma estratégica en la economía, la política y la cultura. En todos estos aspectos de la representación humana podemos encontrar la influencia de las industrias del entretenimiento, cumpliendo así con el objetivo de someter a su audiencia manipulada hacia la pasividad. Metodología. A través de una metodología mixta y la triangulación de los datos obtenidos, el estudio arroja resultados significativos sobre la influencia de las industrias del entretenimiento, que se ve reflejada en los discursos de los sujetos entrevistados. Conclusiones y discusión. Nuestros análisis y reflexiones nos llevan a la conclusión de que la cultura mainstream ha repercutido en la cultura popular, pero no para convertir al público en protagonista, sino para imponer los mensajes formulados por la clase hegemónica.