Olivas Osuna, José Javier

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Olivas Osuna
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José Javier

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  • Publicación
    Recalibrating populism measurement tools: methodological inconsistencies and challenges to our understanding of the relationship between the supply- and demand-side of populism.
    (Frontiers in Sociology, 2022-10-14) Rama Caamaño, José; Olivas Osuna, José Javier
    The analysis of the congruence between the demand- and supply-side of populism is key to understand the relationship between citizens and populist parties, and to what extent this is mainly a “pull” or “push” phenomenon. Although the study of populism has experienced an unprecedented growth across social sciences during the last decade, research directly addressing this connection remains scarce. Moreover, most existing tools used to measure populism have not been created paying much consideration to their compatibility with those applied in the other side of this demand-supply divide. This article critically revisits the influential Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) Module 5 dataset to illustrate shortcomings regarding current efforts to measure the demand- and supply-sides of populism. We show that according to CSES data the, often presumed, correspondence between “populist” attitudes and likelihood of voting for “populist parties” is only partial and country specific. But more importantly, we identify three main potential sources of such mismatch linked to instrumental issues: (i) problems with the choice, design and operationalization of attitudinal survey items; (ii) problems in the assessment of parties’ populism; and (iii) instrument biases that make them more effective with some varieties of populism than with others. These methodological limitations are hindering our ability to settle longstanding theoretical debates concerning the correspondence between the demand- and supply-side, the relative centrality of attributes, and varieties of populism. Therefore, we invite scholars working in this field to update existing measurement tools, or develop new ones, considering the multidimensionality of this latent construct, the diversity of movements, and the need to apply consistent criteria and operationalization techniques when assessing degrees of populism in citizens and parties.
  • Publicación
    The Profiteers of Fear? Right-wing Populism and the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe: Spain
    (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2020) Rama Caamaño, José; Olivas Osuna, José Javier
    Spain has been one of the countries hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis in terms of both the number of victims and the economic impact. Thus, on March 13, 2020 the government of Pedro Sánchez decreed a state of alarm, giving way to one of the most restrictive confinements in Europe. Meanwhile, the Spanish right-wing party VOX has clashed hard with the government during the Covid-19 crisis and even filled a no-confidence motion last October, 21st 2020. The party has also encouraged several protests against lockdown last May and October. This study aims to analyse VOX’s behaviour during the Covid-19 crisis and see to what extent it has taken advantage (or not) of the crisis. As VOX is a quite recent political party, the paper comes back on VOX’s trajectory from its foundation in 2013 to 2018/2019, when it gets parliamentary representation. It then focuses on VOX’s actions and discourse, at the Congress and other arena. Having positioned themselves as the radical opposition to Pedro Sánchez’s government during the first wave, where it is assumed that all parties will muck in together, does not seem to have damaged them yet. However, it does not seem as if they have benefited from the situation, at least not in the short term.
  • Publicación
    Voting for Your Pocketbook, but against Your Pocketbook? A Study of Brexit at the Local Level
    (SAGE, 2021-02-25) Gartzou Katsouyanni, Kira; Kiefel, Max; Olivas Osuna, José Javier
    In explaining the outcome of the 2016 EU referendum in the United Kingdom, can theories emphasizing the importance of economic factors be reconciled with the fact that many people appeared to vote against their economic self-interest? This article approaches this puzzle through case study research that draws on fieldwork and a process of reciprocal knowledge exchange with local communities in five local authorities in England and Wales. It argues that the Leave vote can be attributed partly to political discontent associated with trajectories of relative economic decline and deindustrialization. Building on the growing literature about the role of narratives and discourses in navigating uncertainty, it contends that these localized economic experiences, interpreted through local-level narratives, paved the way for local-level discourses of resilience and nationwide optimistic messaging about the economic impacts of Brexit to resonate. Local and national-level discourses discounting the potential economic costs of leaving the European Union played a crucial role in giving precise, somewhat paradoxical, political content to the sense of discontent. The article contributes to the growing focus on place and community in understanding political behavior and invites further research on local discourses linking macro-level trajectories and micro-level voting decisions.
  • Publicación
    Populismo en España: Fundamentos Teóricos y Relatos Dominantes
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2021-05-01) Olivas Osuna, José Javier
    El populismo se ha convertido en uno de los fenómenos políticos que más preocupan y, dada su complejidad, uno de los más controvertidos y debatidos actualmente en las ciencias sociales. Este artículo deconstruye y compara los discursos de los partidos políticos españoles que generalmente son clasificados como populistas –el izquierdista Podemos, el derechista Vox y los partidos secesionistas vascos y catalanes, EH Bildu, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya y Junts per Catalunya– de acuerdo a cinco dimensiones del populismo: i) antagonismo, ii) moralidad, iii) construcción idealizada de la sociedad, iv) exaltación de la soberanía popular, y v) liderazgo personalista. Este artículo muestra que, a pesar de las significativas diferencias ideológicas y programáticas, todos estos partidos comparten muchos rasgos discursivos y una manera similar de articular sus comunicaciones, interpretar las dinámicas sociales y políticas, así como de instrumentalizar las crisis para construir nuevas identidades políticas.
  • Publicación
    Populism and Borders: Tools for Constructing “The People” and Legitimizing Exclusion
    (Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022-06-08) Olivas Osuna, José Javier
    This article argues theoretically and illustrates empirically that the “border” and “populism” are mutually constitutive concepts and should be considered as epistemic frameworks to understand each other. It compares quantitatively and qualitatively the electoral manifestos of four radical right parties —Vox, RN, UKIP, and Brexit Party—, and shows that borders are basic factors in the process of decontestation of “the people” and construction of exclusion-inclusion narratives. Likewise, this analysis exemplifies how (re)bordering claims are usually justified and articulated via populist discursive elements such as antagonism, morality, idealization of society, popular sovereignty and personalistic leadership. This article demonstrates that the border can become a method to study populism and vice versa and that crossfertilization between the borders and populism literatures is desirable. Further research is needed to understand whether populists’ selective instrumentalization of borders and equivalential logic leads to a non-binary hierarchical “othering” and the emergence of a populist “meta-us”.
  • Publicación
    Quantifying the ideational context: political frames, meaning trajectories and punctuated equilibria in Spanish mainstream press during the Catalan nationalist challenge
    (['Taylor and Francis Group', 'Routledge'], 2023-12-13) Jorge Botana, Guillermo de; Olmos Albacete, Ricardo; Martínez Mingo, Alejandro; Olivas Osuna, José Javier; Martínez Huertas, José Ángel
    This article presents a quantitative method for mapping semantic spaces and tracing political frames’ trajectories, that facilitate the analysis of the connections between changes in ideas and socio-political phenomena. We test our approach in Spain, where the Catalan conflict fostered a competition in terms of decontestation of meanings of key political concepts. Using unsupervised machine learning, we track the salience, level of semantic fragmentation and fluctuations in meanings of 216 frames in the two largest Spanish newspapers, El País and El Mundo, throughout 8 years. This is achieved via the extraction, vectorization, and comparison of over 70,000 words. We apply Latent Semantic Analysis, an innovative methodology for the alignment of semantic spaces, and new institutional theory. Our exploratory study suggests that the evolution of many nationalism-related frames resembles a punctuated equilibrium model, and that political events in Catalonia, acted as critical junctures, altering the meanings reflected in the Spanish press.