Leví Orta, Genoveva del Carmen

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Leví Orta
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Genoveva del Carmen

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Publicación
    Dimensions of university tutoring: a psychometric study
    (Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020) Medina Rivilla, Antonio; Ramos Méndez, Eduardo; López Gómez, Ernesto; Leví Orta, Genoveva del Carmen
    Over recent decades university tutoring has attracted much attention. The research carried out has taken many formsemphasising the importance of developing good instruments for investigating this complex reality and its numerous perspectives. This article provides a psychometric analysis of a questionnaire that aims to assess the perceptions of students and professors regarding their perception of the importance and reality of tutoring at university in the current context. The questionnaire was analysed using applied statistical techniques, cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, using a sample of 569 university professors and 679 students from different universities in the Community of Madrid (Spain). The results showed that the questionnaire contains several useful psychometric properties. This study contributes significantly to existing models in the literature. We confirm that tutoring at university has three dimensions (personal-social, academic and professional), which various authors on the subject consider to be key components. This study proposes a finer division of tutoring dimensions and characterises more analytically the role of the university tutor, in pursuit of the integral education of university students.
  • Publicación
    Cultura matemática y formación matemática para el acceso a la universidad
    (Universitas, 2022) Ramos Méndez, Eduardo; Leví Orta, Genoveva del Carmen
    Las Matemáticas son una de las creaciones más extraordinarias de la mente humana. Forman parte esencial de la cultura que debe acreditar cualquier ciudadano que desee vivir plenamente en la sociedad actual. Así lo ha entendido la UNED a la hora de diseñar el curso de acceso directo (CAD) a la universidad para mayores de 25 años, al incluir una materia de Matemáticas no solo para acceso a estudios científicos tecnológicos sino también para las áreas de humanidades, ciencias sociales y ciencias del comportamiento. Este trabajo describe el papel de las Matemáticas en la formación preuniversitaria de estudiantes que aspiran a cursar un grado en dichas áreas. Se presenta el proceso de matematización y se hace una descripción de las ideas clave que conforman el saber matemático. Como complemento, se incluyen algunas estadísticas sobre los resultados de la formación matemática de estudiantes que han seguido a lo largo de los últimos doce años la asignatura Matemáticas Aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales que se imparte en el CAD de la UNED.
  • Publicación
    An evaluation of university students' latent and self-perceived digital competence in the use of mobile devices
    (Wiley, 2020) Sevillano García, Luisa; Leví Orta, Genoveva del Carmen; Vázquez Cano, Esteban
    This article presents an experimental study of the assessment made by university students of their level of digital competence in the use of mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets. The study was part of an investigation into ubiquitous learning with mobile devices and is based on the analysis of responses from a sample of 203 university students at eleven European and Latin American universities. Participants were asked questions about their performance on a set of digital activities that tested various components of digital competence. The analysis methodology was based on Item Response Theory (IRT). The survey data was analysed by applying a statistical model to represent the probability of obtaining an affirmative answer to each activity proposed. This enabled us to identify the difficulty and discrimination parameters of each activity. As an outcome of the study, measures on latent digital competence in individual participants were articulated. The results allowed us to describe how a number of devices and activities interacted. Understanding these types of interactions is necessary for a continued development of the evaluation of digital competence in students.