Persona: Fernández Moreno, Nuria
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Fernández Moreno
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12 resultados
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Publicación África en el siglo XX: una historia de la deconstrucción- reconstrucción en el trazado de fronteras e identidades(Madrid : Ramón Areces, 2009-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaPublicación Familias de Ureka. Monogamia secuencial, matrifocalidad y pertenencia(Madrid : Biblioteca Nueva, 2012-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaPublicación Raíces para los espíritus: el ciclo agrícola del ñame en Bioko, Guinea Ecuatorial(Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2013-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaLos ciclos agrícolas son una medida del paso del tiempo pautado por el cambio de estaciones que van marcando el crecimiento de la cosecha. El calendario agrícola suele ir acompañado de rituales que, además de estar encaminados a propiciar la abundancia de la producción, reproducen las relaciones que se dan en la comunidad, refuerzan y perpetúan la estructura social. Los ritos del ciclo del ñame son buen ejemplo de esta idea, propuesta ya por Leach (1954), para observar las relaciones de jerarquía y estatus, así como, los vínculos de parentesco que establecen ancestros y descendientes. La ofrenda de ñame es el ritual que mejor expresa dichos vínculos y el que canaliza la comunicación entre ambos. En este texto analizo las secuencias del ciclo agrícola en la “finca de ñames”, como un espacio y un tiempo, en los cuales se expresan las relaciones socio-político-religiosas de la sociedad bubi y, en torno a los cuales, también convergen algunos aspectos cruciales del propio ciclo vital de las personas.Publicación En la frontera del ciclo vital: el ritual del tuparápará entre los bubis de Guinea Ecuatorial(Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2005-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaEl texto describe un rito de iniciación al recién nacido entre los bubis de la isla de Bioko. A partir de la etnografía que presenta tanto del ritual como del contexto sociocultural de la etnia bubi, se aborda el contenido simbólico y el análisis estructual de las etapas que tienen lugar en este rito de paso. Durante el proceso, se ritualizan dos nacimientos, uno para los ancestros y otro para sus parientes vivos; ello conduce a una repetición de transiciones representadas en un escenario ritual que se divide en dos espacios contrapuestos: interior-exterior. La finalidad que persigue el ritual es el reconocimiento de la identidad de la nueva criatura como ser-social, así como la transmisión de conocimientos y socialización del bebé que son interpretados a través de una instrucción simbólica. El ritual, en conjunto, pone de manifiesto la continuidad que existe entre ancestros y descendientes y muestra cómo ambos están en el mismo ciclo vital.Publicación A propósito de las actitudes y roles del antropólogo en su trabajo de campo(Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), 2003-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaEl objetivo de este texto es analizar circunstancias determinantes en el trabajo de campo, que tienen que ver con las actitudes que el antropólogo mantiene con el grupo que estudia, prestando atención a algunos de los numerosos aspectos emocionales que comprende su vivencia. Estas reflexiones surgen del trabajo de campo que realicé en la isla de Bioko, en Guinea Ecuatorial, entre los años 1988 y 1992.Publicación Social, demographic and cultural aspects of Equatorial Guinea(Barcelona : Asociacion de Parasitólogos Españoles, 1996-03-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaIn Equatorial Guinea, the total population was 350000 in 1991. The population pyramid presents a broad base (due to the large proportion of children: 43% of the total population is under the age of 15 years) that tapers off to a narrow vertex (due to the low life expectancy: only 6,4% of the population is over 80). The estimated life expectancy in 1996 was 45 years in males and 51 years in females. The mean population density is 10 inhabitants per km' though the distribution is by no means homogeneous. The highest population density corresponds to the province of Kie- Ntem, with 17 inhabitants per km'; however, the island territories present the highest densities of the whole country, with 60 and 120 inhabitants per km' on North Bioko and Annob6n, respectively. The two main urban centers are the capital, Malabo, on the island of Bioko, with an estimated population of 58000 (60% of the total population on Bioko), and Bata, on the continent (population: approx. 45000). Seventy percent of the population of Equatorial Guinea lives in rural areas. Social indicators include: annual population growth rate (1991): 2,4%; global fertility rate (1988): 5,64 offspring per female; gross birth rate (J 989): 4,3%; gross mortality rate (1989): 1,9%; gross infant mortality rate (1989): 21,4%; illiteracy rate: 45%, of which over half are women; 23% of the population has completed primary schooling, 0,5% secondary education, and 0.2% university studies; of the latter, a full 88% are males; just under half of the population (48%) is employed, though only 38% are women. In economical terms, Equatorial Guinea possesses a free market economy, in which the private sector predominates. Expansion is hampered, however, by the precarious condition of the infrastructure, among other factors. The economy is basically fundamented upon two sectors: the exploitation of forest resources and agriculture, which involves 80% of the active population. Equatorial Guinea is included among the least developed countries, with severe deficiencies in terms of basic needs in nutrition, health, education and housing. The Fang are the predominant ethnic group in Equatorial Guinea, representing 82% of the global population. They are in turn divided into the Ntumu Fang to the North of the Uolo river, and the Okak Fang to the South. Four main ethnic groups collectively known as «Playeros- (or «Beach Peoples») inhabit Rfo Muni, the coast and the islands of Corisco and the Elobey group: the Ndowe (representing 3,7% of the population), the Bissio (1,4%) (previously known by the Spaniards as Bujebas), the Basseke, and the Balengue. The Bubi are second most numerous ethnic group, and are native to the island of Bioko. This group represents only 9% of the population. According to the 1983 census, of the total of 57740 inhabitants on Bioko, the Bubis accounted for 42%, while the remaining population was mainly Fang. The Fernandinos on Bioko island and the Annob6n on Bioko and Annob6n islands are minority groups. All these ethnic groups are of Bantu linguistic origin. Most of the population is Christian; however, religious beliefs are a syncretism combining monotheist Christian faith and traditional animist beliefs. The cult of ancestors is common in traditional belief among the different ethnic groups, as is communication with the supernatural world and with the spirits. Luck or ill fortune is always due to the intervention of spirits. These spirits are equally capable of protecting or causing bad luck, illnesses and death. Disease is seen as the confluence of physical and spiritual evil. Poor health is often attributed to a lack of adequate attention or homage to ancestors; it represents punishment by the ancestors for having transgressed certain norms or rules.Publicación El contexto colonial africano y el desarrollo de la antropología(2010-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaPublicación Bubi Government at the End of the 19th Century: Resistance to the Colonial Policy of Evangelization on the Island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea(Nordic Association of African Studies, 2013-03-01) Fernández Moreno, Nuria::virtual::3270::600; Fernández Moreno, Nuria; Fernández Moreno, Nuria; Fernández Moreno, NuriaThis text recounts the transition that Bioko political structure underwent upon entering into contact, first, with different African populations and, later, with the Spanish colonial government, at the end of the 19th century. The political process I analyze unfolded in a very short but very intense time: in just a few years, after numerous failed attempts, the transition from a decentralized government to a consolidated centralized chiefdom was made, culminating in the formation of a kingdom. This period ran parallel to the incipient advance of the colonization process and ended during this same reign with the death of the monarch.Publicación To be born as a social being. Giving identity to the newborn bubi baby (Equatorial Guinea)(Centro de Estudos Internacionais do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2013-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaPublicación Being Married to a Spirit: Mourning Rituals for a Wedding in South Bioko Equatorial Guinea(European Association of Social Anthropologists, 2012-01-01) Fernández Moreno, NuriaThis paper examines the rituals that Bubi women undertake when they marry a spirit. In this type of “traditional” marriage, a woman takes on a two-fold status: she becomes at once a legally married person and a widow.