Persona: Letón Molina, Emilio
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Letón Molina
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Publicación II Jornada de innovación y tecnologías educativas en la ETSI de informática(Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Editorial, 2016-11) Rodríquez Artacho, Miguel; Martínez Tomás, Rafael; Fernández Vindel, José Luis; Letón Molina, Emilio; Pérez de Madrid y Pablo, Ángel; Torre Cubillo, Luis de laLa jornada estaba motivada por la pregunta: "¿Cómo hacemos uso de la innovación educativa y de los medios tecnológicos para mejorar la efectividad de nuestra docencia y la experiencia de usuario de nuestros estudiantes?".Publicación Automatic assignment of reviewers in an online peer assessment task based on social interactions(Wiley Online Library, 2019) Anaya, Antonio R.; Luque Gallego, Manuel; Letón Molina, Emilio; Hernández del Olmo, FélixOnline peer assessment tasks are very popular and have unique characteristics that improve learning and encourage social interactions in a distance education environment. Unfortunately, social factors have usually been ignored in the process of selecting reviewers for online peer assessment tasks. We hypothesise that this fact could have some influence on the lack of engagement and participation by some learners. For this reason, we propose an approach in which social network analysis techniques, expert criteria, and Bayesian reasoning are applied to select reviewers with the objective of increasing participation in peer review tasks. The approach is divided into two elements. On the one hand, we have developed an influence diagram template that structures a set of proposed social network analysis variables in accordance with expert criteria. This influence diagram template can be easily updated for any course simply by eliciting a minimal set of parameters. On the other hand, we have instantiated the proposed influence diagram template to produce an influence diagram network to quantify the quality of reviewer assignment for an online peer assessment task. In an online experiment, we verified that the consideration of social factors can increase participation in a peer assessment task.Publicación Guía para crear los contenidos de tu curso digital(Editorial Fundación ONCE, 2021) Letón Molina, Emilio::virtual::2603::600; Rodríguez Ascaso, Alejandro::virtual::2604::600; Letón Molina, Emilio; Rodríguez Ascaso, Alejandro; Letón Molina, Emilio; Rodríguez Ascaso, Alejandro; Letón Molina, Emilio; Rodríguez Ascaso, AlejandroPublicación Assessment of Video Accessibility by Students of a MOOC on Digital Materials for All(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-05-21) Elisa M. Molanes López; Rodríguez Ascaso, Alejandro; Letón Molina, Emilio; Pérez Martín, Jorge; assessment of multimedia accessibility is a relevant, complex and time-consuming task, which takes more than simply checking whether the video has audiodescription and captions or not. In our study, we face this challenge through the: 1) involvement of a cohort of novice evaluators, who previously took part in a MOOC on the accessibility of digital content and 2) the division of the accessibility assessment into the application of a set of criteria. Two groups of novice accessibility testers were asked to evaluate the accessibility of two similar videos, one video per group. While both videos were equivalent in terms of their pedagogical content, only one of them had non-severe accessibility barriers for people with low vision and for blind people. Each participant was asked to rate qualitatively a set of statements extracted from the WCAG 2.1 success criteria, one generic statement about the video accessibility, and a set of statements on the quality perception and the aspects of personal preference. The largest differences in ratings occurred for statements whose success criteria had been improved. It was also the case for one success criterion that is understandable but hardly applicable by novice evaluators, according to the literature. However, the difference was statistically significant only for the success criterion with more salient differences between both videos. As a main conclusion, a group of novice evaluators can identify accessibility problems in videos when using specific accessibility statements.Publicación Materiales digitales accesibles(['Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Editorial', 'Fundación ONCE'], 2018-12) Rodríguez Ascaso, Alejandro; Letón Molina, EmilioLa generación y el uso de documentos digitales son actividades absolutamente transversales en nuestra sociedad, en la formación, los negocios, los trámites administrativos, etc. Existen pautas que hacen posible adoptar un camino ordenado y sostenible en la creación de documentos digitales, especialmente en el campo de la formación. Existen además estrategias y recursos fáciles de utilizar que permiten que nuestros documentos lleguen a una audiencia más amplia, incluyendo a personas con y sin discapacidad, con mayor impacto en Internet, y cumpliendo con la ética y con la legalidad vigente.