Sainz Martínez, Mario

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Sainz Martínez
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Mostrando 1 - 10 de 15
  • Publicación
    Dehumanization of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Groups Decreases Support for Welfare Policies via Perceived Wastefulness
    (ADRIPS, 2020) Loughnan, Steve; Martínez, Rocío; Moya, Miguel; Rodríguez Bailón, Rosa; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    Low-socioeconomic status (SES) groups are sometimes depicted as money wasters who live on welfare. Previous research has also found that low-SES groups are also animalized. We expand previous findings (Sainz et al., 2019) by examining the consequences that animalization has on support for social welfare policies (e.g., unemployment, housing) and governmental control of low-SES groups’ spending. We explored the mediating role of perceived wastefulness (i.e., the perception that low-SES people lack the ability to properly administer their budget) in the relationships between animalization and support for welfare policies and governmental control measures. In three correlation studies, 1a to 1c, we examined the relationships between these variables in three countries: The United Kingdom, the United States, and Spain. From our results, animalizing low-SES groups seem to negatively predict support for public policies and positively predict support for governmental control via the perception that low-SES people are unable to manage their finances. Finally, in two experimental studies, 2a and 2b, we directly manipulated the humanness of a low-SES group (animalized vs. humanized) and measured its effects on perceptions of the group’s wastefulness, support for social welfare policies, and support for governmental control over the group’s expenses. Results indicated that animalizing low-SES groups reduced support for social welfare by activating the impression that low-SES people are poor financial managers (Study 2a), but also that animalizing low-SES groups increased support for governmental control via perceived wastefulness (Studies 2a–b). We discuss the role of animalization in denying aid to those in need.
  • Publicación
    Perceived economic inequality enlarges the perceived humanity gap between low- and high- socioeconomic status groups
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022-12-22) Martínez, Rocío; Matamoros Lima, Juan A.; Moya, Miguel; Rodríguez Bailón, Rosa; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    In this paper, we analyze the influence of the perceived level of economic inequality in daily life on people’s recognition of the perceived humanity gap between low- and high-socioeconomic groups within society. To achieve this purpose, in Studies 1A–B, we analyzed the relationship between economic inequality and the humanity gap. In Studies 2A–B, we manipulated the level of inequality (low vs. high) to identify differences in the humanity gap. Results indicated that higher perceptions of economic inequality lead individuals to recognize a wider humanity gap between low- and highsocioeconomic groups in society. Implications are discussed.
  • Publicación
    Perceived unequal and unfairworkplaces trigger lower job satisfaction and lower workers’ dignity via organizational dehumanization and workers’ self-objectification
    (WILEY, 2023) Torres Vega, Laura C.; Sainz Martínez, Mario; Moreno Bella, Eva
    Despite the increasing wage disparities and the unfair distribution of resources in many organizations, there have not been enough academic explorations into the role of these contextual variables on dehumanization processes and psychosocial risk factors among employees. This project addresses how perceptions of economic inequality and unfairness in the distribution of resources can influence individuals’ perceptions of dehumanization and self-objectification, and trigger detrimental consequences in theworkplace.Using two correlational surveys in different cultural contexts (N=748), and two experimental studies (N = 662), this research consistently shows that both high inequality and high unfairness perceptions decrease job satisfaction and dignity at work through dehumanization processes. Specifically, both inequality and unfairness increase perceived organizational dehumanization, which in turn increases participants’ self-objectification. Self-objectification is associated with lower job satisfaction and dignity at work. This paper discusses the consequences of economic disparities on individuals’ recognition of their own humanity.
  • Publicación
    Group Dominance, System Justification, and Hostile Classism: The Ideological Roots of the Perceived Socioeconomic Humanity Gap That Upholds the Income Gap
    (ADRIPS, 2023) Jiménez Moya, Gloria; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    Perceiving low-socioeconomic status (low-SES) groups as less human than high- SES groups contributes to justifying socioeconomic inequality. Despite this issue’s relevance, previous research has not acknowledged the possible causes of this perceived humanity gap (differences in humanity between SES groups). In this project, we focus on analysing the possible influence of hierarchy-enhancing ideological variables on this gap. To do so, in a first correlational study (N = 765), we analyse the extent to which certain ideological variables predict the perceived humanity gap between low- and high-SES groups. Our results indicate that group dominance, system justification, and hostile classism are highly predictive of the humanity gap. In a second correlational study (N = 521) we found that the perceived humanity gap, the tendency to blame low-SES groups and praise high-SES groups for their economic standings, sequentially mediated the relationship among social dominance, system justification, and hostile classism with the support of social change policies. Finally, we manipulated each ideological variable in three equivalent studies (N = 631) to test its influence on the previous pattern of mediational results. The results confirmed the ideological variables’ antecedent roles in the mediation analysis. Finally, we discuss the role of the ideological hierarchy variables in the maintenance of socioeconomic differences through (de)humanisation.
  • Publicación
    Not all ballots should be considered equal: How education-based dehumanization undermines the democratic social contract
    (The British Psychological Society, 2023) Sainz Martínez, Mario; Vázquez Botana, Alexandra
    Less educated people are viewed negatively and their opinions are belittled in our society. Besides, along with other groups, they are underrepresented in the political arena which questions the legitimacy of democratic systems. Despite the existence of education-based devaluation, research on how people dehumanize individuals and groups with lesser education and minimize their democratic rights is scarce. In this project, we provide correlational evidence that less (vs. highly) educated individuals and groups are dehumanized (Study 1a, N = 304) and their democratic rights (voting, running for office) are questioned (Study 1b, N = 504). Furthermore, we identified that dehumanization tendencies of the less (vs. highly) educated targets predict support for denying them voting rights or the capability to run for public candidacies (Study 2, N = 447). Finally, an experimental study confirmed that the target's educational background influences attributions of humanity, which in turn seem to affect the denial of democratic rights to the target (Study 3, N = 470). These findings suggest that education- based dehumanization might undermine the inalienable democratic rights of lesser educated individuals and groups thus endangering the foundations of democratic systems.
  • Publicación
    Less human, more to blame: Animalizing poor people increases blame and decreases support for wealth redistribution
    (Sage Journals Home, 2020) Martínez, Rocío; Sutton, Robbie M.; Rodríguez Bailón, Rosa; Moya, Miguel; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    Increasing economic inequality adversely affects groups with low socioeconomic status (low-SES). However, many people are opposed to wealth redistribution policies. In this context, we examined whether dehumanization of low-SES groups has a role in this opposition. In the first study (N = 303), opposition to wealth redistribution was related to denying human uniqueness (e.g., intelligence and rationality) and having negative attitudes toward low-SES groups, more than denying human nature (e.g., emotionality and capacity to suffer) to low-SES groups. Mediation analyses indicated that this effect occurred via blaming low-SES groups for their plight, after controlling for participants’ SES and negative attitudes towards low-SES groups. In the second study (N = 220), manipulating the human uniqueness of a fictitious low-SES group affected support for wealth redistribution measures through blame. These results indicate that animalizing low-SES groups reduces support for wealth redistribution via blaming low-SES groups for their situation.
  • Publicación
    La relación entre el liderazgo auténtico, la deshumanización organizacional y el estrés en el trabajo
    (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2021) Delgado, Naira; Moriana, Juan A.; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    La deshumanización organizacional tiene efectos muy perjudiciales para el bienestar profesional. Estudios previos se han centrado en identificar factores organizacionales que desencadenan la deshumanización de los trabajadores o el estrés en el contexto laboral. Sin embargo, se conoce muy poco sobre los factores que pueden proteger a los trabajadores de los efectos negativos de la deshumanización. En esta investigación llevamos a cabo un estudio correlacional (N = 930) y una replicación directa (N = 913) para analizar 1) el papel mediador de la deshumanización organizacional en la relación entre liderazgo organizacional y estrés en el trabajo y 2) la posible moderación de la identificación con la organización y la frecuencia de la interacción líder-seguidores. Los resultados mostraron que un mayor nivel de liderazgo auténtico predecía un menor nivel de deshumanización organizacional y de estrés en el trabajo. Además, la deshumanización organizacional media en la relación entre liderazgo auténtico y estrés en el trabajo.
  • Publicación
    How do people understand the causes of poverty and wealth? A revised structural dimensionality of the attributions about poverty and wealth scales
    (Policy Press, 2022) García Castro, Juan Diego; Jiménez Moya, Gloria; Lobato, Roberto M.; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    The attributional process, defined as the process of inferring the causes of the events that surround individuals in their daily lives, can potentially shape the understanding of poverty and wealth. For instance, it might influence how people behave, what they expect from poor and wealthy groups in their society, and how they judge them. However, the existing measures that capture these attributional phenomena have several limitations. Some attributional factors lack empirical support, or some implemented items lack relevance in contemporary society. Therefore, the present study is aimed to deepen the understanding of the attributional process by reviewing the factor structure of the poverty (Cozzarelli et al, 2001) and wealth attribution scales (Bullock et al, 2003), as well as adapting and verifying the validity of these scales among the Mexican population. To do so, we revised the factor structure of the poverty and wealth attribution scales to create a unified scale. We back-translated the original items, conducted exploratory and confirmatory analyses, restructured the scale’s factors, and related them with other covariates. Our results indicate that these scales uniquely differentiate between internal and external attributions, demonstrating that the new factor structure is better for measuring attributional processes regarding the perceived causes of poverty and wealth than those used in previous research.
  • Publicación
    Abusive leadership versus objectifying job features: Factors that influence organizational dehumanization and workers’ self-objectification
    (WILEY, 2021) Baldissarri, Cristina; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    Recent research has revealed that work often can undermine people's humanness by promoting a view of them as mere objects. In particular, the workers’ meta-perceptions of being treated as company resources (i.e., organizational dehumanization) and their self-perceptions of being instrument-like (i.e., self-objectification) could be triggered by several factors. Previous research has identified that abusive supervisors and engaging in objectifying (repetitive, fragmented and other oriented) tasks are two of the main key factors that affect worker's dehumanization. The present project aims to disentangle the extent both factors (perceptions of abusive leadership and performing objectifying tasks) contribute to created perceptions of organizational dehumanization and self-objectification among workers that, ultimately, affects workers job satisfaction. In Study 1 (N = 208 workers), we measured the extent perceived abusive supervisors and objectifying job features predicted organizational dehumanization, self-objectification, and job satisfaction. The results indicate that abusive supervisors predicted perceptions of organizational dehumanization and workers self-objectification in a higher extent than objectifying job features, while workers job satisfaction was predicted in a higher extent by objectifying job features. In Study 2 (N = 141), we experimentally manipulated the abusive (versus nonabusive) supervisors and the objectifying (versus nonobjectifying) tasks in a laboratory setting. Results also indicated that the abusive supervisor exerts a greater influence than performing objectifying tasks on organizational dehumanization, self-objectification, and job satisfaction. The detrimental effect of an abusive supervisor in comparison with other working conditions on workers’ humanness is discussed, and practical implications are highlighted.
  • Publicación
    Spanish adaptation of the Ambivalent Classism Inventory (ACI)
    (Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, 2021) Lobato, Roberto M.; Jiménez Moya, Gloria; Sainz Martínez, Mario
    El clasismo hostil y benevolente contribu ye a la discriminación de las personas y grupos pobres, lo que implica consecuencias negativas para estos individuos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo adaptar y validar el Inventario de Clasismo Ambivalente (ACI) para obtener una herramienta adecuada que sea útil para expandir la investigación sobre este tema entre la población hispanohablante. Método: Con este n, se trad uj o al espa ñol la ver sió n del ACI desarrollada originalmente para angloparlantes, y esta versión en español fue a su vez traducida al inglés. Tras la aplicación de la escala en español, se llevaron a cabo análisis exploratorios y conrmatorios para vericar la conabilidad y la estructura factorial del ACI en una mues-tra de participantes mexicanos. Resultados: Los resultados demostraron que las propiedades psicométricas de la escala adaptada son aceptables. Su estructura original y factorial son similares a las de la escala original: clasismo hostil (12 ítems), paternalismo protector (4 ítems) y diferenciación de clases complementarias (4 ítems). Además, el estudio conrmó la validez convergente y divergente de las subdimensiones de la escala en relación con otras variables ideológicas y socioeconómicas. Conclusión: La adaptación propuesta de ACI contribuirá acomprender las actitudes hacia los pobres y sus consecuencias entre los hispanohablantes.