Hernández Benítez, Mauro

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Hernández Benítez
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  • Publicación
    A Rebato: Popular uprisings and the striking of the bells in eighteenth-century Castile
    (2023-08-18) Hernández Benítez, Mauro
    This paper delves into the dynamics of popular revolt in early modern Castile, taking as a viewpoint a revealing feature of these disturbances, the bell-ringing widely known as rebato, an equivalent to the French tocsin. While alarm bells have long been recognised as a prevalent element of popular revolt in Europe from medieval times, they have received limited specific scholarly attention. This study provides an overview of the historical significance of this distinctive sound and examines its material aspects. Subsequently, the paper investigates several instances of bell-ringing during Castilian riots, as reflected in archival sources, and analyses its meaning both for townspeople and the authorities. In attempting to elucidate the reasons behind the aversion this sound provoked among the privileged classes and the authorities, the study explores the political, ritual, and sonic dimensions of the rebato.
  • Publicación
    De pasquines y libelos: delitos de anonimato en la Castilla del siglo XVIII
    Hernández Benítez, Mauro
    A la estela del artículo de E.P. Thompson, “El delito de anonimato”, el presente texto explora la materialidad y el contexto de una serie de pasquines amenazantes ligados a tumultos en la Castilla del siglo XVIII. La indagación muestra cómo en su mayoría iban dirigidos contra las autoridades locales, en muchos casos denunciando las políticas de subsistencias y la corrupción municipal. no obstante, el principal hallazgo tiene que ver con la autoría de estos escritos, que a diferencia de lo que sostenía Thompson, y basándonos en indicios fragmentarios pero coincidentes, lleva a cuestionar la autoría “plebeya” de estos pasquines. Para terminar, se analiza la función de estos escritos anónimos en el contexto de la protesta popular, ligándolos a un proceso de “politización” de las clases populares. Following the steps of 1975 E.P. Thompson’s “Crime of anonymity”, this article explores the materiality and context of manuscript threatening leaflets (pasquines) and anonymous letters that appeared linked to episodes of riots in eighteenth-century Castile. The research shows that most of them were directed against local authorities, and a large portion denounced foodstuff’s policies and municipal corruption. The main issues at stake, however, has to do with authorship of this peculiar pieces of archival documentation; departing from Thompson’s assumptions, we question ‘plebeian’ authorship based on indirect but converging evidence. Finally, the function of these anonymous writing within popular revolt is analyzed, linking them to a process of ‘politization’ of popular classes.