Persona: Gallardo Beltrán, Marta
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Gallardo Beltrán
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1 resultados
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Publicación Three decades of land-use changes in the region of Madrid and how they relate to territorial planning(Taylor & Francis, 2016) Gallardo Beltrán, Marta; Martínez Vega, Javier; recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced extensive changes in land use-land cover (LULC). Most of these changes are related to an increase in developed areas (urban, industrial, commercial and transport) and abandonment of agricultural uses. The general guideline for regional management has been disregarded and the legal framework overstepped, allowing such changes to go ahead unchecked. Using four maps for different points in time, 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2006, LULC dynamics are analysed and the changes are related to Madrid regional policies. The IDRISI Land Change Modeller is used in order to quantify the changes and find out where they took place. The results show that developed areas doubled in size between 1982 and 2006. Changes were concentrated around the Madrid metropolis and around the main road network, with an increase in urban sprawl and with new, small urban patches in mountain areas of high scenic beauty. These fast and extensive changes were largely made possible by public disinterest and limitations in land and natural resource conservation mechanisms and in housing market regulation.