Persona: García Fernández-Abascal, Enrique
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García Fernández-Abascal
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2 resultados
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Publicación Sesgo De Evitación De Información Emocional Positiva En La Tristeza(Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés, 2013) García Fernández-Abascal, Enrique; Martín Díaz, María Dolores; Domínguez Sánchez, Francisco JavierEn este trabajo se estudian los déficits específicos y generalizados en el reconocimiento de la expresión emocional facial y vocal entre personas con baja y alta tristeza. Se pretende verificar si los sesgos que aparecen en el caso del trastorno por depresión mayor se producen de igual manera en condiciones emocionales no clínicas. Los resultados muestran que no se producen déficits generalizados en el reconocimiento emocional, pero sí se da el sesgo de evitación de información emocional positiva. En el caso del reconocimiento vocal también aparece un sesgo que determina mayor exactitud en el reconocimiento de la expresión de tristeza en el grupo de alta tristeza. Ambos sesgos parecen ser fenómenos independientes ya que no ocurren en el caso del reconocimiento facial y la correlación entre ambos no es significativa.Publicación Affective Induction and Creative Thinking(Taylor and Francis, 2013) García Fernández-Abascal, Enrique; Martín Díaz, María DoloresThree studies explored the relation between affect and production of creative divergent thinking, assessed with the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural TTCT). In the first study, general, positive, and negative affect, assessed with the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) were compared with creative production. In the second study, 2 affective states—happiness and sadness—were induced by means of 2 film sets, and creative production under these 2 conditions was compared. In the third study, using masked facial feedback, 2 affective states were induced: happiness—by requesting participants to hold a pencil in their teeth—and anger—by holding it with their lips—and creative production under both induced affects, as well as with a previous noninduced affect, was compared. In general terms, the results of all 3 studies show that positive affect, both general positive affect and the happy affect induced in the two experimental manipulations, increased the production of creative divergent thinking. Negative affect had no impact on the production of creative divergent thinking, neither general negative affect nor the experimentally induced affects of sadness and anger. In masked induction, the induced positive affect improved creative production, compared to the noninduced control situation; in contrast, the induced negative affect presented no differences in creative production, compared to its previous noninduced condition.