Colmenar Santos, Antonio

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Colmenar Santos
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  • Publicación
    Reduction of water and energy consumption in the sanitary ware industry by an absorption machine operated with recovered heat
    (Elsevier, 2021-01-25) Cuviella-Suárez, C.; Colmenar Santos, Antonio; Borge-Diez, D.; López-Rey García-Rojas, África
    Water scarcity is a real problem that affects directly over one third of the world population, and greenhouse gases only worsen the situation. Due to this, action must be taken against the over exploitation of resources. Water accounting and saving should be mandatory for a proper sustainable industry. In this regard, the sanitary ware industrial sector, as an intensive consumer of water, should make a social commitment to contribute to stopping water overuse. Sanitary ware manufacturing delivers an amount of water equivalent to the half of the total production weight via evaporation. The aim of this research was to find a green process to reuse the evaporated water and thereby reduce the overall water consumption level as well as promote a cleaner technology with low environmental impact. The key point in supporting sustainability restriction is to match water condensation with heat recovery to avoid any energy surplus. The thermal energy recovered from kiln exhaust gets transferred into a cold flow, which condenses the evaporated water by an absorption cycle. Computational modeling was used to thermodynamically analyze and optimize the performance of this novel technology. The proposed model was applied to the most extended technologies to reduce natural gas usage by 25% and total water usage by 16%. Besides, the surplus of condensed water from combustion and from air moisture has been quantified to be added to savings. The present research provides a practical tool for the sector to use in designing more efficient, green manufacturing plants while supporting a more sustainable business model. It demonstrates and quantifies the potential of water saving in the sanitary ware industry, which had never before been tackled.
  • Publicación
    Pico turbines, the solution to self-supply energy to the water supply network. A case study in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
    (Elsevier, 2021-08-15) Borge Diez, David; Godoy Deniz, Juan Manuel; López-Rey García-Rojas, África; Colmenar Santos, Antonio
    This paper describes the integration of the pico turbines in the drinking water network of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). World's drinking water supply companies need updates his infrastructure and technology to turn existing networks into smart water networks, to preserve people's health by ensuring the potability of water for human consumption. The essential parameters for water quality (such as chlorine level, pH, turbidity and others) can be easily measured using sensors inserted in the pipes and in the storage and distribution tanks. Access to this information in real time and immediate action is essential to ensure the health of the people who access this vital element. It is therefore essential to increase the number of sensors and the analysis of the data they provide in order to detect anomalies, correct them and anticipate their consequences. Some of the objectives are the correct measurement of meters to detect leaks and anomalous consumption, saving water and energy, avoiding water and air pollution, achieving efficient supply to the consumer and achieving profitable, efficient and environmentally sustainable urban hydraulic systems. All systems require power, the pico turbines inserted in the network can supply power without affecting the normal operation of the network. Pico turbines are highly efficient, low cost and easy to install systems, but they are not widely used. The case exposed in this city could be replicated in many urban systems, it is novel that there is no literature of massive applications, existing a wide capacity of implantation and development of this technology. When it seems that the locations for the installation of hydroelectric plants have been exhausted, it is time to commit to the development of this mature technology on the micro-scale of the infrastructures already created, the novelty is to continue discovering those places where there is untapped energy potential. There is capacity to grow in very small hydroelectric systems with immediate profitability. The researchers in this article describe the first phase of an investigation that has gone hand in hand with its validation and actual exploitation. The aim is for managers not to forget this technology, which has a very wide growth field to satisfy the small demand for distributed energy in water networks of all types. The authors hope that the results of the research carried out will motivate other technicians to apply the energy potential of their water networks for the self-sufficiency of their control, remote control, chemical dosage and water analysis systems. The applications they carry out will be immediately profitable.
  • Publicación
    Teaching Using Collaborative Research Projects: Experiences with Adult Learners in Distance Education
    (MDPI, 2021-09-18) Enrique Rosales Asensio; Sierra García, José Carlos; Pérez Molina, Clara María; Jesús Romero Mayoral; Colmenar Santos, Antonio
    This research studies the acquisition and improvement of specific cognitive, functional, and social competencies of the students enrolled in a university module in which we applied Collaborative Research Project (CRP) strategy. The module was Research Methodology for a master’s degree in research in electrical engineering, electronics and industrial control given at the National Distance Education University (UNED) in Spain. This practice was applied to a research project in which the private sector was interested in. We have been aiming at increasing academia–industry interaction while promoting active learning; both are principles advocated by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Having applied this strategy, the module learning outcomes were evaluated following the guideline standards set by the National Agency for Quality Assessment of Universities (ANECA) of the Spanish Government. The results from this evaluation indicated that CRP, even when carried out by using distance learning, has encouraged the students’ interest in both research and the module. It has also fostered collaboration between students and lecturers while increasing their degree of satisfaction. We highlight the difficulties in merging all the outcomes from the students’ research as the main drawback.
  • Publicación
    Techno-economic analysis of a heat and power combination system based on hybrid photovoltaic-fuel cell systems using hydrogen as an energy vector
    (Elsevier, 2021-06-01) Peláez Peláez, Sofía; Colmenar Santos, Antonio; Pérez Molina, Clara María; Ana-Esther Rosales
    A techno-economic assessment is conducted for a hybrid combined generation system based on renewable storage technologies such as those offered by fuel cells and using hydrogen as a fuel, which is considered to be a sustainable energy vector. The proposed system consists of three subsystems: a photovoltaic system, which generates electrical energy through solar energy; the system for the generation, consumption and storage of hydrogen, where an electrolyzer is available to obtain hydrogen from water; the fuel cell, which will generate electrical and heat energy and a hydrogen tank to store the hydrogen; and a thermal system, consisting of a Heat Recovery Steam System and an absorption chiller where the thermal energy from the heat cell will be used for the thermal load. The electrical energy generated by the fuel cell serves as a support for the solar energy when, for whatever reason, it cannot meet the demand. The economic assessment, performed using the Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) software, shows that the net present cost of the optimized system is $1,006,293 and the cost of energy $0.8399/kWh. The research here presented proved that, although this system is not economically viable at present, it is technically possible.
  • Publicación
    Analysis on the electric vehicle with a hybrid storage system and the use of Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
    (Elsevier, 2021-11) Molina Ibáñeza, Enrique Luis; Rosales Asensio, Enrique; Pérez Molina, Clara María; Mur Péreza, Francisco; Colmenar Santos, Antonio
    Given the current load and power density limitations in electric vehicle (EV) storage systems, it is necessary to study hybrid and control systems in order to optimize their performance and present themselves as a real alternative to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. This implies the development of legislation and specific regulations that enable the research and development of these storage and management systems for hybrid systems. The research presented here aims to analyze the implementation of the SMES (Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage) energy storage system for the future of electric vehicles. To do this, the need for a hybrid storage system has been taken into account, with several regulatory options, such as the reduction of rates or the promotion of private investments, which allow the technological development of EVs. What is sought is to achieve the market share proposed by the different countries to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG), according to their objectives. This approach must be taken from the legislative and regulatory perspective, specific to EVs and charging points, of several countries or regions with different cultures, management models and implementation potential, such as the United States of America (USA), Europe and China. This analysis is associated with the economic study of costs that this storage system may involve in the implementation of EVs to replace ICE vehicles, resulting in possible economic benefits as well as the environmental benefits of the use of EVs. In this analysis, the current high cost of using a hybrid system of these characteristics can be observed with the comparison of three EVs, as well as current data on GHG emissions produced by transport. All this leads to a series of advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account in order to achieve the objectives that countries have in the coming decades of EV diffusion.
  • Publicación
    Technical challenges for the optimum penetration of grid-connected photovoltaic systems: Spain as a case study
    (Elsevier, 2020-01) Linares Mena, Ana Rosa; Molina Ibáñez, Enrique Luis; Rosales Asensio, Enrique; Borge Díez, David; Colmenar Santos, Antonio
    This research reviews the technical requirements of grid-connected photovoltaic power plants to increase their competitiveness and efficiently integrate into the grid to satisfy future demand requirements and grid management challenges, focusing on Spain as a case study. The integration of distributed resources into the electric network, in particular photovoltaic energy, requires an accurate control of the system. The integration of photovoltaic energy has resulted in significant changes to the regulatory framework to ensure proper integration of distributed generation units in the grid. In this study, the requirements of the system operator for the management and smart control are first analysed and then the technical specifications established by the network operator in reference to the components of the facility are evaluated. This analysis identifies the shortcomings of the current legislation and concludes with a summary of the main technical recommendations and future regulatory challenges that need to be undertaken in the future. It is presented as a reference case that can be adapted worldwide.
  • Publicación
    Adaptive model predictive control for electricity management in the household sector
    (Elsevier, 2022-05) Muñoz Gómez, Antonio Miguel; Rosales Asensio, Enrique; Fernández Aznar, Gregorio; Galán Hernández, Noemi; Colmenar Santos, Antonio
    This paper focuses on the optimisation of electricity consumption in residential buildings. To deal with the increase in electricity consumption, the intermittency of renewable energy generation and grid contingencies, a greater effort is required towards residential management optimisation. A novel adaptive model predictive control algorithm is proposed to achieve this objective. The challenges for this research included recognising and modelling the economic and technical constraints of the sources and appliances and addressing the uncertainties concerning the weather and user behaviour. Data-driven models are developed and trained to predict the user behaviour and buildings. Artificial neural networks and statistical models based on the weighted moving average are proposed to capture the patterns of deferrable and non-deferrable appliances, battery storage, electric vehicles, photovoltaic modules, buildings and grid connections. A dual optimisation method is devised to minimise the electricity bill and achieve thermal comfort. The proposed optimisation solver is a two-step optimisation method based on genetic algorithm and mixed integer linear programming. A comprehensive simulation study was carried out to reveal the effectiveness of the proposed method through a set of simulation scenarios. The results of the quantitative analysis undertaken as part of this study show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm towards reducing electricity charges and improving grid elasticity.