Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel

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Díaz de Rada Brun
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  • Publicación
    Festa di tutti, festa per tutti
    (Roma: Meltemi, 1997) Velasco Maíllo, Honorio Manuel; Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel
  • Publicación
    Los “Misterios de la Encarnación” : algunos problemas en torno al lenguaje analítico de la práctica
    (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía, 1993-01-01) Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel; Cruces Villalobos, Francisco
  • Publicación
    ¿Confianza, cosmética o sospecha? Una etnografía multisituada de las relaciones entre instituciones y usuarios en seis sistemas expertos en España
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa (Méjico), 2003-01-01) Velasco Maíllo, Honorio Manuel; Fernández, Roberto; Jiménez de Madariaga, Celeste; Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel; Sánchez Molina, Eusebio Raúl
  • Publicación
    Representación simbólica y representación política: el mitin como puesta en escena del vínculo electoral
    (Fundación José Ortega y Gasset, 1995-08-01) Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel
  • Publicación
    Fiestas de todos, fiestas para todos
    (Grupo Antropología, 1996-03-01) Velasco Maíllo, Honorio Manuel; Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel
    Tras revisar el alcance de las predicciones de los años sesenta y setenta acerca de la desaparición de la fiesta en la sociedad moderna, este artículo se plantea las dimensiones en torno a las que pensar las peculiaridades de la fiesta en este tipo de sociedades. En él se reflexiona acerca de las secuencias temporales y los usos espaciales, tomando como referencia algunos modelos de las denominadas socie­dades «tradicionales»; y se formula el problema crucial del sujeto social de la fiesta en la modernidad.
  • Publicación
    Trust, cosmetics or suspicion? : a multi-sited ethnography of the relationships between users and institutions in six Spanish expert systems
    (Berghahn (Nueva York ; Oxford), 2002-01-01) Velasco Maíllo, Honorio Manuel; Fernández, Roberto; Jiménez de Madariaga, Celeste; Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel; Sánchez Molina, Eusebio Raúl
  • Publicación
    La cultura política, ¿es parte de la política cultural, o es parte de la política, o es parte de la cultura?
    (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Departamento de Antropología Social, 1995-01-01) Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel
  • Publicación
    Symbolic and Political Representation: The Meeting as a "mise en scène" of the Electoral Link
    (Gothenburg: Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (IASSA), 1996) Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel
    This paper is about the public expression of the political link in democracy. More particularly, it is about electoral meetings' ritual aspects which elaborate that link. We shall focus on three events conducted by the main political parties in Spain, in the municipality of Leganés. Leganés is one of the settlements which constitute the suburban belt of Madrid. Its population is approximately 200,000. We carried out a three-year study there on social change and political attitudes. As part of it, we observed both local and general elections, in 1991 and 1993. Using the analysis of these meetings, we will set the problem of election in the wider context of political representation. We will elaborate on two arguments, one of which is very general. Political representation, in the modern sense of the term as parliamentary delegation, presumes some kind of link between the electors and their representatives. Such a link is given form, visibility and credibility through the expressivity imparted by devices that are representational—though here, the sense intended is rather the symbolic and figurative one. Electoral campaigns undeniably play a major part in that expressivity. Secondly, we will point out the paradoxes which arise from the modern autonomizatíon of the political field in relation to social life. In cultural terms, autonomization means that the local forms of culture are subordinated, through the exercise of political power, to the universalist and rationalist logic imposed from institutions. But, in terms of its manifestations in public, the political link always maintains a parasitic relationship with the world of everyday life. From it, it borrows its expressive nourishment, its images of community, and its sources of legitimacy. We are dealing with a modern form of communication that has been rationalized, and the purpose of which is strategic. From the point of view just advocated, having regard to this subordination, what stands out is not necessarily just its discontinuities with other expressive forms, ritual or traditional; it also exhibits family resemblances to, hybridizations and complicities with, and reappropriations from, those expressive forms.
  • Publicación
    The mysteries of incarnation. Some problems to do with the analytic language of practice
    (Routledge, 1994) Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel; Cruces Villalobos, Francisco
    This paper is an exploration of the space between words and practice.1 We will deal with the relation between the analytic language used by the anthropologists and the social practice and experience of the people they study. An ethnography is both a process and a product. As a process, it involves everyday inter- actions, comprehensive experiences and local knowledge. As a product, its result is a written text intended to encourage a scien- tific and universalistic understanding. We will focus on the contrast between these two diverging logics, which are inherent in the anthropological task. In particular, we will explore the conceptual vacuum that appears as the researcher translates embodied practices into analytic categories.
  • Publicación
    Public celebrations in a Spanish valley
    (Routledge, 1992) Cruces Villalobos, Francisco; Díaz de Rada Brun, Ángel