Fernández Amoros, David José

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Fernández Amoros
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David José

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  • Publicación
    Speeding up derivative configuration from product platforms
    (MDPI, 2014-06-18) Pérez Morago, Héctor José; Adán, Antonio; Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José
    To compete in the global marketplace, manufacturers try to differentiate their products by focusing on individual customer needs. Fulfilling this goal requires that companies shift from mass production to mass customization. Under this approach, a generic architecture, named product platform, is designed to support the derivation of customized products through a configuration process that determines which components the product comprises. When a customer configures a derivative, typically not every combination of available components is valid. To guarantee that all dependencies and incompatibilities among the derivative constituent components are satisfied, automated configurators are used. Flexible product platforms provide a big number of interrelated components, and so, the configuration of all, but trivial, derivatives involves considerable effort to select which components the derivative should include. Our approach alleviates that effort by speeding up the derivative configuration using a heuristic based on the information theory concept of entropy.
  • Publicación
    Supporting the Statistical Analysis of Variability Models
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019-08-26) Mayr Dorn, Christoph; Egyed, Alexander; Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José
    Variability models are broadly used to specify the configurable features of highly customizable software. In practice, they can be large, defining thousands of features with their dependencies and conflicts. In such cases, visualization techniques and automated analysis support are crucial for understanding the models. This paper contributes to this line of research by presenting a novel, probabilistic foundation for statistical reasoning about variability models. Our approach not only provides a new way to visualize, describe and interpret variability models, but it also supports the improvement of additional state-of-the-art methods for software product lines; for instance, providing exact computations where only approximations were available before, and increasing the sensitivity of existing analysis operations for variability models. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach using real case studies with up to 17,365 features, and written in two different languages (KConfig and feature models).
  • Publicación
    Supporting the Statistical Analysis of Variability Models
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019-08-26) Mayr Dorn, Christoph; Egyed, Alexander; Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José
    Variability models are broadly used to specify the configurable features of highly customizable software. In practice, they can be large, defining thousands of features with their dependencies and conflicts. In such cases, visualization techniques and automated analysis support are crucial for understanding the models. This paper contributes to this line of research by presenting a novel, probabilistic foundation for statistical reasoning about variability models. Our approach not only provides a new way to visualize, describe and interpret variability models, but it also supports the improvement of additional state-of-the-art methods for software product lines; for instance, providing exact computations where only approximations were available before, and increasing the sensitivity of existing analysis operations for variability models. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach using real case studies with up to 17,365 features, and written in two different languages (KConfig and feature models).
  • Publicación
    Exemplar driven development of software product lines
    (Elsevier, 2012-12-01) Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José; Torre Cubillo, Luis de la; Abad Cardiel, Ismael
    The benefits of following a product line approach to develop similar software systems are well documented. Nevertheless, some case studies have revealed significant barriers to adopt such approach. In order to minimize the paradigm shift between conventional software engineering and software product line engineering, this paper presents a new development process where the products of a domain are made by analogy to an existing product. Furthermore, this paper discusses the capabilities and limitations of different techniques to implement the analogy relation and proposes a new language to overcome such limitations.
  • Publicación
    A literature review on feature diagram product counting and its usage in software product line economic models
    (World Scientific Publishing, 2013-10-01) Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio; Abad Cardiel, Ismael
    In software product line engineering, feature diagrams are a popular means to represent the similarities and differences within a family of related systems. In addition, feature diagrams implicitly model valuable information that can be used in economic models to estimate the cost savings of a product line. In particular, this paper reviews existing proposals on computing the total number of products modeled with a feature diagram and, given a feature, the number of products that implement it. The paper also reviews the economic information that can be estimated when such numbers are known. Thus, this paper contributes by bringing together previously-disparate streams of work: the automated analysis of feature diagrams and economic models for product lines.
  • Publicación
    Supporting commonality-based analysis of software product lines
    (Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2011-03-24) Heradio Gil, Rubén; Fernández Amoros, David José; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos
    Software Product Line (SPL) engineering is a cost effective approach to developing families of similar products. Key to the success of this approach is to correctly scope the domain of the SPL, identifying the common and variable features of the products and the interdependencies between features. In this paper, we show how the commonality of a feature (i.e., the reuse ratio of the feature among the products) can be used to detect scope flaws in the early stages of development. SPL domains are usually modeled by means of feature diagrams following the FODA notation. We extend classical FODA trees with unrestricted cardinalities, and present an algorithm to compute the number of products modeled by a feature diagram and the commonality of the features. Finally, we compare the performance of our algorithm with two other approaches built on top of boolean logic SAT-solver technology such as cachet and relsat.
  • Publicación
    A scalable approach to exact model and commonality counting for extended feature models.
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014-05-29) Fernández Amoros, David José; Heradio Gil, Rubén; Cerrada Somolinos, José Antonio; Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos
    A software product line is an engineering approach to efficient development of software product portfolios. Key to the success of the approach is to identify the common and variable features of the products and the interdependencies between them, which are usually modeled using feature models. Implicitly, such models also include valuable information that can be used by economic models to estimate the payoffs of a product line. Unfortunately, as product lines grow, analyzing large feature models manually becomes impracticable. This paper proposes an algorithm to compute the total number of products that a feature model represents and, for each feature, the number of products that implement it. The inference of both parameters is helpful to describe the standarization/parameterization balance of a product line, detect scope flaws, assess the product line incremental development, and improve the accuracy of economic models. The paper reports experimental evidence that our algorithm has better runtime performance than existing alternative approaches.