Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin Román

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Czubala Ostapiuk
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Marcin Román

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Publicación
    La soberanía digital de Europa: el Plan de Recuperación como un posible instrumento de transformación
    (Tirant lo Blanch, 2023) Benedicto Solsona, Miguel Ángel; Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin Román
  • Publicación
    Las violaciones del Estado de Derecho en Polonia a la luz de los valores y recursos financieros de la UE
    (Tirant lo Blanch, 2023) Benedicto Solsona, Miguel Ángel; Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin Román
  • Publicación
    Rethinking strategic autonomy in times of Next Generation EU: new digital agenda
    (Institute for Research and European Studies, 2023) Benedicto Solsona, Miguel Ángel; Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin Román
    The digital transformation of the global economy and society has accelerated after the Covid-19 pandemic. The European Union (EU), compared to China and the United States, is losing its capacity for innovation and control over data and fundamental raw materials and could even lose ground in the regulatory power it has in the digital realm. This paper pays special attention to the situation and progress toward a new European policy to achieve digital strategic autonomy. It also briefly outlines the Recovery Plan for Europe as a possible incentive for its promotion. Both descriptive and analytical methods were employed to gather the data from secondary sources and provide reliable research results. The major findings of this article are that strategic autonomy is an imperative requirement for sustaining and encouraging European integration, forcing the EU to advance faster toward developing critical digital technologies. There is also an urgent need to secure critical parts of supply chains and data protection, intellectual property, and defense against disinformation. Finally, the European Union must improve its resilience to face new crises and lead the digitalization of its economy.
  • Publicación
    Next Generation European Union and the digital transformation: an opportunity for Spain
    (Institute for Research and European Studies, 2021-11-23) Benedicto Solsona, Miguel Ángel; Czubala Ostapiuk, Marcin Román
    The main objective of this article is to analyze the importance of digital transformation and the funds provided by way of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) plan, taking into account the Spanish case. Through the working hypothesis, it was established that the Iberian country has a wide margin for improvement in the context of digitalization. Likewise, that NGEU forms a key impulse for the recovery from the crisis caused by Covid-19, as well as for the implementation of new digital technologies in Spain. The use of the Digital Economy and Society Index, developed by the European Commission, has allowed us to carry out empirical research. The evaluation of the current situation and the progress of Spain in the field of analysis, as well as the putting it in perspective regarding the rest of the Member States, have been undertaken. Moreover, the Eurostat database has been employed, in addition to the estimations of the Spanish executive exposed through the Digital Agenda 2025, to examine investment in R&D and intangible assets and try to assess the importance of the EU recovery fund for Spain's development and progress in the digitization framework. Finally, the hypothesis and the objectives have been achieved