Cuesta González, Marta María de la

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Cuesta González
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Marta María de la

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 14
  • Publicación
    Cátedra Telefónica - UNED: Corresponsabilidad público-privada en sectores estratégicos.
    (CanalUNED, 2014-04-04 10:00:00) Puig de la Bellacasa Aznar, Eduardo; William, Karel; Cuesta González, Marta María de la
    La UNED en TVE-2 -Noticias- En un contexto de crisis económica como el actual, el mundo de la empresa en general, y en particular, algunos de sus sectores estratégicos, han hecho un esfuerzo creciente para adaptarse a esta coyuntura compleja. Como matriz propagadora de conocimiento, también la UNED, se ha aproximado al universo empresarial, mediante el diseño de sinergias capaces de impulsar nuevos proyectos acordes con estos nuevos tiempos. En este sentido la Cátedra Telefónica UNED es un ejemplo de colaboración público-privada en aras a sistematizar el diálogo entre los distintos grupos de interés de la sociedad.
  • Publicación
    The relationship between vulnerable financial consumers and banking institutions. A qualitative study in Spain
    (Elsevier, 2021-01-05) Fernández Olit, Beatriz; Cuesta González, Marta María de la; Paredes Gázquez, Juan Diego; Ruza Paz-Curbera, Cristina
    The financial exclusion phenomenon has been approached from different perspectives. After reviewing the recent literature, we adopt a financial ecology approach and propose a comprehensive framework to analyse the different types of difficulties (access, use and perception) that vulnerable financial consumers face in relationships with banking institutions as well as their underlying causes. We consider financial inclusion as the sustainable provision of financial services and products and an adjustment to individual needs. We examine a special group of urban vulnerable consumers: underbanked people facing poverty and social exclusion. Data were obtained from focus groups and were coded and analysed using qualitative data analysis software. The results show that use difficulties predominate, followed by perception difficulties. Bank pressure and lack of financial training stood out among the main causes of these financial difficulties. We conclude that poorer neighbourhoods constitute a distinctive financial ecology produced by the ‘discrimination’ of a significant number of their inhabitants in the use of mainstream financial services. The study provides evidence of the socio-spatial nature of the exclusion process and calls for further research on the role of policy responses to restrict abusive practices.
  • Publicación
    Banks and financial discrimination: what can be learnt from the spanish experience?
    (Springer, 2019-04-15) Fernández Olit, Beatriz; Ruza Paz-Curbera, Cristina; Cuesta González, Marta María de la; Matilla García, Mariano
    The paper analyses the phenomenon of financial discrimination that have been identified in many developed countries in the aftermath of the financial crisis. We would consider the process of quality worsening in the provision of banking products and services as part of the increasing problem of financial exclusion, which should consider not only the physical access to branches but also the difficulties of use of banking services and products. Our primary concern is focused on the collective of vulnerable customers, so we have carried out an analysis at a micro-scale (urban districts and municipalities) to identify the main determinants of the financial discrimination of territories according to their socioeconomic profile. This study constitutes a first attempt to analyse financial discrimination in the provision of banking products and services at an urban micro-scale. We have considered as good references the cases of Madrid and Barcelona in Spain, large urban territories with high level of social inequality. The methodology that had been applied is quantile regressions, useful technique for analysing the ‘extreme’ nature of the phenomenon of financial discrimination. Our results confirm that the more overloaded branches are settled in districts characterised by a lower socioeconomic profile, indicating a banking industry trend towards ‘low-cost’ retail banking to serve the group of less profitable – more vulnerable customers. Some recommendations are outlined for policymakers in line with the aims and scope of the Payment Accounts Directive of the European Union.
  • Publicación
    Rethinking the Income Inequality and Financial Development Nexus. A Study of Nine OECD Countries
    (MDPI, 2020-07-06) Rodríguez, José Miguel; Cuesta González, Marta María de la; Ruza Paz-Curbera, Cristina
    Financial crises have devastating effects in terms of income inequality. The recent financial crisis has provoked that inequality within advanced countries has returned to the prevailing levels of a century ago. In this article we look at the relationship between financial development and income inequality from a comprehensive perspective. Our hypotheses state that not only financial depth through credit expansion or capital markets activity matter in terms of income inequality, but also the financial system resilience. We look at a group of OCDE developed countries during the period 2000-2015 and the results confirm that in terms of credit provision there is a point of until which income inequality improves, but beyond this threshold further financial deepening will lead to a reverse effect, in line with the "Too much finance hypothesis". The role of capital markets exerts a widening income inequality effect while financial system resilience helps in alleviating existing income inequality. We recommend regulators and policymakers to pay more attention to financial depth variables, the behaviour of financial intermediaries and the environment in which they operate.
  • Publicación
    HackForGood 2014 (II)
    (CanalUNED, 2014-03-17 10:01:00) Quemada Vives, Juan; Quintas Marcos, Enrique; Cuesta González, Marta María de la
    Se describe cómo se va a desarrollar HackForGood, la formulación de retos y como son acometidos por los desarrolladores, las iniciativas de la Cátedra UNED, la participación de la Universidad Politécnica y de la fundación Hazloposible. Los organizadores animan a la participación en esta 2ª edición.
  • Publicación
    Corresponsabilidad público privada en sectores estratégicos
    (CanalUNED, 2014-02-27 08:30:00) William, Karel; Arranz Lázaro, Javier; Puig de la Bellacasa Aznar, Eduardo; Freud, Julie; Cuesta González, Marta María de la
    Una mirada hacia la Responsabilidad Social La necesaria corresponsabilidad pública privada en los denominados sectores estratégicos, es decir, sectores que gestionan servicios básicos, con cierto carácter de bien público, como la energía, el agua, las telecomunicaciones o la banca, fue el tema elegido por la Cátedra Telefónica-UNED de Responsabilidad Corporativa y Sostenibilidad en su Jornada Anual, celebrada en la UNED el día 19 de febrero. Sobre las anteriores cuestiones hemos entrevistado a tres de los ponentes participantes en la misma. Hemos destacado también en esta ocasión algunas de las ideas sobre el concepto de Economía Fundacional que explicaron Karel William y Julie Freud del Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change de la Universidad de Manchester. En CANALUNED pueden consultar las diferentes intervenciones que se realizaron a lo largo de la Jornada.
  • Publicación
    Banking system resilience and stability: constructing a composite indicator for developed countries
    (Emerald, 2019-10-14) Ruza Paz-Curbera, Cristina; Cuesta González, Marta María de la; Paredes Gázquez, Juan Diego
    The aim of this paper is to empirically appraise the health of banking systems by applying a new theoretical framework based on complex system theories. For doing so we propose a composite indicator for analysing the resilience and stability of banking systems for a group of advanced economies including the group of G7 countries, Spain and Portugal. The empirical results reveal quite different patterns in the aftermath of the financial crises. While some countries have improved its relative position within the ranking, we find others evolving just in the opposite direction. The main purpose of the indicator is not to make predictions of future banks’ behaviour, but rather to use it as an early warning system for policymakers and supervisors in identifying signs of weakness, as well as a useful tool to identify the best practices.
  • Publicación
    The relationship of vulnerable financial consumers with banking institutions. A qualitative study in Spain
    (Elsevier Science, 2021-02) Fernández Olit, Beatriz; Cuesta González, Marta María de la; Paredes Gázquez, Juan Diego; Ruza Paz-Curbera, Cristina
    The financial exclusion phenomenon has been approached from different perspectives. After reviewing the recent literature, we adopt a financial ecology approach and propose a comprehensive framework to analyze the different types of difficulties (access, use and perception) that vulnerable financial consumers face in relationships with banking institutions as well as their underlying causes. We consider financial inclusion as the sustainable provision of financial services and products and an adjustment to individual needs. We examine a special group of urban vulnerable consumers: underbanked people facing poverty and social exclusion. Data were obtained from focus groups and were coded and analysed using qualitative data analysis software. The results show that use difficulties predominate, followed by perception difficulties. Bank pressure and lack of financial training stood out among the main causes of these financial difficulties. We conclude that poorer neighborhoods constitute a distinctive financial ecology produced by the ‘discrimination’ of a significant number of their inhabitants in the use of mainstream financial services. The study provides evidence of the socio-spatial nature of the exclusion process and calls for further research on the role of policies responses to restrict abusive practices
  • Publicación
    Are social and financial exclusion two sides of the same coin? An analysis of the financial integration of vulnerable people
    (Springer, 2018) Fernández Olit, Beatriz; Paredes Gázquez, Juan Diego; Cuesta González, Marta María de la
    The economic crisis has increased the inequality and heterogeneity of people at risk of social exclusion, and thus their financial vulnerability. This article reviews the literature on the determinants of unbanking and underbanking and proposes a model linking financial and social exclusion. We aimed to determine if people at risk of poverty and social exclusion are integrated -and to what extent- in the financial system. To answer this question, we identified the demographic and the social exclusion factors that determine both the status of financial vulnerability and the use of banking services. We used multivariate analysis methods to analyze the information from the survey on social vulnerability conducted by the Red Cross Spain in 2015. Our results show a negative relationship between the risk of social exclusion and the intensity of use of banking services. This leads to financial vulnerability and exclusion in the most extreme situations. We suggest that underbanking is the most relevant - but not previously studied- situation of financial vulnerability in Europe and discuss its implications for policymakers. This paper contributes to the measurement of the link between financial and social exclusion, and is the first quantitative study on the use of banking products by vulnerable people in a European context.
  • Publicación
    Mesa redonda: Sector Financiero (Banca Comercial)
    (CanalUNED, 2014-02-19 18:18:00) Fernández Olit, Beatriz; Freud, Julie; Cuesta González, Marta María de la
    Modera: Marta de la Cuesta, Directora de la Cátedra Telefónica-UNED de RCyS. Participan: Julie Freud, Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC). University of Manchester, UK. Tema: Financiación. Enfoque: Luces y sombras del caso inglés. Perfil: académico. Institución financiera. Perfil: empresa sector financiero. Beatriz Fernández Olit, Economistas sin Fronteras. Tema: Proyecto Cátedra. Enfoque: explicar impactos de los cambios en el sector, con especial énfasis en la exclusión financiera. Perfil: sociedad civil.